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关于”中的优美“的英语句子32个,句子主体:in the graceful。以下是关于中的优美的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:in the graceful

Every man has his fault;/ No one is perfect. 人非圣贤,谁能无过。



2、"in the water tiger is rarer, we hoped that the people may appreciate to the water in the tiger inconceivable beauty and the gracefulness".

True friends see your tears before they even fall. 真正的朋友总在你的眼泪滑落之前,就看到了眼里的泪水。



4、An archaian Chinese classic beauty, elegant, in leisure, holding a silk fan, maybe she is remembering something fun.


5、A small handful of celebrities attended and pranced delicately from painting to painting.


6、As many as

2,000 people had to be taken to emergency centres in the Cotswolds, one of England's most picturesque regions.


7、Her song ended, and her beautiful movements with it, so abruptly that it felt like being shaken awake from a beautiful dream.


8、In addition to his exquisite, velvety baritone, he has swept many completely off their feet with his elegant stage presence.


9、Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province show source hardware Co. , Ltd. was founded in 2005 and located in a beautiful environment, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province.


10、By 2015, the wage difference should be $4.41 vs. $26.06 – still powerfully in China's favor, but no longer a no-brain decision to hire there.



11、At this hotel, guests can work and socialize in an inspiring environment, enjoy good food and drink, and then fall asleep to the sound of lapping waves.


12、Though the kimono is originally of Chinese origin , its great Beauty is attributable to 17th- and 18th-century Japanese designers.


13、In nature, they seek the unvarnished beauty of passion; in customs, implant the graceful healthy living ideal; in dreams, restore their broken rural dream.

公司座落在中国风景优美、人杰地灵的 太湖之滨---江南名城无锡市。

14、The company is located in China's beautiful scenery, outstanding --- the Taihu Lake in Wuxi City Jiangnan cities.


15、Early fruit walnut variety of Daifeng showed excellent characters with bigger fruit, high yield, thin shell and good quality, It is highly resistant to the adverse growing conditions.


16、That sweet little song 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life' seemed to be trilling in the air.


17、This center located at overseas Chinese district Jiangmen Xinhui district conference cities, here excellent surroundings good communications.


18、Han Hong and Sun Nan that exquisite, positive just, the atmospheric singing sound had taken into us the beautiful myth, lets us be infatuated with in the wonderful music, is feeling that eternal love.


19、Efforts should be made to manifest the positive side of our national personality with attention paid to both the graciousness and the loftiness of life.


20、I am just an episode in your life but I will play the graceful cantus by my hands.

21、People do beautiful things in the water. They become braver and calmer, more fluid and playful.在水中,人们表现出色,变得更加沉静勇敢,动作优美、活泼好动。

22、China will spend $88 billion constructing intercity rail lines, the highest priority in the plan.中国将投资880亿美元建设城际铁路,在方案中处于优先级。

23、 It cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 再怎么样强调保护眼睛的重要性都不为过。

24、Granada houses are Spain's best Moorish constructions, the most magnificent of which is the Alhambra.格拉纳达拥有西班牙最优美的摩尔式建筑,其中最壮观的是阿兰布拉宫。

25、In 1984, Gong Xinglun to cultural studies and art classes are ranked No. xx年,龚兴伦以文化课和美术课都名列第一的优秀成绩同时考上了西安美术学院和中央工艺美术学院。

1 in the outstanding achievements both tested into the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts and the Central Academy of Arts.

英文句子26:,26、In the dead of winter, die-hard swimmers use this pool to keep in shape.在冬天的寂静中,顽固的游泳者跳进这个水池使体型变得优美。

27、PETR3.SA). At Thursday's closing prices, it would raise 67.8 billion reais ($39.2 billion) with the common shares sale and 43.8 billion reais ($25.4 billion) from the preferred shares.Petrobras在一份声明中称,该公司将发行


28、Excellent location, adjacent to the town include tea Weng, Four Seasons Plant Museum, the beautiful town of Interlaken tea valley landscape in which the theme park.酒店地理位置优越,毗邻囊括茶翁古镇、四季植物馆、茵特拉根小镇等优美景观于其 中的茶溪谷主题公园。

29、Yogurt, yogurt, in a cup. Yogurt, yogurt, stir it up.优格优格,在杯中。优格优格,搅拌它。

30、They can also slowly crawled, and sometimes also can fly in the sky row, some beautiful curve.它们还能缓缓地爬动,甚至有时还能飞起来,在空中划出一些优美的弧线。

31、1. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料

32、It has beautiful environment and convenient transportation, with Yangzhong City to the east and Dagang Port to the west.东邻扬中市、西靠大港外贸港口、环境优美、交通便利。

33、We should absorb critically all excellent academic achievements on aesthetics and art philosophy home and aboard to build our own and localized ones with our national characteristics.我们应该批判地继承中外已有的美学和艺术哲学的一切优秀学术成果,建立我们自己的、具有民族特点的、中国化的美学和艺术哲学。

34、And in the vision he saw a great Penguin, serene and well-favoured, sitting upon an ice floe eating fish.在幻境中他看到一只硕大的企鹅,它平静、姿态优美的坐在冰川上吃鱼。

35、Hotel gathered senior Western restaurants featuring the best of Chinese and Western cuisine, guests comfortable and elegant environment, the rest of the world to taste the delicious dishes America;酒店内云集中西高级食府,荟萃中西美食之精华,宾客于舒适优雅的环境里,尽尝世界各地之美馔佳肴;

36、Mosaic tile floors in the elevator bank, domed ceiling lobby, and hanging bronze lamps in the rooms evoke a sleek, modernist interpretation of Byzantium.电梯中的马赛克地板、圆顶天花板大厅以及客房中悬挂的铜灯造型优美,用现代手法完美诠释了拜占庭风格。

