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关于”日常生活中“的英语句子59个,句子主体:daily life。以下是关于日常生活中的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:daily life


1、Designers shows us the beauty of the every-day in “snapshot”.

2、I wear contact lenses. 我戴隐型眼镜Do you have any identification?

“为了感受中国的日常生活,同时作为一次探险活动,我必需得在中国生活数月。” 刚史 说。

3、“To get a feel for daily life in China and to take risks, I’ve got to live there a couple of months,” Niinami said.


4、Objective: To study the effects of treadmill training on ADL of convalescent stroke patients.


5、English-learning should be integrated into daily lives. Not only learn English, but live in English also.


6、I volunteer because it takes me out of my daily life.


7、In addition, they had fewer overall episodes of chest pain in their daily lives.


8、Offstage, celebrities do not behave differently from commoners.


9、Fitness is the magical term that has pervaded our daily lives.


10、During holidays, and in everyday-life of the Chinese people, there is a certain mythical figure that is present everywhere.


11、I find this to be true in my own daily routine.


12、Turn-taking is a very common phenomenon in daily conversations, while humor in the language is increasingly becoming an indispensable part in the human communication.


13、What's missing or broken in your daily life?


14、It features educational videos and other content about chemistry in everyday life.


15、they were having hard time getting their day- to- day stuff done,

16、I can speak a little English. 我可以讲一点英语 Please speak slowly. 请慢慢讲Would you mind speak louder please?


17、Pig is a common animal which can be seen anywhere in daily life.


18、It refers to expenditure on the day-to-day running of the business.


19、Well, my father was very theoretical in his thinking and practical in his daily life…


20、We face our own mountains everyday. Some small.

21、How often does the problem mentioned affect your daily life?上述情况在你日常生活中出现得有多频密?。

22、This would be one way of bringing the whole issue to life.这将是把这一切带入日常生活中的一种方法。

23、你有证件么Do you live at same address?

24、Trans-disciplinary theme: Who we are. Central idea: Making balanced choices about daily routines enables us to have a healthy lifestyle.中心思想:日常生活中的平衡选择使我们拥有健康的生活方式。

25、Of these, some 110 to 190 million people encounter very significant difficulties in their daily lives.这其中,约有



英文句子26:,26、What do you think about the objects around you in daily life?你对日常生活中周围的物体有什么样的想法呢?

27、Our lives become faster and faster. How to retain equanimity and balance in the stress of daily life?我们的生活节奏越来越快。怎样在日常的生活压力中保持闲情逸致?

28、Literature, unlike everyday language, begins on the far side of this knowledge.文学,与日常生活中的语言不同,它始于知识的边缘。

29、Bars in public places as a casual, modern people in daily life of the frequented.酒吧作为一种公共休闲场所,是现代人日常生活中的常去之处。

30、And in the daily life, especially in the social occasion, phatic language is very important too.而且在日常生活中,尤其在社交场合中,应酬语十分重要。

31、In ordinary living there can be some tolerance of unpunctuality.在日常生活中,对不准时的行为可以给予一些宽容。

32、He's author of The Perfect Swarm: The Science of Complexity in Everyday Life.他是《完美的蜂群:日常生活中的复杂性科学》的作者。

33、The most accessible household porcelain includes tableware, tea set, wine set, coffee and sanitary ware, etc.日常生活中人们接触最多的生活瓷有餐具、茶具、酒具、咖啡具和卫浴洁具等。

34、You are unable to see the bigger picture because you are so caught up in the day-to-day actions and routines.因为你每天都困在这些日常行为和日常生活中,所以看不到更大的图景。

35、The Message Board tool is an easy tool to integrate into daily school life.留言板是一种非常方便的工具,可以将其整合到日常学校生活中。

36、This happens both in the workplace and in day-to-day life.这种现象在工作场所和日常生活中都会发生。

37、The drawing depicts a common incident in our daily lives.这幅图描绘了我们日常生活中极普通的一件小事。

38、There are telepathic connections between human beings on a daily and ongoing basis, much more frequent than people may think.在日常生活中,人与人之间常常会产生心电感应,次数甚至比你想象的还要多。

39、Sometimes the development of these traits occurs in the typical problem-solving that goes along in regular life.有时这些特点的培植就发生在日常生活中解决问题的历程中。

40、In daily life Zhuang people and Tai people often hold for illness, births, travel, marriage and so on.在壮族和泰族日常生活中,经常为生病、婴儿出生、远行、结婚等情况举行。

