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关于”和外教交流“的英语句子58个,句子主体:communicate with foreign teachers。以下是关于和外教交流的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:communicate with foreign teachers


1、As nonprofit education organizations, Confucius colleges have the duty to open Chinese language teaching program and to carry out the cooperation in the fields of education, culture, economy, ect.


2、Promoting the Chinese language teaching programs and cultural interaction between different countries.


3、Papal diplomacy is almost as old as the papacy.


4、Canada-China Education Partnership Forum was initiated by CBIE and China Education Association for International Exchange.


5、International exchange:Provides cross-cultural exchange, extensive international cooperation, the opportunity to study in partner schools abroad and receive foreign students at the same time.


6、English Salon is in charged by experienced foreign teacher and senior teacher, we have brilliant topics in each salon, students have more free time to communicate with teachers in English.


7、So, number

2 is that internal and external communication.


8、What was your overseas exchange experience like?

国际商业和跨文化交流 国际贸易和海外投资的增加产生了对具有外语知识和跨文化交 流技巧的经理的需求。

9、The increase in international business and in foreign investment has created a need for executives with knowledge of foreign languages and skills in cross-cultural communication.


10、CICE has long regarded the worldwide culture exchange as its own duty.


11、Maybe do the JET program in a couple of years when I'm graduated.


12、The centre has hired top-grade experts at home and abroad to give lessons to youth teachers and student periodically, and plans to have academic exchanges with foreign art schools.


13、Now, as a member of the Exchange Committee of Wenzhou Lawyers' Association, she is devoted to develop the international exchanges and international business cooperation.

逾期费的交互表现为一个 交替流或 例外流。

14、The late-fee interaction would represent an exception or alternate flow.


15、On educational concept, innovational education abroad establishes human-centered and international spirit-focused mainstream educational belief.


16、Hubei Province Foreign Cultural Exchange Association and the Association of International Education Exchange will carry out an essay writing activity.


17、China Oil Painting Institute consists of three bodies: oil paintings creation, oil painting teaching, and the Ministry of foreign exchange, and each shares different responsibilities and mission.


18、I believe it is because exchanges in education, science and technology represent the future of our bilateral relationship.


19、As long as you believe in yourself, or welcome to cicely english studio, join in our foreign teachers to feel their teaching atmosphere.


20、It also contains the contents of bilateral and multilateral cultural communications, students abroad cultivations , lingual spreads and medium information and so on.

21、Co-operation of education between China and foreign countries has been progressing rapidly since China joined WTO. The concept and method of education is changing.随着中国加入WTO,中外教育的合作和交流也将大大加快,教育观念,教育 模式随着国际化的发展而改变。

22、English teaching is the process in which teaching contents and ideas between teachers and students should be communicated.英语教学过程是教师与学生、学生与学生之间教学内容和思想感情交流的交际过程。

23、Here it shows the International Cooperation and Communication , Teaching, Sientific. Research and the School Culture.展版上展示了对外交流、教学、科研、校园文化的图片。

24、BH Education, the expert in overseas educational exchange services around you!博鸿教育,您身边的海外教育交流专家!

25、They seldom exchange their feelings and learners have little responsibility for the teaching and learning styles, materials and evaluation.教学过程中缺乏学习者的交流,他们对于教学模式、教材和教学评估更少有发言权。

英文句子26:,26、Number and quality of conversations/posts inspired externally - as your blog starts to grow in popularity it will spawn organic conversations/posts externally.外部引起的交流/发帖的数量和质量 ——由于你的博客越来越流行了,它自然会诞生外部的交流/发帖。

27、The Employer will pay for water and electricity of the foreign apartment used by foreign teacher exclusive of gas.雇主将负责支付外教公寓的水费和电费,煤气费外教自行交纳。

28、International Education Exchange College consists of: Academic Training Department, Student Affairs, Foreign Affairs Service Center, the College office.国际教育交流学院下设:教务培训部、学生工作部、外事服务中心、学院办公室。

29、There is, however, scant information on how computer-mediated peer response functions in foreign language writing.利用电脑辅助交流被认为是外语教学中的一种可行方法。

30、For the new England Head Coach, it was a chance to catch up with Steven Gerrard, Jamie Carragher, Peter Crouch and Scott Carson, as well as talk shop with the Reds boss.作为新的英格兰主教练,这是一次和斯蒂文·杰拉德、杰米·卡拉格、皮特·克劳奇以及斯科特·卡森的交流机会,也可以跟红军主教练交流一下执教心得。

31、The coach raises the mechanism not to be imperfect, lacks on-the-job training and goes out to study the exchange the opportunity;教练员培养机制不完善,缺乏岗位培训和外出学习交流的机会;

32、Besides, the university, actively expanding its international academic exchange and collaborations, has also established friendly intercollegiate relationship with many countries and areas.同时,学院积极推进对外合作交流,与众多海内外高校和科研机构建立了合作交流关系。

33、Because of long-time interaction with foreign lecturers, now I can confidently and efficiently co-work with people from abroad and do a good job in my business.由于有长期与外教接触和互动的经历,目前我在工作中能自如地与外籍工作人员交流和沟通,工作做得比较顺利。

34、The fencing team and the motorcade insisted voluntarily please outside teach, deliberated through the different situation's exchange, studied the advanced science training idea.击剑队和自行车队坚持请外教,通过不同形势的交流研讨,学习到了先进科学的训练理念。

35、In other situations, there could be more than one interaction between the user and provider, each using a different protocol.在另外一种情况中,用户和提供商之间可能有不止一种交流,他们使用不太的交流协议。