37、 Time and tide wait for on man. 岁月不饶人。

38、His signature, which he fashions into the curvy shape of a piano, is also protected by Chinese law.他那设计成如钢琴形状的曲线优美的签名也受到中国法律的保护。

39、Hideki Irabu will become the fourth Japanese player to make the grade in Major League .野间秀夫将成为全美棒球大联盟中第四位优秀的日本球手。

40、The classic dancing by one Hu You made the audience appreciate the beauty of traditional Chinese culture.沪友的古典舞表演让观众领略了中国传统文化的优美;

41、Gome as the best Chinese home appliance retail brands, with China Hewlett-Packard established a depth of the strategic cooperative partnership.国美电器作为中国最优秀的家电零售品牌,与中国惠普建立了深度的战略合作伙伴关系。

42、The idea in the cultural value demands that the products reflect respectively the equitable and moderate beauty which is elegant, graceful, exquisite, not-abrupt, not-exaggerate.文化价值观中的这些观念分别要求产品体现一种典雅、优美、精致、不突兀、不夸张的中正颐和之美;

43、Be amongst the first to experience the fine cuisine of the newly opened Regent, perfectly paired with back vintages of the Chateau Larose Trintaudon, Cru Bourgeois Supérieur.快来新近开业的丽晶酒店体验精美菜肴与中级酒庄优级翠陶玫瑰古堡之罕见年份的完美搭配!

44、Painters of modern beauty painting should absorb the quintessence of fine traditional culture reflected in UKiyoe , and create the paintings with contemporary characteristics.现代的美人画应该对其中的优良传统文化成分加以吸收,创作出具有当代特征的美人画。

45、In the "Preface to Cramwall", Hugo put forward a writing principle of contrast between the beautiful and the ugly, between the noble and the negligible.小说始终贯穿了雨果在《〈克伦威尔〉序言》中所提出的美与丑、崇高优美与滑稽丑怪相对照的创作原则。

46、But, the Danxia Mountain is the largest and the most beautiful and typical of its kind.而丹霞山是世界上这类地貌中面积最大、发育最典型、风景最优美的地区。

47、In the 105 kg plus category, Vardanyan of Armenia was looking to extend the lead Built with his strong lift in the snatch.在105公斤以上级比赛中,亚美尼亚的瓦达尼亚希望能保持他在抓举比赛中领先的优势。

48、Dalian Borllary is located in a beautiful coastal city-Dalian. It is in an advantageous position with convenient transportation.大连宝裕座落于中国美丽的海滨城市——大连,地理位置优越,交通方便。

49、At the same time, cost-effective product design and graceful appearance and innovative, popular in small and medium-sized customers.同时,高性价比的产品设计和优美创意的外型,在中小型客户中倍受青睐。

50、Mankind in multiplying survival of the fittest allows a woman to realize that she needs pretty and charm.人类的繁衍中的优胜劣败,让女人知道自己需要美丽和魅力。

经典英文句子51:中的优美,51、As he reached out to hold the statuesque body, the lovely form dissolved in ripples of water.当他伸手拥抱那雕像般优美的身躯时,影像便消失在一片涟漪中。

52、 I will live up to my end of the deal/ I'll never break my promise. 我要兑现我的承诺。

53、The living energy that resides in Chinese calligraphy radiates an overwhelming feeling of harmony, strength and beauty.中国书法,有生命的能量,能辐射出无可抵御的美,比如和谐、优雅等等。

54、Geographical advantage: Meilidian shoe production base, R&D center and marketing center are located in Lady Shoe Center of China.地域优势:美丽点鞋业生产基地、研发中心、营销中心地处中国西部女鞋之都。

55、Chinese virtue has very rich connotations and it is composed of Chinese excellent character, outstanding national spirit, sublime national integrity, lofty national emotion and national profit.中华美德有着十分丰富的内涵,是中华民族优秀品质、优良民族精神、崇高民族气节、高尚民族情感、民族利益的总和。

56、Rain and dew series with smooth design , gives out classical line of beauty and shows grace flavour.雨露系列,其圆润流畅设计中散发出经典的曲线之美,尽显优雅气息。

57、Marvin Ott of the National Defense University even called Chinese diplomacy "a thing of beauty.国防大学的Marvin Ott甚至曾把中国的外交政策称作“优美之物”。

58、Meanwhile, the research resulted on comparative teaching and non-comparative teaching show that comparative pedagogy has obvious advantages, theoretically and practically.比较教学方法在中外美术史教学中的应用无论在理论还是实践中均体现出其优势。

59、Hongsheng is located in Guangzhou city's back garden - Conghua city of China, which is easy of access and has beautiful environment.公司位于中国广州市的后花园从化,交通便捷、环境优美。

60、Great companies scored 81% on this, compared to 62% for companies ranked "good".时,81%的完美公司在这题中得分,被评为”优秀“的公司的得分率则为62%。

61、Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but I think anyone who reads Beautiful Code will find that it's a beautiful book.优美也许在旁观者的眼中,但是我认为任何人阅读了 Beautiful Code 都会发现这是一本美妙的书。

62、He formed his own stylelish in his creation, leaving lots of elegant music to the earthling.他在创作中 形成了自己的 风格,给世人留下了许多优美的乐曲。

63、Dongjiang and long clubs in the south of the river intersection, it the whole village landscape surrounds, green hugs, beautiful environment, "China's rural as a picture."东江和久社河在它的南面交汇,整个村子山水环绕,绿色相拥,环境优美,有“南中国的画里乡村”的美誉。

64、Lace is always more delicately and beautifully woven when the worker himself is in the dark and only his pattern is in the light.最优美的花边,都是工人坐在黑暗中织成的」。


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