关于”通知的常用句型“的英语句子59个,句子主体:Common sentence patterns for notifications。以下是关于通知的常用句型的中考英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Common sentence patterns for notifications
1、Lower volume, less critical applications are typically better candidates for sharing resources.
2、How to specify your deadline or demand immediate payment?
时间戳 :通常来说,用户只能近似地知道问题发生的时间。
3、Timestamp: Generally, users can only approximate the time at which a problem occurred.
4、If your app creates a notification while another of the same type is still pending, avoid creating an altogether new notification object. Instead, stack the notification.
5、Once started, it will alert the user to unhandled application and data-binding exceptions via a floating window.
6、It also allows users to send notifications based on element type.
7、This is usually done using a surgical procedure known as a craniotomy.
通常 您不希望使用通用的 getInstance 或者 getNumberInstance() 版本 ,因为 您不确切知道您将会得到什么。
8、Typically, you don't want to use the general getInstance() or getNumberInstance() versions because you don't know exactly what you are going to get.
9、The model then notifies the validators of the change.
10、This program focuses on helping mathematical teachers construct conceptual maps of the development of children's mathematical cognition through education practices and co-researching.
11、East Asians commonly have "dry" ear wax.
12、Conclusion The results indicate that Luohanshen has a positive effect on purgation in constipated mice but has no effect in normal mice.
13、Publishers typically add a topic header to the message that classifies the message according to the topic model or classification scheme of the notifications.
14、The news apps in my mobile phone usually send me the most urgent notifications to me so it keeps me posted.
15、Each advice uses as little information about the join point as possible and discloses about itself only what's necessary for type-safety, exception-checking, and the like.
16、Secondly, studyed the relevant basic knowledge of communication management, such as concept , model and role.
17、In other words, automatic thoughts are so powerful because we typically do not have conscious awareness or control over them.
18、This notice is usually sent from the shipper.
19、Ordinarily scientists calibrate [26] a new model with known data, but the lack of data made that impossible for Torrens and his colleagues.
20、As the well-worn saying goes, on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.
21、Just know that the optimal solution for a non-integer problem is always one of the polyhedron vertices.我们只需要知道非整型问题的优化解决方案通常都是一个多面体的顶点就好了。
22、We are indebted for your name to Messrs. A & Co. , who informed us that you are one of the largest manufacturers of bicycles.——承蒙A股份有限公司告知贵宝号,非常感激,彼通知我方,贵公司是最大型的自行车制造商之
23、Firstly, the author applies Figure-Ground Segregation and Immediate Scope to demonstrate that the higher the cognitive normality, the higher the semantic acceptability, and vice versa.首先作者通过运用图形—背景分离理论和直接辖域,论证了认知常态性越高,句法结构所呈现出的语义可接受性度也越高,反之亦然。
24、Notify: forcibly generates a sample Notification message (for testing).通知:强制生成样本通知消息(用于测试)。
25、The CEA programming model adds support for communications capabilities, like click-to-call, call notifications and co-browsing.CEA编程模型增加了对通信功能的支持,比如单击调用、调用通知及 协作浏览等等。
英文句子26:,26、Timer service: The timer/scheduler service is a notification consumer that subscribes to timer-type notifications.定时器服务:定时器/调度器服务是订阅定时器类型通知的通知使用者。
27、Savings accounts require a notice to the bank, usually seven days, before the withdrawal though in normal practice we usually waive notice and allow immediate withdrawals.储蓄 账户通常要在 提款前七天给银行一个通知,虽然在一般情况下,我们通常不坚持要提前通知,并且允许立即是 提款。
28、This value is then sent as the note velocity on a channel 然后将在通道
8 with the usual minimum and maximum.
8 中使用通常的最小值和最大值把此值作为通知速率发送。
29、I don't know i offen rest stay at home .我不知道。我通常在家休息。
30、So we override that method with an implementation which returns the notification's type and the time at which we received the notification.因此我们用一个返回通知类型和接收到通知的时间的实现来覆盖那个方法。
31、Basically, WSDL supports unidirectional (one-way and notification) and bidirectional (request-response and solicit-response) port types.通常,WSDL 支持单项(单项和通知)和双向(请求-响应和要求-响应)端口类型。
32、This model provides a reasonable explanation for the competitive diffusion of different knowledge in annexed corporations.通常企业兼并后存在不同企业文化(知识)的竞争传播问题,模型能给予很好的解释。
33、The next statement tells Grails that the table does not have a version column. (GORM normally creates one to help facilitate optimistic locking.)下一条语句通知 Grails 表没有 version列(GORM 通常会创建一个 version列来优化乐观锁定)。
34、The birds typically choose large, older trees for nesting and usually inhabit a tree hole.鸟类通常选择大型,老年树筑巢,通常栖息树孔。
35、If using a card such as the Model 7013 Relay Switch Card, Ch. 如果采用类似7013型继电器开关卡这样的开关卡,通道2通常是加激励的。
2 is normally energized.
