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关于”描述天气“的英语句子51个,句子主体:Describe the weather。以下是关于描述天气的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe the weather


1、Wine product description: this wine has rich red small bubbles.


2、Support the real-time weather information display, such as current temperature, minimum temperature and maximum temperature, large weather icon and climate description.


3、Can you explain the atmosphere of baseball stadiums?


4、Caption :Fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy slam into the gas giant Jupiter in 1994.


5、Climate is statistical weather information that describes weather variation at a given place averaged over a longer period, usually 30 years.

本发明描述使用定向反应物气流和相对于所述气流移动的基板的次大气压化学气相 沉积。

6、Sub-atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition is described with a directed reactant flow and a substrate that moves relative to the flow.


7、'Wuthering' being a significant provincial adjective, descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed in stormy weather.


8、The cuting-to-Vary direction radiation pattern illustrates tha…

氙气 灯 的最好描述是白亮光,与自然的太阳光相似。

9、HID light is best described as a bright-white, and is similar to natural daylight.


10、The SAFT equation was used to describe the vapor and liquid phases.


11、We can subsume spatiotemporal descriptions and descriptions in terms of properties in these formal spaces under the rubric of structural descriptions.


12、Watching her ‘running around trying to find a door’, she noticed that Monroe was out of breath and anxious.


13、We then open more bubbles inbetween to illustrate this call path.


14、Describe the smell of the dust on the curtains and the sound of the creaky stairs.


15、Throttle Body Assemblies described here use an aluminum casting.


16、In English the indicative mood is used to make factual statements, the subjunctive mood to indicate doubt or unlikelihood , and the imperative mood to express a command.


17、While the description is a bit vague I'm going to assume you'rereferring to the Chinese serpent like dragon that is associated with water andweather.


18、Astana’s architectural style can best be described as idiosyncratic.


19、New climate portal depicts future scenarios for temperature and rainfall and expands access to climate data.


20、A new model is developed for describing the electrical behavior of ferroelectric capacitors .

21、From this description, it is clear that the afterlife Enkidu was describing was more of a Hell-like place than Heaven.从这个描述中,很明显可以看出,安克朵的梦境被描述的比天堂更像地狱的地方。

22、This could be described as classical "bowtie" lobing behaviour.据此,可以将其描述成经典的“蝶形”天线扫掠特性。

23、His small but childish handwriting straggled up and down the page.他的纤小而有些孩子气的笔迹在本子上弯弯曲曲地描述着。

24、The limitations of standard atmosphere mode in describing the characteristics of middle atmosphere are discussed.分析了标准大气模式在描述中层大气温度分布平均特性和变化规律上的局限。

25、Cooling and Dehumidifying Coils, has expanded coil construction descriptions and new maintenance recommendations.十章,气冷却除湿盘,展盘描述新维护推荐。

英文句子26:,26、Nibiru was described as a star by the ancient Babylonian astronomers.Nibiru被古代巴比伦天文学家描述成一颗恒星。

27、No single weather event—heat wave, hurricane or blizzard—tells us much about climate.诸如热浪、飓风或者冰雹这样单一的天气事件不足以描述气候状况。

28、Description: Interior latex paint solvent, the product has low odor, super environmental protection, more ventilation function.描述:无溶剂内墙乳胶漆,本品具有超低气味、超级环保、更强透气功能。

29、for real gases. This is an equation of state for an ideal gases.我们需要描述实际气体,的状态方程。

30、Corpus, non caro" is his own description of the angelic body."“语料库,非卡罗”是他自己的描述天使机构。

31、The Ritmo is exactly as described and pictured.天才宝宝胎教仪和照片及网上的描述完全一样。

32、It takes a ZIP code and a Celsius/Fahrenheit flag as input and returns a String containing an HTML weather description.它接受 ZIP 代码和摄氏/华氏标记作为输入,返回包含 HTML 天气描述的 String。

