关于”背诗“的英语句子53个,句子主体:recite poems。以下是关于背诗的初二英语句子。
英文句子模板1:recite poems
1、With poetic insight, Gander explores the nature of attraction, betrayal, and loyalty.
2、And his proposals for the reform of poetry, especially Homeric poetry, represent clearlya radical departure from Greek educational practices and beliefs.
3、Psalms 68:
19 Praise be to the Lord, to God our Saviour, who daily bears our burdens.
19 天天背负我们重担的主,就是拯救我们的上帝,是应当称颂的!
4、Metropolis is, in modern poetry, set against a backdrop of war and violence and conflict, and modern poetry, as it absorbs the world of the metropolis, absorbs that violence and energy as well.
他们有些人(背上) 背着背篓。
5、Some of them carried bamboo baskets on their backs.
6、This article start with the background of acceptance of HAN Yu's poems in Song Poetry, tending to think and study in this academic subject.
7、To my amazement, he was able to recite the poem from memory.
8、This thesis investigates Graham's search for self in her different periods in a diachronic way and in a perspective of Merleau-Ponty's poetics of sensibility.
“现在,由于老师教我讲chontal话,所以我能说一点儿,” Carlos Manuel说:“我还能用chontal话背一首诗呢。”
9、“Now I can talk a little because the teacher has taught me to talk in chontal,” Carlos Manuel says. “And I can recite a poem.”
10、The certain culture and research background of Tang Dynasty comprised of the reason of Si Kongtu's poem theory.
11、The second chapter to explore the context of poetic thinking.
12、So give me a stage where this bull can rage, and though I can fight I much rather recite.
乌尔夫背完了, 轻声说: 「 各位, 能够写下这样的诗篇, 对我来说, 胜过拿下魁北克。
13、Wolfe finished and said softly, "Gentlemen, I would rather have written those lines than take Quebec. " An embarrassed silence followed.
14、This chapter mostly explains the live background of the two poets, and discuss their close relationship according to their poems.
15、You are required to learn this poem off by the end of the week.
16、From the early 40s to the late 40s, Mu Dan , as a younger academic poet, received more attention from the older generation and was highly appraised by the young critics of the academic background.
17、The poetic theory of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is shrouded in metaphysics, which usually hides the theoretical significance of literary criticism.
18、Landscape and idyll in Jin and Song Dynasties, produced under the same historical background, share the common ideological and artistic characteristics.
19、The use of the moony imagery functions to heighten the setting, to place emotions and philosophy on the moon.
20、There's a way in which the context of the war, too, shadows the poem and remains present in it.
21、Much explanation is given on the Zhuangqu spirit in Li Bai's poems by the academic circle, but little, on the background of the spirit.学界历来对李白诗歌中的庄屈精神多有阐述,而对这种精神的文化背景少有涉及。
22、Structuralist poetics has formed the theoretical background of literary competence.结构主义诗学则是文学能力的理论背景。
23、that Phoebus Apollo was actually eavesdropping on the poet's discourse.关于阿波罗是否在背地里偷听诗人的演说。
24、If you know sth. about the author's family background, you will appreciate the poem on an even profounder level.如果你对作者的出身背景有所了解, 你就会在更深的层次上理解这首诗。
25、It wasn't long before he learned those poems by heart.没过多久他就背会了那些诗。
英文句子26:,26、Psalms 68:诗68 : 是应当称颂的。
19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.
19 天天背负我们重担的主,就是拯救我们的神。
27、Is false to me in May.【英语牛人团荣誉会员,
28、Then standing up to recite the poem, I found myself doing it off the top of my head!然后,我站起来背那首诗。 我发现自己不加思索地脱口而出。
29、From the combination and the structure of language, it develops and innovates as well as deviates and violates normal language.从语言的组合和结构形式上来看,诗歌语言是对常规语言的超脱和违背,同时也是一种创造和发展。
30、She became a member of "Not-Not-ism" poetry school in 1987 and has published books of poetry including Organ and Lady (1992) and What's Backward (1997).出版的诗集有《风琴与女人》(xx年)、《是什么在背后》(xx年)等。
31、In regard to background that obscue poem take place, obscue the beginning of wet tide at its originate die a martyred the choice of have noting to return the difficult direction.就朦胧诗发生的背景来说,朦胧诗潮在它的发轫之初就义无返顾地选择了一种艰难的指向。
32、It applied artistic technique of Western modernist poetry to the spirit of realism of the times of China.“九叶派”将西方现代主义诗歌的艺术手法融于当时中国时代背景下的现实主义精神之中。
33、Essentially, it is poetesses that depend on or deviate from the male-centered culture.从本质而言,它体现了女诗人对男性中心文化的依附或背离。
34、She learned the poem many years ago, but she recited it word for word.她是许多年前学的这首诗,但仍能一字不漏地背出来。
