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关于”亲情的诗歌“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Poetry of affection。以下是关于亲情的诗歌的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry of affection


1、Perhaps it`s his innocent passion and sincere love that make his songs come alive and win hundreds of hearts.


2、My favorite kinds of songs are ballads.


3、Only the males sing, and they learn a particular song by listening to their fathers.


4、As reflected in poetry cry, repent, and look up and praise all point to "you", and "you" condescension of the Incarnation in order to visit this shore position.


5、All of my mother's relatives were connected to the Odessa Opera in different ways.


6、The song is a dying protagonist's farewell to relatives and friends.

仪式化的小说像戏,像诗,也像歌, 举重若轻地勾画出无休止的生死锁链中生命的本然情态。此种情态往往潜隐着神性。

7、This ritualized novel is much like a melodrama, poem or song, managing with ease to sketch out the nature of life in the constant metempsychosis in which the divinity usually hides.


8、But, Changyao is a contemporary poet, the emotion of the contents and expression that his verse presents to show, reappeared the middle of

20 centuries really hereafter of Chinese social diagram view.


9、Sing to each other.


10、This article talks about the type, artistic characteristics and social function of Lizu love songs.


11、In Colossians

1:27, Paul talks about "the hope of glory, " meaning the final unveiling of our salvation, when "righteousness and peace kiss each other" (Psalm 85:





12、You can think of many of the poems, for example, of Langston Hughes in this regard ; and of a great deal else that goes on in the Harlem Renaissance; so that's the third phase, kinship.


13、The historical situation is further complicated by reference to the frontier, either in Kappadokia or on the Euphrates; this probably reflects two distinct layers in the poem.


14、Today's roundness Making heart bailment reunionSlowlyFlowing over warm river full wishesSamsara by samsara Makes several generation poesyHave you ever read it ?

我要为我所亲爱的唱歌,是我所爱者的歌,论他葡萄园的事。 我所亲爱的有葡萄园,在肥美的山冈上。

15、I will sing for the one I love a song about his vineyard: My loved one had a vineyard on a fertile hillside.


16、Her love, Journey to the West in the song, listen to my favorite song!

这位歌手与他父亲的关系非常不好。 他曾声称当他的父亲逼他做歌手和舞者时,曾经打过他。

17、The singer had a poor relationship with his father, whom he claimed had beaten him as a child as he pushed him as a singer and dancer.


18、A considerable number of love songs in The Book of Songs were either composed on bank of water or closely related to water .


19、The combination of emotion and scenery and that of form and spirit together bring about a poetic vision of the essence of Chinese clothing art.


20、She was a product of the fancy, the feeling, the innate affection of the untutored but poetic mind of her mother combined with the gravity and poise which were characteristic of her father.

21、When it comes to dealing with infertility or miscarriage in particular, the creation of a poem may also offer the author a different kind of birthing experience.当特定的情况是不孕或者流产时,诗歌创作同样给予作者另一种生育体验。

22、Nostalgia, reclusive loneliness and pastoral peace became his perpetual themes of poetry, reflecting his loyalty to the former dynasty and his determination never to serve the new rulers.对故国的怀恋、隐居乡野的落寞和田园生活的宁静成为他诗歌吟咏的主题,也是他恪守民族大义、不仕新朝的遗民情怀的诗化表现。

23、As a Hakka, Huang Zunxian s Hakka complex exerted a strong influence on his poetic theory and practice.黄遵宪作为客家人,其浓郁的客家情结对其诗歌理论和创作实践有着巨大影响。

24、The similes enable us to see something about the story that the rest of the poem doesn't enable us to see.这些明喻使得我们能够深入了解一些,诗歌的剩余部分所不能让我们预见的事情。

25、'People know what is a ferry . . . But the experience (of a cruise) doesn't exist,' says Massimo Brancaleoni, vice president of Costa's Pacific Asia operations.歌诗达亚太区副总裁马司模(Massimo Brancaleoni)表示,虽然大家都知道乘船摆渡是什么,但没有人对邮轮有过亲身体验。

英文句子26:,26、Living with the contradiction of being officials and being hermits, poets in Xinjin Dynasty expressed their spiritually attachment to official career and also longing for hermits′ life in their poems.西晋诗人们的思想感情则处于仕与隐的矛盾冲突中,在他们的诗歌中,一方面表达了对官宦生活的眷恋,一方面又流露出对隐逸生活的向往。