33、The climate within the Costa Blanca has been described as the most healthiest in the world.气候科斯塔布兰卡内已被描述为最健康的世界。

34、Caption :Like many Chinese cities, Shanghai is heavy with humidity and pollution. You'll rarely sees crystal-clear blue skies here, but the muted sunlight creates a cool, monochromatic mood.描述:像许多中国城市一样,上海经常有雾和大气污染,难得一见湛蓝的天空。

35、But we can use equations that describe waves to describe matter, and that's what we're going to be doing today.但我们可以用描述波的方程,来描述物质,这就是我们今天要做的。

36、Astronomers describe star brightness in terms of magnitude and luminosity.天文学家用星等和光度来描述恒星的亮度。

37、That is a description of what I did on the first day.这就是对我第一天行程的描述

38、Luck seems to mean something about you, like I'm a lucky person.运气像是可以用来描述一个人,好比我是个幸运的人

39、Game Description: Rescue the black ants from their evil counterparts, the red ants.游戏描述: 拯救黑蚂蚁,远离他们的天敌红蚂蚁。

40、Weighted sum of gray gases model is used to simulate the properties of non-gray gases during deriving.气体的辐射特性用灰气体加权和模型描述。

41、When we describe the moon as dead, we are describing the deadness in ourselves.当我们形容月亮死,我们所描述的无生气的自己。

42、The second day, I did this and that is the description of what I did on the second day.第二天我是这么走的,这就是对我第二天行程的描述

43、Small-airways disease now generally refers to any condition affecting the bronchioles, whereas bronchiolitis more specifically describes inflammation of the bronchioles .现在,小气道疾病是指任何累及小气道的病变,而细支气管炎则描述细支气管炎症更有特异性。

44、One associate described her as "good at debating and drinking, and very helpful to friends".据另外一名被告描述,“她好辩、嗜酒,非常讲义气。”

45、Breaking Waves; Tsunamis; Ocean Hydro Sea States; Weather Classifications.碎波; 海啸; 海洋水利及海象描述; 气候分类。

46、Some staffers described a sense of panic as the evacuation order came down.有采访记者描述了下达疏散令之后的恐慌气氛。

47、Models are established based on the mechanism of gas in pipelines when there is a leak or not. In order to improve the accuracy of the models, a black-box model is presented based on RBFNN.通过对天然气管道的机理分析,分别给出了天然气管道无泄漏情况和泄漏情况的状态空间模型,描述气体在不同情况下的运行状态。

48、They were told to monitor the regular news and weather broadcasts from Tokyo, just as they always did, but to pay especially careful attention to the phraseology employed to describe the weather.他们被告知要定期监测天气消息,从东京广播,就像他们总是的确,而是要特别小心注意天气的措辞来描述。

49、But no one has been able to describe Brahman. It is therefore unpolluted .可是没有人能够描述梵天,因此梵天不受污染。

50、Local resident John Archibald described the smell this way.当地居民约翰阿奇柏德这样描述死鱼散发出的气味。

经典英文句子51:描述天气,51、This week in the magazine, Fen Montaigne writes about penguins and climate change.本周的杂志里,Fen Montaigne描述了企鹅和气候变化。

52、Click a bookmark to open a balloon that contains the name and description of the bookmark, where the description is any valid HTML you want to display in the balloon.单击书签,将会打开一个包含书签名称和书签描述的气球,书签描述是想要在气球中显示的、有效的 HTML 内容。

53、A semi-empirical and nonlinear aerodynamic model ONERA is employed to model aerodynamics that the nonlinear aeroelastic problem of a sandwich wing is well defined.然后采用半经验的ONERA非线性气动力模型描述空气动力,形成了对大展弦比夹芯翼大攻角气动弹性问题的描述。

54、We'll build the EJB-based WeatherForecast Web service using a common bottoms-up approach, as described in the following steps我们将使用自底向上的一种开发方式创建基于 EJB 的天气预报 Web 服务,开发步骤描述如下


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