35、Life Style of this discusses the subject of poetic productive force, which is a "platitude" about the society under the background of rapid economic development.生活方式探讨“诗意生产力”主题,是对飞速经济背景下的社会“ 老生常谈”。
36、The historical setting and study surroundings of Fredric Jameson's poetics of culture and hermeneutic is traced following two clues of "culture" and "hermeneutics".从“文化”和“阐释”两条线索,回溯了詹姆逊文化阐释诗学的历史环境和学理背景。
37、His creation can be divided into two times, Southern Dynasty and Northern Dynasty. I review his creation what were written in the two dynasties . The third chapter classifies Yu Xin's Gong-Ti Poetry.第三章,对庾信宫体诗进行分类研究,揭示其不同类型宫体诗创作的特点、成就,及创作背后所反映出来的时代风尚和作者个人的审美情趣。
38、Dismissing the poet's stated or supposed intentions as a means of discovering the text's meaning, the New Critics give little credence to the biographical or contextual history of a poem.新批评家抛弃了这种观点,即诗人陈述或暗示的意图是揭示文本意义的手段,他们不太相信一首诗的传记记录和历史背景。
39、Although this relationship has gone through each era, the joint is still different because of the influence from the different historical background and humanities environment.诗与画的关系贯穿于每个时代,而在每个时代,不同的历史背景和人文环境的影响下,诗与画的结合点各不相同。
40、back 背部 back to back 背 背 Lucy and Lily sit back to back. 露西和莉莉背 背坐着。
41、Chapter two is the background of the foundation of Jiaoyuan Poetry Club.第二章:蕉园诗社成立的背景。
42、Against this background, the Chaling and Chenchuang poetry schools prevailed and they had close communication between themselves.茶陵派与陈庄体山林诗派风靡当时并交流密切,正是以此为社会背景和心理基础。
43、In the culture-rigged environment, the prose turn of the history mention makes history-saying ballad turn to be far away from epic.而文化垄断背景下的叙史散文化倾向,更使得叙史歌谣离史诗的距离越来越远。
44、The fourth chapter searches the common and the difference between Chinese and Western intellectual factors in poetics on the background of their traditional source.第四部分在中西诗学知性因素传统渊源的阔大背景中探寻中西诗学知性因素的融汇和差异;
45、Stand back to back, please.请背对背站着。
46、So verse 诗4,“我在埃及人所行的事,我将像鹰一样,将你们背在翅膀上“,就像是历史开场白。
4, "You've seen what I did to the Egyptians, how I bore you on eagles' wings," is the historical prologue.
47、English-Canadian poetry has been shaped by a unique set of historical conditions and social developments in Canada that have affected the structure of its imaginative visions and humanistic ideology.加拿大英语诗歌在一定程度上是由加拿大独特的历史背景在不同方面对诗人的人文思想和想象力视角结构的影响中形成的。
48、His poetics reveals his anxiety that the organon -oriented thinking in the period of industrial civilization will bring about not only the abandonment of poetics but also the death of mother earth.而在其诗学理论建构的背后,是对工业文明时期自然工具化思维引发的诗意沦陷和大地危机的忧虑。
49、The agreement of poems and paintings does not only mean the summary of the art regulation, it also has its deep cultural background and historic background.中西方的“诗画一律”说都有其深刻的文化背景和历史背景,并不仅仅是对艺术规律的总结而言。
50、I took a deep breath and knocked on the classroom door, ready to face Mrs. Baker—ready to recite my poem.然后,我深深地吸了一口气,敲响了教室的门,我要面对贝克太太——继续背诵我自己写的诗。
经典英文句子51:背诗,51、Under this background, the research of Wang Yucheng who had a reputation of "China- Song dynasty" and his works is growing emergence.在此背景下,有着“纵横吾宋”美誉的王禹偁诗文研究日渐勃兴。
52、Setting: The time and place in which the events in a short story, novel, play or narrative poem occur.背景:在短篇、长篇小说、或叙事诗里面故事发生的时间和地点,它和人物通常会相互揭示。
53、Picturesque buttes and mesasdot the background landscape.在背景的景色中散步着如诗如画的山峦。
54、Psalm 68:19-20 –Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.诗篇68:19-20 ——19天天背负我们重担的主,就是拯救我们的神,是应当称颂的。
55、The poem begins and ends with the funeral of a great king, and it is composed against a back ground of impending disaster.这部史诗以伟大的国王贝奥武甫的葬礼的始末,以迫在眉睫的灾难为背景。
56、The fact that most of the poems and odes of West Han dynasty have story background assured Wang's describing history theory.西汉流传下来的诗歌辞赋大多有故事性的背景,这也印证了史辞说的正确性。
57、Our private room also has one. I felt a little bit boring while drinking and chatting, so I recited it down on the sneak.觥筹交错中,我觉得有点小无趣,于是乎,我就偷偷的把我们包厢里的诗背了下来。
58、The annotation to Dufu s poetry in Tsing dynasty corresponded to the academic background of recovering the source and governing the world.清代杜诗注疏契合了考镜源流、经世致用的学术背景,反映了当时知识分子的精神寄托。
59、Jack: When I first discovered Chilean reds, I would sip Concha Y Toro and 杰克:我第一次发现智利红酒的时候,我一边啜饮孔雀酒厂的酒,一边背聂鲁达的诗。
1)recite Neruda's poems.
60、Although he never had a proper education, he was able to be fluent in English and was able to recite "Three Hundred Tang Poems".虽然先父从未接受过正规教育,但他会说流利的英语,而且可以背诵唐诗三百首。
61、Poetry d. truth from ning dont know Ye Lang background, more the key of the escape ning said.诗婷直言逸宁根本不知道叶朗的背景,更说中了逸宁的要害。
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