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关于”叶芝的诗“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Yeats's Poems。以下是关于叶芝的诗的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Yeats's Poems


1、Well, that's enough for today, and we will continue Yeats on Wednesday.


2、One consequence of this view is that for Yeats history starts to look like a poem, or it starts to conform to laws of poetic imagination or of tragedy, if you like, of myth.


3、So this is a kind of model for the late Yeats in poetry the voice of the angry and wild slum woman.


4、"Man's heart" in Yeats is "resinous"; it's a sticky filth that flames.

先来道非常有卖相的健康沙拉– 芝麻菜叶沙拉。

5、First is a healthy dish with lots of green.


6、He had a role in pushing Yeats in the direction in which he went.


7、But Yeats doesn't answer the question, does he? Well, why not?


8、There's a kind of, well, masculinism in Yeats, and it's part of what I meant last time when I spoke of Yeats's anti-modernism or his reactionary modernism.


9、Crazy Jane is one of Yeats's masks or roles.

大哥成, 陈观泰, 叶灵芝, 佟林, 韦弘…

10、Big Brother Cheng the movie Hong Kong Movies Chen Kuan Tai …


11、Notes:Dip in mayonnaise, butter or cream cheese, the artichoke leaves, stem and heart taste even more delicious.


12、Yeats develops this idea or develops another version of it in a somewhat earlier poem that's interesting in relation to this one.


13、At that point Yeats was--1894, Yeats is 29, and the two women were slightly younger.


14、This is a point of view specifically associated in Yeats's late poetry particularly, but not only, old women, as he says on page 886, back in that General Introduction for My Work.


15、In fact, Yeats is still writing about a solitary fisherman.


16、Sprinkle on some fresh basil leaves, parmesan cheese and olive oil before serving.


17、Yeats helped found Dublin's Abbey Theatre, which performed many of his verse plays, including At the Hawk' s Well (1921).


18、The answer that Yeats is giving here is different from saying either "yes" or "no" to that question.


19、Contrast Yeats's old age and the freshness of his desire in this poem.


20、If Yeats's book was so explicitly Irish, look at this book.

21、Pearse is seen as, in Yeats's poetry and in popular lore, as Cuchulain, as a kind of avatar of the mythic Irish hero.在叶芝的诗里皮尔斯被看作是,民间传说中,的英雄王库丘林,是爱尔兰神话里下凡的天神。

22、Yeats seems to be insisting through Jane on the necessity of shattering experience to achieve unity of being, which Yeats imagines, again, as the union of opposites.叶芝似乎通过珍妮坚持,认为经过破碎达到存在的统


23、And you can hear them together, Yeats moving from one to another with, oh, incredible speed and agility in that final strophe of the poem, on the next page.而你可以听出所有,在诗的第三节中,叶芝转换得很快,很敏捷,翻到下一页。

24、In fact, as Yeats declares, the fisherman does not exist.实际上如叶芝所说,渔夫并不存在。

25、You can look at it with those poems in mind where Yeats imagines a new world coming into being, ushered in through the blood of the old.你们可以回忆一下那两首诗,其中叶芝想象了一个新的世界,那从旧世界鲜血里开辟。

英文句子26:,26、Pound goes to work on Yeats, goes to work on his poetry and helps modernize him, although I think in lots of ways the influence went just as much the other way.庞德转而研究叶芝和他的诗,并帮助他往现代主义转变,尽管我认为在很多方面,是叶芝影响了庞德。

27、Because of so many rivalries, hi his idea on drama, Yeats presented "decolonized poetics".这样一系列的对峙,使叶芝的戏剧理念呈现为“去殖民化的诗学”。

28、Yeats sees the Second Coming as an image, as a myth, an idea, a metaphor, a certain stylistic arrangement of experience.叶芝把第二次降临看成一个意向,一个神话,一个意识,一个比喻,一种诗意的安排和感受。

29、Does it represent Yeats's own early cultural nationalism and the work represented in The Wind Among the Reeds and other early poems?它是否代表了叶芝早期,文化民族主义和苇间风里,收录的及其他一些早期诗歌?