36、Static approaches of modeling 3D tree generally utilize fractal features and stochastic features of tree.静态的树的3D造型方法通常利用树的分形特征和随机性。
37、At the Proficient level solutions start to "just appear", usually fully-formed, in the person's mind.在熟练期,人的思想中开始使用知觉、直接的反应,通常是成型的。
38、Knowledge on the measurement of the corresponding theory and technology is more mature, usually in the form of an objective that (choice to fill in the blank. matching body).关于对知识测量相应的理论和技术比较成熟,通常采用客观题的形式(即选择、填空、匹配等体型)。
39、For straight holes, bow spring centralizers are sufficient and commonly used.对于直井,弓型弹簧扶正器足以满足上述功能,并被通常使用。
40、The use of steroid-containing ointments is limited because of their known side-effects, particularly during long-term use.激素软膏由于有通常所知的副作用,特别是在长期应用时,故其应用是受限的。
41、It is usually best to pass a filter during registration, even if the current implementation only emits a certain type of notification.通常,最好是在注册过程中来传递过滤器,即使当前实现只发出某种特定类型的通知。
42、This is correct because that's where the advice is; however in this situation the pointcut in the concrete aspect is controlling the application of advice, and it is that which is often of interest.这样做是正确的,因为这就是通知所在的位置;但是在这种情况下,具体方面中的切入点控制着通知的应用,而这常常是一个很有趣的地方。
43、Enterprise developers can take comfort in knowing that the Zimbra Ajax Toolkit has been used to build large, robust applications deployed in the real world.企业开发人员可以在获知 Zimbra Ajax Toolkit 通常用于构建在现实世界中部署的大型健壮的应用程序时感到安慰。
44、For normal notifications like unread email, taskbar icon overlays should be used.对于像未读邮件之类的常规通知应该使用重叠的任务栏图标。
45、The most well-known notifications are SMS messages, call history, and voicemail, but applications can create their own.最广为人知的通知是短信,通话历史,语音邮件。应用可以创建其自己的通知。
46、They are known to carry viruses of the H5 and H7 subtypes, but usually in the low pathogenic form.据知,它们携带H5和H7亚型病毒,但通常是低致病性的。
47、A device contains a set of base device attributes, an optional set of device class specific attributes or properties and an optional set of notification attributes that can vary by notification type.设备包含一组基本设备属性、一组可选的设备类的特定属性以及一组可选的通知属性(用于通知设备),这些属性随着设备类和通知类型的变化而变化。
48、We minimize these problems with effective communication: Team members announce when they build a new model requiring a migration.我们通过有效的通信来使这些问题最小化:团队成员构建需使用迁移的新模型时发出通知。
49、Due to the brightness it's much more obvious than the regular notification LED so it's quite useful.由于它的亮度更明显比普通通知的LED,因此它非常有用。
50、How to warn the recipient against further delay? 如何警告对方不要拖延?
经典英文句子51:通知的常用句型,51、The amount of computer memory needed to store one character of a specified size, usually 计算机存储一定数量字符的内存的大小。微型机通常是8位,而大型机通常是'位。
8 bits for a microcomputer and ' bits for a larger computer.
52、Do you know why small business loans are considered more risky than你知道吗? 通常小企业类型的贷款比大企业型的贷款有更大的风险。
53、National associations should use their normal channels of communication to inform members about JOTI.各国的总会要使用正常的联络方式,通知所有会员知道举办JOTI的讯息。
54、In the second chapter, correlative knowledge of the traffic flow theory and current traffic flow forecast methods are introduced.第二章主要阐述交通流的理论相关知识、当前常用的交通流量预测方法。
55、These clients typically warn the user about the unknown certificate and present a fingerprint (typically SHA) for the certificate and ask should I trust this?这些客户机通常会向用户警告这是一个未知的证书,提供证书的指纹(通常是 SHA),并询问 should I trust this?。
56、Americans often use rhythmic knocks when they arrive at a friend’s door.我来自BEC公司。 老美到朋友家的时候,常常用个性化的敲门声通知对方"老朋友来了!"
57、I go to one of the larger chains.我通常去大型的连锁商店。
58、This is the generic event signal type in the JMX events notification model.这是 JMX 事件通知模型中的通用事件信号类型。
59、that are added onto our usual sale, you know, discounts, so those help, yeah.在我们通常的减价基础上继续减,你知道,打折,这真的有用,就这样。
60、The context should identify the name of the company issuing the notice and the issuing date.通知的正文下面通常要注上写通知的单位名称及发行通知的日期。
61、The very well known pacemaker is commonly used to regulate the heartbeat.众所周知的起搏器通常被用来调节心跳。
62、Cognitive-behavioral therapy is often used to "rewire" the gambler's thought processes.认知行为疗法通常是用于“重新连接”赌徒的思维过程。
63、AfterThrowing advice (called ThrowsAdvice in Spring AfterThrowing advice(在Spring1.x中叫做Throws通知):如果连接点的方法抛出一个特殊的异常时调用的通知。
1.x): Advice invoked if the method at the joinpoint throws a particular exception.
64、In general, notifying your users is a good thing, even if you don't anticipate any downtime.通常,在迁移之前最好先通知用户,即使您预计不会出现停机。
标签: 通知
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