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关于”简单优美“的英语句子52个,句子主体:simple and beautiful。以下是关于简单优美的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:simple and beautiful

斯瓦米瓦南达美丽表示这一做法在其著名的座右铭: “简单的生活,高思维” 。

1、Swami Sivananda beautifully expressed this practice in his famous motto: "Simple living, high thinking."


2、It is feasible to road down reduction codes on-line or as the case may be get mere unembellished computer mark-down coupons from a site.


3、Instead of regaling my children with these tales, I could simply lecture them about the virtues of thrift.


4、Meanwhile, the superiority of semi-automatic packing machines was introduced briefly.


5、The filtering plate mold has the advantages of easy and convenient installation and high mechanical strength;


6、Furthermore, the proposed method was easy to use and could be used to optimize material and shape of an ossicle.


7、Idioms syllable beautiful temperament coordination, or implicit humor, or serious and elegant, concise, vivid and fun, giving a beauty to enjoy.

这种钻井液配方简单,具有优良的流变性、 滤失性,抗污染能力强。

8、Compared with conventional water based drilling fluid, this JMC drilling fluid owns better inhibitive ability of shale, better lubricative ability and formation protecting ability.

朗: CD 是英文中“存款单”的简称,而欧元指的是欧洲银行的美元。

9、CD stands for Certificate of Deposit, while Eurodollar means US dollar in a European bank.


10、It's the fastest, neatest, and most elegant and readable way to put a large string together.


11、This method is fast while avoiding the shortcoming that the G-S result is easy to trap in local optimum.


12、Stop paying $5 for a latte, invest in a basic coffee machine and start innovating.

朗:CD是英文中“存款单”的简称,而欧元指的是欧洲银行的美元, 㽠。

13、CD stands for Certificate of Deposit, while Eurodollar means US dollar in a European bank.


14、The results show that the developed acrylic hammer paint has excellent properties which is easy to operate, and has low cost, hammer appearance obtained is uniform and beautiful.


15、The proposed algorithm has strong global search ability, less parameter, and is easy to realize by computer.


16、Put forward a simply effective reoptimization algorithm for multiple vehicles routing problem with stochastic demand(MVRPSD).


17、It has a light-weighted architecture, easy to deploy, flexible to configuration and very extensible.


18、More traditional mobile internet solutions like one-person EVDO could quickly feel shockingly unsophisticated.

螺纹饰品- 一个美好的和简单的方法来装饰家具,柜,箱,斑块和用具。

19、Thread ornament - a wonderful and easy way to decorate furniture, cabinets, boxes, plaques and utensils.


20、Simply put, few global problems can be solved by the U. S. or China alone.

21、DE algorithm is a population-based one in global optimization, with the merits of being easy to use and fast convergence.差异进化算法是基于种群策略的全局优化搜索算法,具有应用简单、收敛快的优点。

22、The alarm signal is no longer a single before beeps instead of the beautiful music.而报警信号不再是以前单一的嘟嘟声,代替的是优美的音乐。

23、Numerical simulations show that the V-I transmission matrix formalism is much more efficient than coupled-mode theory.数值模拟分析发现V-I传输矩阵方法具有计算快速、简单明了的优点。

24、It has advantages of simplicity in data structure, rapidity in problem solving, as compared with other procedures, and needs no special requirements for algorithm languages.因此,它不同于目前已知的任何算法,具有数据结构简单、运算简便、速度快而对算法语言无特殊要求等优点。

25、Although they all emphasize different aspects of clean code, there are a few emerging themes: simplicity, lack of duplication, readability, elegance.虽然他们定义简洁代码的侧重点不尽相同,但其中仍有共通之处:简单、无重复、易读、优雅。

英文句子26:,26、The effector API permits turning the robot, moving at a certain speed, kicking the ball, or simply moving the ball.效应器 API 允许对机器人进行调优,以特定的速度移动、踢球或简单地带球。

27、Rakoff said. "Is there not something strangely askew in a fine of $33 million?"Rakoff称,"简单支付


28、And the conclusion is presented too. It is easy to design and manufacture waveguide filter using dielectric layer PBG structures.利用介质层 PBG结构来制作波导滤波器具有设计简单、易于实现的显著优点。

29、There are three ways to use the compiler: bytecode production, full compilation, or simply as a debugging/optimizing tool.使用编译器有三种方法:字节码、完全编译或简单地作为一个调试/优化工具。

