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关于”介绍动物“的英语句子30个,句子主体:Introducing animals。以下是关于介绍动物的初一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Introducing animals


1、Introduces metal halogenide HID lamp integrated circuit driver UCC2305 and it's application in automobile.


2、The advantages and disadvantages of several main ceria-based oxide powder were reviewed. The new application and research progress of ceria-based oxide were introduced.


3、Objective To introduce a method for the rapid establishment of rabbit model of secondary hypersplenism.


4、The Lithosphere , which introduces the matter of lithosphere, the crust tectonics movement, all landforms and their formation.


5、Quite a lot of magazine have mentioned small size three-phase asynchronous electrical motor's power-cut protection problem.

简要介绍了 ICRP 第78号出版物的主要内容。

6、Main content of ICRP publication78 is introduced.


7、OBJECTIVE To introduce the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of gerontic and rational administration of drug.


8、Antiquities experts, Tao prototype "five baht" for the rivers.


9、Second, introduces the reason for the explosion of economizer, which mainly is erosion, abrasion and vibration.


10、Objective To introduce a revised orthotopic piggyback liver transplantation (PBOLT) in a canine model.


11、Show your "shopping list" to your classmate.


12、The synthetic process of animal drug carprofen are summarized.


13、Objective: To introduce the types and main actions of therapeutic intravenous emulsions with emphasis hang put on mechanism of action and developmental trends.


14、The website provides ICID's introduction, organization, news, events, publications and other useful information.


15、Open Christmas presents inconspicuously with tips from craft's enthusiast in this free video on unwrapping presents.


16、Objective:To introduce the types and main roles of oral hypoglycemic drugs, emphasizing on the action mechanism and developmental trends of insulin sensitizing agent.


17、AIM: To introduce and evaluate a canine model of secondary hypersplenism induced by splenic vein ligation.

第四段中提供的信息是:还有像螃蟹一样的动物,其身体覆盖着一层角质层物质。 接下来此段详细介绍了这类动物的外貌特征。

18、There were also crablike creatures, whose bodies were covered with a horny substance.

标题 介绍一种新作物——木豆。

19、An introduction on a new crop — Cajanus cajan.


20、The ambition with the new proposal is to safeguard society's respect for animals and that the animal welfare law should counteract animal welfare problems, Eriksson said in her presentation.

21、The service of public job agencies shall be improved and community-run job agencies encouraged to develop along healthy lines.改善公共职业介绍机构的服务, 推动民营职业介绍机构的健康发展。

22、In the movable property part, the author explains the approach of Announcement in movable property rights-possession and delivery;动产部分介绍了动产物权公示的方法——占有与交付;

23、The vocalization and communication organs in the main groups of animals which can vocalize are produced.介绍了能够发声的主要动物类群的有关发声通讯系统研究的新进展。

24、Study of Test and Control System of the Starting Performance of Metal Halide Lamp;本文主要介绍金属卤化物灯目前的最新研究成果及未来的发展动态。

25、It was introduced the development situation, application prospects and tendency of bionics, sports biomechanics, sports medicine, closely related with mechanism in the thesis.本文介绍与机构学密切相关的仿生学、运动生物力学、动物医学的发展现状、应用前景,及其发展趋势。

英文句子26:,26、This article introduces the manual hyperinflation technique.本文介绍手动式高度充气扩肺术。

27、The biological characteristic and the function in atherosclerosis of CD36 were focused on.本文介绍CD36的生物学特性及其在动脉粥样硬化中的作用。

28、The first phase, covering the Central District, was launched in October as a major Year of Heritage event. The other phases will cover Sheung Wan, Western District and the Peak.介绍中区的第一期文物径已于xx月开放, 是文物年主要活动之一,其余两期介绍上环和西区及山顶的文物径会在稍后时间开放。

29、Today, I introduce a very magical animal. His name is alpaca.今天,我来介绍一种非常神奇的动物。他的名字叫羊驼。

30、The agglomerative methods of Cluster Analysis and their application in classifying animals are described.文中介绍了聚类分析中的聚合法及其在动物分类中的应用。

31、The objective of this experiment was to introduce the research advances on the feeding value of Caragana microphylla to herbivores.介绍柠条对草食动物饲用价值研究的进展。