30、But this poet is, in fact, important to the one that Yeats became.但实际上这一形象,对叶芝后期影响很大。

31、Yeats's late poems speak from the point of view of Jane, more often than not, and yet powerfully, - we do see him vacillating from different-- between different points of view.叶芝的晚期诗歌从珍妮的角度讲话,经常是这样,但很有力,我们也确实发现他-,在不同的观点间举棋不定。

32、It suggests both the difference between the earlier Yeats and the middle Yeats, but also importantly the kinds of continuity between them the ways in which Yeats remained very much the same poet.这首诗表明了叶芝,早期和中期作品的差别,但很重要的是这两个时期,存在着一种延续性,叶芝作为诗人基本还是那样。

33、Oh, and here's the--This is Yeats's letter.这就是叶芝写的信。

34、Feta cheese, tomato, cucumber, onion, black olives tossed with wild oregano, sesame seed and olive oil.发达芝士,西红柿,黄瓜,洋葱,黑橄榄,撒以牛至叶、芝麻籽和橄榄油。

35、You could look at a similar attitude in "A Prayer for My Daughter," another important big Yeats poem from slightly earlier, where Yeats says, "An intellectual hatred is the worst, so "that opinions are accursed."在为我的女儿祈祷中,叶芝表达了相似的态度,这首诗稍早,也很重要,叶芝在诗里说,理智的仇恨为害最甚,把观念视为可憎“

36、Leda and the Swan" seems to say a knowledge of the body, of the necessity of embodiment. In the late Yeats, in the poems that I'll be discussing today, there's no knowledge apart from the body.这诗里似乎说的是身体的知识,表现的必要性,我们要谈论的,叶芝的晚期诗讲的就是身体。

37、Pound Ezra Pound is Yeats's younger friend.艾兹拉·庞德是叶芝的年轻朋友。

38、He had also a big role in publicizing Yeats's development.在推广叶芝的动向上,扮演重要角色。

39、Yours, W.B. Yeats."你的朋友,W,B,叶芝“

40、And this is our glory, Yeats says.这是我们的光荣,叶芝说到。

41、The face there, if you have seen him before, you will recognize as Yeats's.实际上,如果你见过他,你会认出这是叶芝。

42、Most visitors began a Yeats pilgrimage in Sligo town, at the Yeats Memorial Building, where a 大多数游客在斯莱戈镇开始叶芝的朝圣。 在叶芝纪念大楼播放一段

15 minute video gives a brief outline of his life.

15 分钟的有关他的一生简要概述的录像。

43、Here, in the first part of the poem, Yeats talks about death and remorse as the end of all debate, the last word.在这首诗的第一部分,叶芝,谈及悔恨和死亡是所有争论的结果。

44、Yeats explores that experience, which is an experience of suffering here and of violation, through a series of rhetorical questions, which are a crucial poetic device for Yeats.叶芝探索了这种感受,这里这是一种痛苦,一种暴力,表现为一系列隐喻的问题,这是他写诗的一种手法。

45、Had Yeats stopped writing at age 40, he would who probably now his valued as a manor poet, for there is no other example in literary history of a poet Auden wrote, among others, the falling liners;不写了叶芝在xx岁,他将有可能现在他的尊贵的如一个庄园诗人,因为没有其他的例子在文学史上一位诗人奥登写道,其中,下降的衬垫。

46、There's Yeats, too. All of them are in a sense internationals.还有叶芝,他们在一定意义上来说都是国际的。

47、Yeats seems to be reversing this trick in "The Fisherman," seems to be converting myth back into reality the ideal object of desire from a glimmering girl back into a trout.叶芝好像在渔夫一诗里,颠倒了这一转变“,好象是把神话转回现实,欲望的理想载体从,若隐若现的姑娘变成了鳟鱼。

48、Yeats is still writing dream.叶芝还在写梦。

49、Jessica Yellin is in Chicago.杰西卡•叶琳现在在芝加哥。

50、The book, the title of which comes from Yeats's poem "The Second Coming", has gone on to sell more than 10m copies and has been translated into more than 50 languages.书名《崩溃》摘自叶芝的诗歌《再生》,出版后这本书售出了超过一千万册,并被翻译成了50多种语言。

经典英文句子51:叶芝的诗,51、This was the kind of generalized story of Yeats's career.这是叶芝创作生涯的,大致的介绍。

