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关于”五大基本句型“的英语句子20个,句子主体:Five basic sentence patterns。以下是关于五大基本句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Five basic sentence patterns


1、Cablevision’s basic "family cable" package costs $55.95 a month, which works out at most to 37 cents an hour per home.


2、The Pentagon in February rolled out a record base budget for fiscal year 2012 of $553 billion.


3、The basic style and design of the Hanfu were developed to a great extent in the Shang Dynasty.


4、The Pentagon is budgeted to spend about $5.5 billion to support troops and bases on Okinawa and elsewhere around Japan this year.


5、Based on ANSYS programs, the nonlinear finite element models of two-span prestressed steel-concrete continuous composite beam were established.


6、Dr. Joh on will be available on Friday afternoon this week.


7、RESULTS HBV infection was most frequent(87.8%). There were

13 infective patterns.

这就是3591计算宇宙的原理。 三五九一,博大精深,尖端变化,基因根本。

8、This is the principle of 3591 calculating the universe. 3591 is profound, has sophisticated changes and is the foundation of gene.


9、After Fortuyn's assassination, his former baseless party won quite unexpectedly in May 15th's election, becoming the second largest party in Holland's parliament.


10、That is the basic idea of the promotion of domestic trade in the 12th Five-Year-Plan period.


11、Ranches can range from a basic oblong shape to a huge L or U shaped luxury ranch.


12、Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai municipalities and Jiangsu, Zhejiang provinces are clearly outpacing the national average level and have entered mass re-feeding stage.


13、The book enchants the readers of five continents.


14、Applications are predominantly mainframe-based.


15、There's a huge party on Friday night; be there or be square.


16、The following are the main contents: Firstly, Aesthetic education must combine with the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers;



17、The content of the course is as follows: (

1) Basic theories of Financial Law;



18、This outline is for the teaching of five-year undergraduates of oral medicine.


19、In people, eating meat products contaminated(

17) with BSE is linked to more than 150 deaths worldwide, mostly in Britain, from a deadly human nerve disorder, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.



3 expounds the essential meaning of the thought, and summarize its five characteristics namely as openness, interdisciplinary, critical reflectiveness, human oriented and forward looking.

21、Here’s the basic idea: OPERA has a detector in Gran Sasso Italy, about 730 km from the LHC.这里是基本理念:OPERA在意大利大萨索峰(Gran Sasso)有一个探测器,距LHC(Large Hadron Collider,大型强子对撞机)大约有730km。

22、Soil division and climate zone coincide in this region, and was divided into five zones.本区土壤区带和气候区域的分带基本一致,共分为五个土壤气候带。

23、Five basic strategies for the sustainable development are put forward in order to vitalize Guangxi sports and build a stronger sports province.提出振兴广西体育、建设体育强省,可持续发展的五大基本战略。

24、In the light of the characters of climate and thermal stability of permafrost in Wudaoling area, innovative improvements were proposed on the types of culvert foundation.本文针对五道梁地区气候和冻土热稳定性特征,还对涵洞基础型式提出了创新性改进。

25、Basically completed: 450 major water conservancy projects, 290 projects to improve the water quality in unsafe medium-to-large reservoirs, 193 large scale irrigation and water conservancy projects.基本完成的项目包括:450个重大水利项目,290个大中型病险水库除险加固项目,193个大型灌区配套和节水项目。

英文句子26:,26、And this is one of perhaps half a dozen Chinese fund management companies capable of dictating distribution terms to the big five banks, which control about 90 per cent of the customers.并且,华夏基金或许是中国能够决定五大银行分销条款的六大基金公司之这五大银行控制着大约90%的客户。

27、In the era of the mainframe computing came in a vertically integrated package, mainly from IBM.在大型主机的时代,计算基本上是垂直整合组件包,主要由IBM提供。

28、The valuation criterion of the design or effective improvement of designing level completely depend on the following five aspects: basic formation, creation, performance, timeliness and modernism.评价设计的好坏程度,有效地提高设计水平,都完全基于设计价值表现的五大基点:基本构成、创造性、表现性、适时性、时代性。

29、Objective: To investigate the prevalence of hepatitis B virus genotype in 目的:首次调查福建省五个地区乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)基因型的分布状况,并探讨HBV基因型与HBV,相关肝病临床的可能相关性。

5 cities of Fujian province and the clinical implications of distinct genotypes in HBV-related liver diseases.

