关于”坚持的名句“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Stick to the famous sentence。以下是关于坚持的名句的小学英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Stick to the famous sentence
1、Mineral: Danburite Danburite holds the tone of perseverance in the language of light.
2、Insist on producing the product of miscarrying in the world, achieving the world-class famous brand, development goal in line with international standards.
3、When swearing, the 67 student volunteers reported less pain and on average endured about 40 seconds longer.
4、He affirmed that Algeria will unswervingly advocate for the One China policy and support China's reunification in an early date.
5、He insisted that Ihad read his letter.
6、2 stand firm, adhere to the principle of.
7、The most famous statue in Japan is arguably one of a dog, Hachiko, who exemplified loyalty, perseverance and duty.
8、Hey, if you insist on celibacy …
9、Practicing is tiresome, but if you stick with it, someday you will become a good pianist.
10、The more inessential the information in the name, the less likely it is to persist across changes.
11、But screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz insisted that he took the name from a bicycle he owned as a child.
12、The organizers insist on the all caps, which is totally obnoxious and unwarranted.
13、Hang in there. Things will get better. 坚持住,情况会好起来。
14、Practicing is tiresome, but stick with it and some day you will become a good pianist. (
15、Third, stick to the path of opening-up.
16、According to the post, one guest at the wedding banquet insisted that the father-in-law should kiss the bride.
17、"The thing they all have in common is that they all had a great year, stuck to their own personal style and stayed true to that," said Cruz.
18、First, adhering to the Party’s basic line.
19、Despite the discrepancies between his post and what the year's nominees turned out to be, Knowles maintained he got the list from an Academy-run site.
20、Doctor Wang insisting him to stop smoking.
21、He perseveres with his studies and odd jobs.他坚持的,他的研究和零工。
22、Use your own domain name; don't make up a new one every six months for promotional purposes.坚持使用您自己的域名;不要每隔六个月就为了促销而使用一个新域名。
23、Although our class for Zheng Lin was sixth, Zheng Lin persist spirit worth learning.我们班虽然因为郑琳得了第六名,但是郑琳坚持到底的精神值得大家学习。
24、Courage means we take our stand for the truth.我们坚持真理的立场。
25、Gu's Embroidery workshop has almost one hundred embroiderers , some of them follow the tradition by stitching at their homes .顾氏刺绣工作室共有绣娘近百名,部分绣娘坚持传统的在家中刺绣,其中多名获得工艺美术师称号。
英文句子26:,26、He insists on driving her home.他坚持要开车送她回家。
27、As a vegetarian, I stick with lots of veggies, fruits, lean protein, nuts, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and good fats. For the most part.作为一名素食者,我坚持吃很多的蔬果,精益蛋白质,坚果,纯谷物食品,低脂奶制品和优质脂肪。
28、Topside V-compression firmly holds rope.上部的V -压缩坚决持有绳。
29、Hanoi gratuitously reaffirmed that it would abide by the text of the agreement--in other words, that it would seek no changes of its own.河内主动重申它将坚持协定的文本--换句话说,它本身将不要求作任何修改。
30、The valuable football player held out for more money before signing a new contract with his team.那名美式足球的主将在和他的球队续约之前,坚持索求更高的报酬。
31、Abbott, Meridia's manufacturer, maintains that the drug is safe, based on clinical trials of more than 西布的制造商雅培基于12000多名患者的临场试验坚持认为该药很安全。
12, 000 patients.