41、Someone says that the significance of life lies on profound experience accumulated from details of life and quality of routine life.有人说生活的意义在于深刻的体验,从生活的细微处出发,在有质感、有品味的日常生活中进行体会;

42、However, the academic inquiries concerning daily life is yet to be carried out in China, for instance, studies on the common people's daily life in later Ming dynasty is not well developed.然而,有关日常生活的研究在中国却并未很好的开展,有关明晚期民间日常生活的研究尚处在起步阶段。

43、Regular life, combining work with relaxation in everyday life play certain prevention role to the senile skin pruritus.在日常生活中力求生活有规律,劳逸结合,对老年性皮肤瘙痒症起一定预防作用。

44、In ordinary living, there can be some tolerance of unpunctuality.在日常生活中人们可以容忍一定程度的不准时。

45、In daily life thanks to the people say, interaction will be active together.能在日常生活中对人说声感谢,人际互动就会活络起来。

46、Don't contract who fails to be honest in our daily life.在日常生活中,我们不要与、言而无信的人打交道。

47、Pressure with have already become the ineluctable affair in our daily life.压力以已成了我们日常生活中不可避免的事情了。

48、Do you have any medical problem? 你的健康有问题么?

49、What precautionary measures should Asthma sufferers take in their daily lives?哮喘病患者日常生活中应采取什么预防措施?

50、However, so seriously misshapen egg is rare in our daily life.然而,如此畸形的蛋在我们的日常生活中还是比较罕见。

经典英文句子51:日常生活中,51、News of people's livelihood is the news adopted from people's daily life.电视民生新闻是从群众日常生活中采制而来的新闻。

52、In our daily life, people usually buy bagful food, however, bagful food has two side.日常生活中,人们经常买袋装食品,但是,袋装食品既有优点又有缺点。

53、Games can help us develop abilities that will assist us in other activities in life.游戏可以帮助我们培养有助于我们 在日 常生活中参加其他活动的能力。

54、But how can we find it in the busy daily life?但我们要怎样在忙碌的日常生活中得到它呢?

55、Chinese traditional Confucianism is a sort of life philosophy substantively, which rooted in life and cares for the moral behaviors of everyday life.中国的传统儒学实质上是一种生活哲学,它植根于生活,关注日常生活中的道德行为即礼的问题。

56、Woody Allen's films, though often witty portrayals of life's daily anxieties, are comic and celebrate life.伍迪艾伦的电影,尽管常机智地表现日常生活中的焦虑,仍是喜剧和对生命的赞美。

57、It is nessary for us to be thrifty in daily life.对我们来说在日常生活中节俭是很有必要的。

58、Chest Pain is an acute chest pain, an unavoidable disease in daily life.岔气又叫急性胸肋疼,是日常生活中难免的急症。

59、We always meet the situation of expressing contrary to what one think in every day life.在我们的日常生活中经常会遇到正话反说或者反话正说的情况。

60、Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.音乐可洗去灵魂中日常生活所沾染的污垢。

61、Thee Message Board tool is an easy tool to integrate into daily school life.留言板是一种非常方便的工具,可以将其整合到日常学校生活中。 缲。

62、But within reason, flirting is part and parcel of our daily lives.但当然了,调情是我们日常生活中不可分割的一部分。

63、Everyday life is full of opportunities to establish loving connections with our kids.日常生活中和孩子们建立爱的联系的机会俯拾皆是。

64、Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.音乐可洗去灵魂中日常生活所沾染的污 垢。

65、Even in ordinary, every-day affairs, you often draw upon its wonderful wisdom.即便是在人们的日常生活中,你都经常能看到潜意识的惊人智慧。

66、Each of us can only live in day-to-day and trivial lives.我们每个人都只能生活在日常的琐细之中。

67、Li Jin mythologizes the everyday in a series of works.在李津的作品中,日常生活被涂上了一层神话般的色彩。

68、A control group merely wrote about a routine event in their lives.而实验对照组仅仅写一些在他们生活中的日常琐事。

69、It is expressed as taboo language in human's daily life.而在人类日常生活中表达这些禁制的语言就是禁忌语。

70、In recent decades, second-hand transactions have become quite popular in our daily life.近几xx年来,二手交易已成为非常受欢迎的在我们的日常生活中。

71、Tao Aimin delves into the daily life of common Chinese women through washboards.陶艾民以洗衣板呈现了中国妇女的日常生活。

72、On the other hand, frostbite, an injury caused by freezing, is more common in everyday scenarios.另一方面,冻疮——由严寒引起的损伤——在日常生活中更常见。


标签: 日常 生活

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