36、Besides my interaction with the students, the best thing about being a law professor was being part of a faculty filled with people I liked and admired.除了可以与学生们进行交流之外,当法学教师最大的好处就是可以成为我最喜欢和敬仰的教职员工中的的一员。

37、The external communication is the product.外部交流就是产品。

38、Specific objectives of the Centre include the provision of opportunities for teachers to meet and exchange ideas and share experiences;此外,中心亦致力为教师提供互相切磋和交流经验的机会,并协助发放教育资讯 和宣传教育理念。

39、And we are following up with a comprehensive agenda of educational exchanges, outreach, and entrepreneurial ventures.我们还随之制定了综合性议程,涉及教育交流,促进对外接触和企业创投等。

40、Exchange students and Project students will get subsidies in Foreign Teacher's Café on the tenth of every month.校际交流生及公费留学生每月xx日在外教餐厅领取助学金。

41、Article 31 The training and experiences on post exchange of diplomatic personnel stationed abroad shall be taken as an element of assessment.第三十一条驻外外交人员的培训情况和任职交流经历,列入考核内容。

42、Founds the harmonious teacher culture to build teachers'practical knowledge the exchange platform.创建和谐教师文化搭建教师实践性知识的交流平台。

43、Chapter seven reveals the far-reaching influence of tobacco industry on the all-around progress of folk culture and educational development in Yongding.他们和外界交流产生的人员流动移民迁徙的现象(第六章);他们对于永定社会文化民俗及教育的影响(第七章)。

44、Another major emphasis with Agile Software Development is on face-to-face interaction and a de-emphasis on documentation.另外一个关于敏捷制造的重点是面对面的交流和弱化文档交流。

45、Network-based Teaching Study is a form of teaching study based on internet and distance-teaching network, it can be used to teaching instruction, studying, communication and training.网络教研是基于互联网和遥程教育网入行教育教授教养指点、研讨、沟通、交流、培训的教授教养研讨形式。

46、Scientific research can help with the teaching work and store up the scientific and technical knowledge.科学研究提高教学水平,储备科技知识,是进行国内外学术交流和搞好科技兴农的支柱。

47、Invite high qulity of teacher, carry out institution of teachers' two-sided exchanging.选聘高水平教师,实行教师双向交流制度。

48、Interactive teaching is used for mobilizing the actions of both teachers and students, and it will improve the ideological and administrative levels of teaching.互动式教学是教学理念和教学层次的提高,在教学的过程中更注重发挥教师和学生的双主体作用,提倡教师和学生的相互交流和相互理解。

49、As a result, a good command of Netiquette is very necessary for language teachers, especially those in basic education.作为一名外语教师,特别是担负基础外语教学任务的外语教师,了解一定的网络交流礼仪是十分必要的。

50、Number 第二是内部和外部的交流。

2 is internal and external communication.

经典英文句子51:和外教交流,51、Hope that all the English teacher kalk with English on computer.决心和恒心撼动世界希望我们英语教师多用英语交流。

52、A foreign teacher in China is telling a foreign trade student about foreign exchange dealing.一位教授银行学的外籍教师向学生介绍外汇交易知识。

53、That's another ritzy fashion term for swapping your clothes with your mates.和你的同伴交换衣服是另外一种时尚潮流。

54、He can take with foreign guests fluently by now, and has translated some english novels.现在,他可以流利的用英语和外宾交流,已经翻译了几部英文小说。

55、Third, continue to strengthen cultural exchanges and support language teaching, personnel exchanges and cultural activities.三是继续加强人文交流,大力支持语言教学、人才交流和文化活动。

56、This starts with opportunities for educational exchanges, the kind of dorm room and classroom diplomacy that NYU is leading on.这一切始于教育交流机会,始于纽约大学率先展开的那种宿舍外交和课堂外交。

57、The writer intends to study the effect of students feedback in learning on teaching reform, especially ponders over how to change one-way communication into two-way communication in teaching.目的:探讨和研究改革教学活动中学生反馈对教学改革的作用,并着重对师生单向交流过渡到双向交流进行思考。

58、Greenfield Education Group (GEG) is dedicated to the communication of international education resources.智德教育集团致力于国际教育资源的交流和推广。

59、and we have a lot of one-on-one time with the professor, and we can...我们和教授有一对一的交流时间,所以我们能……

60、They include high-level visits, institutionalized exchange programs and military education.协议包含高层访问,制度化的交流计划和军事教育等。

61、Teachers of two colleges exchange and co-operate in teaching and scholarship.利用网络作为平台,进行教学资料和信息的交流。

62、The DC and AC attenuator circuits provide ranging for the AC and DC functions.直流和交流衰减器电路提供直流和交流功能的量程切换。

63、In addition to teaching such courses, graduates often serve as debate coaches, drama teachers, and teachers of other courses in communications at the secondary and college levels.除了教这些课之外,毕业生经常在中学和大学担任辩论会指导,戏剧老师和其他交流课程的老师。

64、He also suggested the two countries further strengthen cultural and educational exchanges.他还建议智中应进一步加强文化和教育方面的交流。

65、Patronization from both home and abroad are welcome.谨此,热诚欢迎海内外朋友前来指导和交流。

66、Content: Our expert English-speaking trainers will be teaching kids how to balance, brake, steer and play on Micro Scooters. Just join us!内容:由专业的外籍教练亲身教导大家学习玩米高滑板车,锻炼身体平衡和协调性。也是小朋友们用英文交流的一个平台。快来加入吧!

67、SFL is actively engaged in the scientific research and academic exchanges.外语系十分重视科研和学术交流工作。


标签: 外教 交流

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