32、Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.– Anonymous“有时候你需要看看这些事情是否值得坚持做下去” - 匿名…
33、China follows a defensive defense policy.中国坚持防卫性的军事政策。
34、I think I have to find out about the next exam's registration period. Nope, not giving up. Hang in there.我想我必须去查问下一个考期的报名时间。不会,不会放弃。坚持到底。
35、Hope everyone has a good time. 只要你坚持没有学不会的东西。
36、On my way home, as I have many times since, I thought of my mother's words: "if you carry on, one day something good will happen.在回家的路上——以后也有很多次的,我思考着母亲的那句话:“如果你坚持下去,总要一天会有好事发生。
37、It was during these years that he began to enjoy drawing in his spare time using his pen-name, Tango, which is now more recognized than that of Gao.就是在那些年间,他开始用笔名“Tango“”坚持在业余时间作画。 现在,Tango这个名字,可比他的本名辨识度高多了。
38、An artistic person who adheres to classicism .坚持古典主义的艺术家。
39、As a vegetarian, I stick with lots of veggies, fruits, lean protein, nuts, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and good fats.作为一名素食者,我坚持吃很多的蔬果,精益蛋白质,坚果,纯谷物食品,低脂奶制品和优质脂肪。
40、I insist that you give me my money back.我坚持要求退钱。
41、Mostly, they use pseudonyms online, and those interviewed for this report insisted on made-up names.一般来说她们都是使用网络名称,而即使接受访问的人群也坚持使用假名。
42、Persevere and you'll succeed.只要你坚持不懈, 你自会成功。
43、The key scrapping thin leg is that we must insist on and lasting.刮痧瘦腿的重点就在于要坚持和持久。
44、I persisted in running every morning.我每天早晨都坚持跑步。
45、Our company insists on the policy of taking quality as center and the tenet of winning clients' trust on excellent quality.公司坚持以质量为中心的办厂方针,坚持创质量优良,赢用户信赖的经营宗旨;
46、This young woman is Huang Shanshan. She's been teaching in a rural elementary school in the mountainous region in Hubei Province.黄珊珊,一名平凡的年轻教师,一直坚持在湖北省一所大山里的乡村小学工作。
47、The striker has put on-hold talks over a new contract until the end of the season, but insists there's nothing untoward in his decision.这名前锋坚持在赛季结束后再和球队进行新合同的续约谈判,但是他坚持在他的决定里并没有什么不顺利的东西。
48、I insist that you give me my money back.我坚持要求退钱.
49、Company "to the development of hi-tech enterprises to BrandName market expansion" of the enterprise approach.公司坚持“以高新科技发展企业,以名优产品拓展市场”的企业方针。
50、She still holds to her own views.她还是坚持她自己的观点。
经典英文句子51:坚持的名句,51、Is able to persist in the words of wrinkles.坚持用的话是能去皱的。
52、But will he stick to that position?但他是否会坚持那样的立场?
53、He wasn't buying Jackson's red-cape excuse, insisting he never even saw the Superman impostors.他不买杰克逊的红角借口,他甚至坚持说从来没有看到冒名顶替的超人。
54、I persistently carried out my plan.我坚持完成了这个计划。
55、"Just do it," insisted the first.“只管唱吧。” 第一个坚持道。
56、I insist that he is innocent.我坚持认为他是无罪的。
57、An Indian taxi driver, Harpreet Dev, has won fame for driving backwards across his hometown of Bhatinda, in the state of Punjab.印度旁遮普邦珀丁达的一名出租车司机因坚持倒着开车声名远扬。
58、It appears that the term Objectivist may have been used because Harriet Monroe insisted on a group name.看来,长期客观可能已被使用,因为哈丽雅梦露坚持组名称。
59、The patient reported herein had severe pulmonary arterial hypertension but insisted on using an arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis.此名病患在诊断之初有严重肺动脉高压,但她坚持持续使用动静脉廔管。
60、You should be very wary of any firm that will guarantee a number one, a top-five ranking, or any specific ranking results.你应该很坚决,这将保证任何一个数字,一个五大排名,或任何特定的排名结果持谨慎态度。
61、China appreciates Sudan's staunch support on issues concerning China's core interests and adherence to the one China policy.中方赞赏苏方在涉及中方核心利益问题上给予的坚定支持,坚持一个中国政策。
62、Stick with what you've started.坚持你已开始的,要有始有终。
63、Less gifted people continually outperform these so-called geniuses because they come through when they're supposed to.天赋不甚高的人常常胜过那些所谓的天才,就是因为他们该坚持到底时就坚持到底。
64、He/she insists that you're not "growing."你的配偶坚持你长不大。
65、But if they insisted, I would.但是如果他们坚持的话,我会。
66、"They have had the same policy for “中国已经坚持这项政策xx年了,不过坚持挂钩政策的动机已经变了,”斯泰尔说。
15 years, but the motivations have changed, " Steil said.
67、Patience and caution are your advantages.你的优点是坚持不懈和谨慎。
68、"You need to be patient, " he said.“你必需坚持耐烦,”他说。
69、We adhere to the "quality win" principle.我们坚持“以质取胜”的原则。
70、For years, Page insisted on being involved in every hire at Google.多年以来,在谷歌公司,佩奇坚持让每一名员工参与其中。
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