30、Advantages: expansion amount big, easy for installation, maintenance is convenient.优点:伸缩量大、安装简单方便、维护方便。

31、The result shown that: the guide screw drive has the advantages of low cost, high efficiency, com-pact structure and easy operation.结果表明:丝杠传动具有成本低、效率高、结构简单、加工方便等优点。

32、This effective method has some advantages such as protocol-independent, negligible extra traffic, convenience and being able to estimate individual user performance.这种方法具有与协议无关、对网络流量影响小、测量方法简单、可测量单个用户流等优点。

33、Following are brief summaries of the results of these studies, offered to highlight the benefits of HTTP compression.以下是这些研究成果的一个简单总结,从中可以看出 HTTP 压缩的优点。

34、This is a one-stage procedure with advantages of simplicity and rapidity.这是单一步骤的手术并且具有简易及快速的优点。

35、It uses many of the same paradigms as Ajax, but provides several simplifications and optimizations.使用了很多和 Ajax 相同的范例,但是在几个方面更加简单和优化。

36、If you are not fortunate enough to find a dancer to work with, simply tell your subject that she should think like a ballerina and hold her hands elegantly.如果你找不到一个舞者合作的话,你可以简单的告诉她,让她把自己想象为一个芭蕾舞演员,并且让她的手保持优美的姿势。

37、Optimization with VisualAge can be as easy as using the preset optimization levels, which will incorporate various categories of algorithm.使用 VisualAge 进行优化很简单,只需预先设定优化级别,这些级别对应使用不同种类的算法。

38、The problem of multiobjective optimization is simplified to that of scalar objective optimization by weighted Tchebycheff procedure.利用加权切贝雪夫方法,将多目标优化问题化简为单目标优化问题。

39、Simulation result shows that this allocation algorithm is close to the optimum at effectiveness and efficiency with much fewer computations.该方案使用了一种基于贪婪算法的高效算法,这种算法简单易于理解,复杂度低,仿真结果表明其性能优良,接近于最优解。

40、The traditional computing methods of the optimal power compensation distribution for open networks are presented.首先简单介绍了开式网的最优无功补偿分布的传统计算方法。

41、Slice and chop a large apple, stir it into the yogurt mix and — voila!再将一个大苹果切成许多小块后和优格混合料搅拌在一起,然后――就这么简单!

42、And introduce simply the every kind of method advantage, weakness and their connecting line methods.并简单的介绍了一下各种测距法的优点、缺点和它们的接线方法。

43、SW banyan networks have a number of advantages include simplicity of control, partitionability, modularity and expandability.SW榕树网络具有控制简单、分块性、模块性、可扩展性都根好等优点。

44、This is so easy and delicious…not quite the same as egg scramble but scrumptious in its own way.这道菜又简单又好吃。跟炒鸡蛋不同,不过有自己的美味。

45、The experiment shows that its accuracy class is 实验表明:这种热量计测量精度达5级,且具有结构简单、成本低及实用性强等优点。


5, and its structure is sim…


46、Printed (or exported) reports are usually simplified versions of online reports, optimized for monochrome printers.打印(或输出)的报告通常是线上报告的简化版本,需要优化它来适应单色打印。

47、Aerial units and very fast moving ground units are the perfect units for recon, and aerial units and cliffjumpers are excellent for raiding.空中单位和快速移动的地面单位是侦察的完美单位,空中单位和能够越过悬崖的单位是优秀的偷袭单位。

48、You simply praise or condemn artists according to their fidelity to the norm.你只要根据他们是否忠于准绳而进行简单地赞美或者批评他们。

49、Mum Tells Me-That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than lam.促进自身成长的最简单方法是与比自己更优秀的人为伴。

50、And the advantages of Capillary Electrophoresis in the study of functional fingerprint of TCM were briefly introduced.简单介绍了毛细管电泳技术在建立功能化指纹图谱中的优势。

经典英文句子51:简单优美,51、Lofty"adminstrative desk enjoys a succinct and elegant design style. It has a steady and useful cabinet brace."行政主管桌设计简约、优美。侧桌为座地柜支撑,稳定而实用。

52、If he cut rates; the dollar will fall, commodities will spike, and people will starve.如果他降息; 美圆将会下跌, 商品期货将会暴涨, 人民会挨饿. 就那么简单.