52、From art to symbol, it refers to using language medium to make artistic model and expresses emotion with model.本文以艺术符号学的理论解析了爱尔兰著名诗人叶芝的代表作《驶向拜占庭》中文学意象潜隐的意蕴。

53、That this great mind and great memory Let's see. On your handout I have Yeats on the subject of magic.这一伟大的思想和记忆,在你们的讲义材料上,我提到了叶芝诗歌中的魔法。

54、The falling of the leaves Yeats Autumn is over the long leaves that love us, And over the mice in the barley sheaves;《飘叶》 叶芝 秋天摩挲着恋世的叶子飘然而至轻抚麦捆中蜷缩起身子的田鼠;

55、I realize that I'm out of time, and so I'll begin the next lecture by talking about a poem of Yeats called "Lapis Lazuli" written in 1935, in which he talks about the way in which people who build up things that have been destroyed are always "gay."好像时间差不多了,那么下节课一开始,我们就来,一起讨论叶芝的一首诗,名为《青金石》写于xx年,在这首诗中,叶芝写了那些重建家园,的人们,他们一直很快乐“

56、Yeats said that the voices that he communicated with on the other side gave him "metaphors for poetry."叶芝说,来自异界的和他讲话的声音,给了他诗的隐喻“

57、Yeats's late poems speak from the point of view of Jane, more often than not, and yet powerfully, - we do see him vacillating from different-- between different points of view.叶芝的晚期诗歌从珍妮的角度讲话,经常是这样,但很有力,我们也确实发现他-,在不同的观点间举棋不定。

58、We have different focus at different time for his works, and he has presented different sides: a nationalism fighter, modernism standard-bearer and a comprehensive writer.在不同的时期,对于叶芝的译介有着不同的重点,叶芝也先后呈现着不同的面貌——民族主义的斗士、现代主义的旗手、全面性作家。

59、But there's a difference in Yeats.但叶芝有所不同。

60、Yeats had strong faith in coming of new artistic movements.有强烈的信念来叶芝的新艺术运动`。

61、In a way, Yeats is always in costume.从某种程度上说,叶芝常作此装扮。

62、This occult Yeats is a genuinely and wonderfully strange thinker.在神秘主义方面,叶芝,真是个奇异的思想者。

63、Well, and this is true for the Yeats poems that we've been talking about as well.叶芝的诗确实是这样,我们也谈论过。

64、This is Yeats as King Goll.这是叶芝之郭尔王。

65、He is not only a great Irish poet since W. B. Yeats, but also an outstanding critic and translator.他不仅是叶芝以来最伟大的爱尔兰诗人,同时还是一流的文学评论家和翻译家。

66、For Wednesday--This is my--our first Yeats lecture.星期三是我们第一次关于叶芝的课程。

67、And you can hear them together, Yeats moving from one to another with, oh, incredible speed and agility in that final strophe of the poem, on the next page.而你可以听出所有,在诗的第三节中, 叶芝转换得很快,很敏捷,翻到下一页。

68、Mozzarella cheese, tomato, basil, rucola, chilli, olive oil.马苏里拉芝士,番茄,罗勒叶,芝麻菜,小辣椒,橄榄油。

69、Mozarella cheese, tomato, parma in out basil, olive oil.马苏里拉芝士,蕃茄,现切帕尔马生火腿,罗勒叶,橄榄油。

70、"Man's heart" in Yeats is "resinous"; it's a sticky filth that flames.人心于叶芝看来是树脂做的;,是粘乎乎会燃烧的脏东西。

71、This is a point of view specifically associated in Yeats's late poetry particularly, but not only, old women, as he says on page 886, back in that General Introduction for My Work.这一观点具体和叶芝晚期,的诗歌相联系,尤其但不仅仅是老女人,886页他说,在我的作品简介一书里。

72、For Yeats, Byzantium was only an instrument instead of the final destination.对叶芝来说,拜占庭只是它山之石,叶芝的最终目的不在石而在玉。

73、Yeats looks at them with pity, with admiration, with scorn.叶芝同情地看待他们,半带崇拜,半带蔑视。

74、That "Spiritus Mundi" that Yeats refers to in "The Second Coming," well, this is Yeats talking about that idea here.叶芝二次圣临里的宇宙之魂“,叶芝这里在谈这一观点。


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