30、The fifth chapter based on the research foundation, the inheritance which and reforming embroiders on Tao proposed deals measure.第五章基于研究的基础上,就洮绣的传承和转型提出应对的措施。

31、Based on JM model, we propose a software reliability prediction model involving fault-remove time which followed exponential distribution.因此在JM模型的基础上,提出了排错时间为负指数分布的软件可靠性模型及本模型的极大似然参数估计方法。

32、Compared with the solidity, the influence of tip loss on five-blade is bigger than three-blade for this model.对本文模型而言,与实度相比较,叶尖损失对五叶片风轮的影响要大于三叶片风轮。

33、Dr. Johnson will be available on Friday afternoon this week.约翰逊大夫本周周五有空。

34、It consists of five fundamental principles: Heai, Heli, Hechu, Heda and Hesheng.其包括了和爱、和立、和处、和达以及和生五项基本原理。

35、Its-basic solving steps is divided into five steps: 其基本解题步骤可分为五步:

1) description of new problem;


36、The discount rate is now only 贴现率现在只高了,二十五个基本点;是。

2.5% twenty-five basis points higher; it's at


37、Based on the first five chapters, this chapter summarizes the main points.在前五章研究基础上,本章对主要观点作一总结。

38、Another big fund managed by Mr. Paulson, the Advantage fund, is down about 21.5% in 2011 through Friday, the person said.这位知情人士说,xx年截至上周五,鲍尔森管理的另一只大型基金“Advantage”(优势)下跌21.5%左右。

39、Our designs only require basic tools and materials that can be found at most hardware stores.我们的设计只需要基本的工具和可以在大部分五金商店找到的材料。

40、Two curves of large signal model and nonlinear state space model were proved to be identical by simulation, indicating that the proposed large-signal model is accurate.通过仿真表明,平均大信号模型与非线性状态空间模型的仿真曲线基本吻合,验证了平均大信号模型的准确性。

41、It basically creates a little brick oven for your loaf of bread.后来我看到了意大利钟型面包炉,它基本上相当于一个砖式面包烤箱。

42、This machine is mainly used to pack such products as stainless steel, plastic-clad steel and aluminum alloy sections.本厂是专业生产铝型材专用机械设备的厂家,是中国华东地区最大的铝型材后部设备生产基地。

43、This article divides into four major parts, about 35,000 characters.本文分为四大部分,大约三万五千字。

44、The Science Museum is housed in a star-shaped five-story building.科学博物馆位于星型的五层大楼里。

45、Kingfa claims to be one of the five largest compounders worldwide, measured by capacity. It has large-scale production bases in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Mianyang.金发科技称其产能位居世界五大复合生产商之列,在广州、上海和四川绵阳建有大型生产基地。

46、Maximum length: 15pages with double-space interline and12pt font size.最多为十五页长度,两倍行高,字型大小为


47、A typical process of policy based service security management can be divided into five steps and described as follows.如下面所述,一个基于策略的服务安全管理的典型流程可以分为五大步骤。

48、I greatly appreciate that Venerable Master Lien Chan of Five Eyes Association has contributed a lot to the initial stages of preparation of this conference.感谢五眼协会莲忏法师在本次大会筹备之初,提供了非常珍贵的基础。

49、Now the five kings had fled and hidden in the cave at Makkedah.那五王逃跑,藏在玛基大洞里。

50、The fifth one establishes the loan pricing model based on future SFA efficiency.第五章建立了基于未来SFA效率的贷款定价模型研究。

经典英文句子51:五大基本句型,51、The Japanese airline originally expected to be flying its new airplane in May of 2008.全日本航空公司原本计划在二零零xx年xx月开始使用新机型。

52、The thesis first expounds the basis component parts, the basic running principle and the running characteristic of Five-phase and Four-pole Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM).本文首先论述五相四极永磁无刷直流电流电机的基本组成环节、基本工作原理和运行特性。

53、This program adapts to the five-year undergraduate of preventive medicine and health service management as the basis of professional course, core curriculum, 36 school hours, 本教学大纲适用于预防医学xx年制本科专业、卫生事业管理xx年制本科专业,为专业基础课程,核心课程,36学时,

2.0 credits.


54、METHODS The rabbit models of experimental chronic glaucoma were produced by injecting 方法用前房注射

2.5 % methylcellulose into bilateral anterior chamber.


55、Except for the introduction, there are five chapters for the main content. Chapter 除导论部分外,本文主体内容包括五大部分:第一章阐述金融服务核算的基本问题;

1 expounds basic problems of financial services accounting.

56、An aerial view shows Nowshera city submerged in flooding caused by heavy monsoon rains in Pakistan on Friday, July 30, 2010.空中视图显示瑙谢拉城淹没在由巴基斯坦重型季风大雨造成洪水上周五,xx年xx月xx日。



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