53、They definitely have learned how to think innovatively to solve problems cheaply, efficiently, and elegantly.他们很明确如何创新地思考来简单,高效和优雅地解决问题。

54、Experiment results show that the proposed method can locate mouth region easily, accurately and robustly.实验证明此方法具有简单易实现、定位精确度高、鲁棒性好的优点。

55、Since the simplicity of component unit in cellular automata, it has a unique advantage in the password field.由于元胞自动机有组成单元的简单性,使得它在密码学领域有着独特的优势。

56、DB2 LUW provides you with an easy way to manage various memory structures through self-tuning memory management (STMM).DB2 LUW 为您提供一种管理各种内存结构的简单方法,即自调优内存管理 (STMM)。

57、Your goal: Straight As. Ok, maybe a B or two. The secret to school success is easier than you think.你的目标—全优。好吧,有一两个“良”也没关系。学业成功的秘诀比你想的要简单。

58、Oikos is a door manufacturer located in Northern Italy that produce a collection of modern doors with clean lines and a minimalist aesthetic, perfect for modern homes.Oikos是一家做门的制造商,它位于意大利北部,生产一系列线条简洁、急剧最简单派艺术家的审美观的现代门,是现代家居的完美选择。

59、Our company lies on the developed and scenery Situ Town which stands on the western suburbs of Danyang City.简介:本公司地处丹阳市西郊风景优美、业发达的司徒镇。

60、And SBN ceramics, with advantages of low cost and easy fabrication, has drawn more and more attention.铌酸锶钡陶瓷以制备成本低、工艺简单等优点受到越来越多研究者的青睐。

61、And it tells us that in the calculation of thin-walled structure, displacement is better then force method, because the data in the element stiffness matrix is more simplify.同时指出,由于单元刚度矩阵的诸元素数据简洁、计算简单,因此在薄壁构件体系的计算中,位移法比力法更具有优势。

62、The superior properties and the prospects for the future use of the thick through-air thermal bonded nonwovens in China were outlined.简要分析了厚型热风法非织造布的优良性能,对厚型热风非织造布产品的应用前景作了简单的预测。

63、E-scale is small, high precision and automation, easy to be used and so on.电子型尺具有体积小,测量精度高,自动化程度高,使用简单方便等优点。

64、I don't think that either country can afford to simply walk away from the other.我认为(中美)两国中没有一方能承受简单地从另一方身边离开的代价。

65、Compared with the hybrid genetic algorithm, the presented algorithm has the advantages of coding simply, converging quickly and realizing easily.这种算法和混合遗传算法相比,有编码简单、收敛快及实现容易等优点。

66、Let the good memories flow through your mind instead and let things become easier.只有让你的脑中充满美好回忆,才会使事情变更简单易行。

67、Kim's oeuvre are collectively invites in its graceful and universal aesthetics of his predictable, faithfully executed water drops, and the raw, earthy monochromatic tone of his background.金昌烈的作品非常注目,在原始、简朴的单色背景上,勾划出像真而实在的水滴,其美学既优雅又富有感染力。

68、PSO can be implemented with ease and few parameters need to be tuned.该算法具有简单易实现,可调参数少的优点。

69、Recently, lithograph of thick resist has been regarded as an effective and economical technology for manufacturing excellent high-aspect-ratio microstructures (HARMS).近年来,作为制作优质大高宽比微结构的厚层抗蚀剂光刻术以其工艺简单、制作成本低等优点受到国际上广泛重视。

70、Their unique woven brocades , made from rudimentary equipment while lying down, are the country's oldest cotton textiles.他们用简单的工具织成独特的黎锦,是中国最古老的棉纺织品,是优良的床卧用品。

71、Simple solution for the window seat dilemma - just go to the bathroom when the other passenger goes.解决坐靠窗座位不能两全其美的简单办法是-跟随邻座的人去如厕。

72、In the next example, let's focus on a couple of the obvious advantages of using Express over unadorned Node.js.在下一个例子中,让我们重点关注使用 Express 胜过简单的 Node.js 的一些明显优势。

73、One advantage of the use of standard components and protocols is that they can be replaced fairly easily.使用标准组件和协议的一个优点是它们可以非常简单地进行替换。

74、The single-screw extruder can be widely used in many fields because of its merits, such as sample structure and low cost, and so on.单螺杆挤出机以其结构简单、易于制造、成本低等优点,成为塑料加工行业中应用最广泛的设备之

75、The explicit expression of the gradient matrix allows the use of the optimization technique with a single parameter.利用梯度矩阵的表达式,就可以采用一般单参数寻优方法获得一个简单的调节器。


标签: 优美 简单

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