27、S. Eliot's Acceptance and Development of Symbolism in The Love Song of J.“情歌”不关情——从艾略特的《情歌》看其对象征主义文学的接受与发展 On T。

28、Louisa: Father doesn’t like us to sing.露意莎:父亲不喜欢我们唱歌。

29、Margo: Yes, dear. You forgot all about it.玛歌:是的,亲爱的, 你把它全忘了。

30、Sight skimming over ridges of roof, I could view the flowing Laoha River… Many nights in strange land, I had exactly regarded Laoha River as mother when I composed poems.目光掠过屋脊,我可以看到流淌的老哈河……


31、When we are old, a cup of tea, listening to a years old, we will cherish the love, cherish the affection and friendship, cherish every dawn and dusk.等我们老的时候,品一杯香茗,聆听一曲岁月的老歌,我们会更加珍惜爱,珍惜亲情与友情,珍惜每一个黎明与黄昏。

32、Famous for sentimental love songs, Jeff delivers with feeling. The media has dubbed him the "Prince of Love Ballads".张信哲最有名的就是唱情歌了,媒体都把他称为“情歌王子”。

33、The stars put out the hometown the unique skill to express uncommonly with the dance form to the hometown, to family member's deep affection.明星们不凡拿出家乡的绝活用歌舞的形式表达着对家乡、对亲人的深厚感情。

34、This I think is so interesting because Bernard is preaching on the Song of Songs, to us moderns it just looks like a love poem.我认为这个特有意思,因为伯纳德在传播《雅歌》,对我们现代人来说看起来就像是情诗。

35、The world puts off its mask of vastness tp its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.尘世对着它的情侣,揭下了它那浩瀚的面具它变的如此渺小宛如一首诗,宛如一个永世的亲吻。

36、Although is was revised by Kongzi, the Book of Songs still reflected the current social reality, people's life style and ideological emotions, and the earliest poetry style in our country.尽管诗经经过孔子修订,但它仍充分反映了当时的社会现实、人们的生活样式和思想感情,也充分反映了我国最早的诗歌式样。

37、The article's first important task is to trace to the source , to banter the train of development of the ridicule play behavior or temperament and interest in the poems.文章第一要务是溯源,爬梳嘲戏行为或谐谑情趣在诗歌中的发展脉络。

38、The public servivce service mixed the motion emotional eulogies from friends and family members with spirituals and pop songs, some of them are written by the singer.葬礼充满了朋友和家庭成员或用圣经或用流行歌曲表达的充满感情的赞美之词,其中一些是歌手亲自创作的。

39、He contributes to his times creative lyric poems and prose , but his criticism on other writers is obviously of duality .他为时代奉献了有独创性的抒情散文与诗歌,但其文学评论却明显具有双重性。

40、Many experts also think Scott Joplin's opera "Treemonisha" included incidents of his life with his mother after Giles Joplin left.许多专家也认为,司格特·乔普林的歌剧“ Treemonisha ”中反映了父亲盖尔·乔普林离开后自己与母亲生活的情形。

41、The emotion fundamental key of Middle Tang's poetry is low-spirited, the artistic conception is held back narrowly inside, and pay attention to the artificial beautiful pursuit.中唐诗歌的情感基调低沈,意境狭窄内敛,注重对人工之美的追求。

42、Song "Baby I'm sorry" is an easy to sing a song, songs, lively melodies, passionate lyrics expressing a sense of ownership of the treasure their friendship.歌曲《宝贝对不起》是一首朗朗上口的歌曲,歌曲旋律明快、深情,歌词表达了主人翁对宝贝的深情厚谊。

43、Ukes are everywhere because they're fun, a chance to gather with other ukulele-minded people and play some songs! Both experienced players and beginners are welcome.不管你是有经验的还是初学者,都欢迎来在亲切和热情的气氛中学一些尤克里里的歌。

44、The Luo Yin poetry mainly is divulges directly through the indignant and excited sentiment, carries on the exposition and the critique to the dark reality.罗隐诗歌主要是通过愤激之情的直接宣泄,对黑暗现实进行揭露和批判。

45、My father teaches physics. My mother also teaches. She teaches children to sing and speak clearly.父亲教物理;母亲也教课。她教孩子们唱歌、说话要口齿清楚。