32、The aim of this article was to reviewed the Copper requirement and influencing factors of ruminants.本文着重介绍了反刍动物铜需要量及其影响因素的研究进展。

33、The essay discusses the application of femtosecond laser in biomedicine and its development.文章介绍并探讨了飞秒激光在生物医学方面的应用及发展动态。

34、The research and development of photodynamic drugs at home and abroad were reviewed and some marketed and clinically studied photodynamic drugs were introduced.通过介绍目前已获准上市和进入临床研究的各种光动力药物,综述国内外对光动力药物的研究与开发。

35、Introduce the main characters, hero and villain, and their goals.然后介绍主要人物,包括正面角色、反面角色以及他们的行动目标;

36、Also animation production of multi-movement equipment is briefly described.同时简要介绍了复杂运动的动画制作。

37、Introduce the basic physics-chemistry characteristic of Vanilla.文章介绍香草醛的基本物理化学特性。

38、The structure and biological properties of starch, starch-based focus on bio-degradable plastic applications and research developments were briefly described.简单介绍了生物淀粉的结构和性能,重点介绍了生物淀粉基降解塑料的应用和研究进展。

39、Digitized preliminary study steps of animal specimens museum were studied and digitized constructive work of animal specimens museum had been prospected.介绍了动物标本馆数字化初步研究的步骤,并对动物标本馆数字化建设的工作进行了展望。

40、This is a list of ten little known facts about animals.以下介绍的十种动物的特异功能只是我们所了解的一小部分。

41、Each page presents an object, person or animal as seen through the X-ray lens, penetrating to the very core of physical matter.每一页介绍一个对象,人或动物,通过X光透镜,渗透到物理问题的核心。

42、One vibration internal mixer is introduced.介绍了振动共混转矩流变仪。

43、They simulate the feel of a rope moving, Clancy said.克兰西介绍说,无绳跳绳手柄中可以移动的重物会让使用者觉得是有绳索在移动。

44、Objective To introduce the development and application of a new kind of animal operating table.目的介绍一种实验动物固定用多功能动物解剖台的研制及在教学和科研中应用。

45、The animal feeding study of soy-based infant formula is mainly introduced.介绍了豆蛋白婴儿配方粉的动物喂养实验情况。

46、The active drive principle of dot pattern LCD was discussed.介绍了点阵型液晶模块的动态驱动原理。

47、Return to the theme or themes in the introduction.回到命题或者介绍部分提到的事物。

48、The production of the super fine cotton twills is introduced.介绍纯棉特细支斜纹织物的生产。

49、Vertebrate Palaeozoology main introduce structure, classification and evolvement of every Classes, and parenthesis introduce some new achievements in biotic origin, evolvement and extinction;脊椎古动物学重点介绍各纲的结构、分类和演化,附带介绍当前有关生物起源、演 化和绝灭的研究新进展;

50、The natural products are not always pure enantiomers.介绍了天然物不一定是纯的对映体;

经典英文句子51:介绍动物,51、New products as silk fabric, crepe georgette, cross tuck, lace fabric, terry, laid-in stitch and the like entioned. The designing and knitting methods touched about.本文介绍在台车上可生产的真丝产品、乔其纱织物、网眼织物、纱罗织物、毛圈织物、绒类织物等,并介绍了这些产品的生产与设计方法。

52、Introducing a new style of waterproof, breathable activewear.介绍了防水,透气运动服的新风格。

53、Objective: To introduce the types and main actions of therapeutic intravenous emulsions with emphasis being put on mechanism of action and developmental trends.目的:介绍药用静脉注射乳剂的种类和主要作用,重点介绍药物的种类、作用特点及开发动态。

54、This article firstly introduces the things of mobile software switch market all over the world, then introduces the advantage of mobile software switch.本文首先介绍了全球和中国的移动软交换市场情况,然后介绍了引入移动软交换的优势。

55、And it also introduces the popularization bamboo animal weaving.并介绍了竹编动物的普及。

56、So, sit back with your stimulant of choice and enjoy New Scientist's round-up of animals on drugs.所以,拿着你的酒坐好,一起来看看《新科学家》对动物药物成瘾的集中介绍吧。

57、The method on biomarker study of fossil plant cuticles is briefly introduced.简要介绍了植物化石角质层生物标志化合物研究方法。


标签: 介绍 动物

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