46、Lu Shunyang's father Wang Geqing is a writer. His mother Lu Huaiying is a singer, and her sister Wang Luyao is a movie and TV star.路顺阳的父亲王戈情是一位作家,母亲路瑰迎是一位歌唱家,妹妹王璐瑶是我们很熟悉的影视明星。

47、The actor who acted Xi'er in the opera Baimaonv is my father.歌剧“白毛女”中的扮演喜儿的是我父亲。

48、This article tries to discuss the thematic inclination of the female poems from three points:the feeling to the people, the puzzlement to the people and the female consciousness.本文试从人的情感,人的困惑和呈露出来的女性意识三个方面论述了女性诗歌母题的取向。

49、The Kiss, Dear Maid, folk song for voice & piano.亲吻你,亲爱的侍女,为人声和钢琴而作的三重唱民歌。

50、We hope our lovers can sing for us.我哋希望情人会唱情歌。

经典英文句子51:亲情的诗歌,51、Poem is an art which creates images with using the most beautiful and musical language and expresses emotions borrowing from images.诗歌是一种运用最精美的、带有音乐性的语言创造意象,主要借助意象以抒情的艺术。

52、Does he sing love songs?嗯,他唱情歌吗?

53、The kiss theology implicated in the Bible opens a new route to recognize Li Shangyin's poetry which possesses the feminine beauty.隐含在《圣经》中的亲吻神学思想开辟了认识李商隐诗歌的一条重要途径。

54、Renaissance English pastoral poetry addicted to fantasy, which properly revealed the proud nature of the poets in the Golden Age.文艺复兴时期的田园诗歌耽于幻想,是“黄金时代”文人们孤高性情的体现。

55、At this point, it is so much akin to love that there are more love songs than anything else.就此而言,音乐与爱情最为向近,所以人间的情歌比什么歌都多。

56、The zebra finch is a tiny Australian songbird. Only the males sing, and they learn a particular song by listening to their fathers.斑胸草雀是一种来自澳洲的小型鸣禽。雄鸟都会通过聆听父亲歌声学会如何唱一首特别的歌谣。(译者注:雄鸟通过”唱情歌“的方式向雌鸟求爱)

57、The author believes Dynasty poems are the products of the extreme development of Wu Songs and entertaining West Music.因此,笔者认为宫体诗作为吴歌、西曲娱乐性和艳情特征肆意发展的产物,两者间有着复杂而直接的关系。

58、Life is a song----sing it.人生是首歌----尽情歌唱吧!

59、A large crowd of fans are queuing up for the pop star's autograph.一大群歌迷正排队等流行歌星的亲笔签名。

60、Aw, Aw baby, Yeah, ooh Yeah, huh, listen to this.哦哦,亲爱的,是的,喔,听这首歌。

61、It is this sorrow of separation that gazes in silence all nights from star to star and becomes lyric among rustling leaves in rainy darkness of July.就是这离愁整夜地悄望星辰,在xx月阴雨之中,萧萧的树籁变成抒情的诗歌。

62、"Father" songs, singing his father's hand, that is stays days, larger hands, for children shelter against the elements, avoid got incredibly;《父亲》歌曲,歌唱了父亲的手,是撑天的巨掌,为儿女遮风挡雨,避免忧烦;

63、Libai s life is inseparable from sword and the spirit of swordsman is often chanted in his poem to reflect his justice and lofty sentiments.李白一生与剑形影相随,诗中多次歌咏剑侠精神,反复抒发自己的侠义豪情。

64、This I think is so interesting because Bernard is preaching on the Song of Songs, to us moderns it just looks like a love poem.我认为这个特有意思,因为伯纳德在传播《雅歌》,对我们现代人来说看起来就像是情诗。

65、These songs are full of cordiality and geniality towards children and juveniles evidencing the interests and imaginations of naïve children.在歌曲中充满真挚与亲切,突出了孩子童稚般的情趣和意境。

66、We hope our lovers can sing for us…我地希望情人会唱情歌…

67、Bai's "southern complex" is fully reflected in a large number of his creative works of poetry concentrating on the south of the Yangtze.白居易的江南情结,充分反映在他以江南为对象创作的大量诗歌作品中。

68、Different from Yuan Mei who focused on "disposition", Hong put more attention on "emotion", holding that the natural "emotion" was the nature of poetry.不过与袁枚关注“性情”不同洪大容更多地强调的是“情”,认为自然之“情”才是诗歌的本质。


标签: 英文 亲情 诗歌

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