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关于”最长“的英语句子25个,句子主体:The longest。以下是关于最长的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The longest


1、The shoots seemed shorter but stronger, with the growth of the length and width being slower.


2、What’s the longest you’ve ever held on to a bottle of nail polish?


3、the President of the Supreme People’s Court;


4、Music playback:Up to 35 h, up to

19.5 (with a Bluetooth headset)



5、The longest is the first path that is almost 28 km, which will be the world's longest cable car route after it is completed.


6、Lath Length: up to 2440 mm or customized according to customer requirements.


7、Lastly is the Long pass.


8、The maximum length of the field in characters.


9、Badaling Great Wall of Ming Dynasty Great Wall is the best preserved section is the section of the most representative.

一 段。

主题长度最长可达 32,767 个字符。

10、The topic length can be anything up to 32,767 characters.

世界第四长河,也是北美洲流 程最长、流域面积最广、水量 最大的河流。

11、Mississippi is the world's fourth longest river and longest in North America, with the most extensive area and the largest water.


12、Long string and data structure up to

2 gigabyte in size.


13、Student loans are the longest, the cheapest long-term debt you will ever be offered.


14、Of all of the Supreme Chancellor's aides, Moore is said to be the closest, and privy to the Chancellor's deepest secrets.


15、The digestive organs grew with the greatest intensity at the 1-4 month period. Their relative rates were large intestine, stomach and small intestines in a descending order.


16、As is shown in the drawing, the old man with long white beard is most eye-catcing.


17、He's the oldest person.

法兰克.阿梅斯(Frank Ames):直接上最长的眉毛——3.7英寸长

18、Frank Ames: World’s Longest Eyebrow Hair --3.7 inches long


19、The best flute-player should get the best flute because that's the way of honoring the excellence of flute playing. It's a way of rewarding the virtue of the great flute-player.


20、The longest ski slope in Dalarna.

21、The flowers grew thickest near the wall.墙边的花长得最密。

22、He was very frightened and clinging on like mad. 他怕极了,手一直死死抓住不放。

23、The longest survivors, who live a median age of 108, have the highest number of longevity variants, says Sebastiani.最长的幸存者年龄xx岁,有最多数量的长寿基因变异,塞瓦斯蒂安说。

24、Finally the business mechanism composed of business growth motive force and obs…最后探讨了企业成长动力与成长阻力合成企业成长力的机理。

25、He slowly coaxed them into growing, and eventually, into growing roots.他小心翼翼的使之生长,并最终长出根须。

英文句子26:,26、High Max output voltage, stable against voltage fluctuation.最大输出电压高,弧长长,搞网压波动能力强。

27、I'm especially good at ornithology.我最擅长的是鸟类学。

28、The segment which had most rapid elongation rate also presented the greatest acitivity of NADH oxidase of soybean hypocotyl.大豆下胚轴伸长生长最快的第一切段,其NADH氧化酶活性最高。

29、Which stroke are you best at ?你最擅长哪一种游法?

30、The deepest and heaviest love must grow up withthe time.最深和最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。

31、Apple experienced the highest growth in the period with 89% growth compared to Nokia's 48% year-on-year growth.苹果公司增长最快的时期有89%的增长,诺基亚增长最快的时期有48%的年升幅。

32、With the highest in Jinzhou district and the lowest in Changhai county.金州区最高,长海县最低;随着年龄的增长阳性率逐渐上升。

33、I am good at the breast stroke.我最擅长的就是蛙泳。

34、Its water use efficiency(WUE) in fast growing season is lowest, and its WUE in early season was higher than that in late growing season.年中,栓皮栎的水分利用效率在生长初期最高,在生长盛期最小,在生长末期居中。

35、The best effect on promoting White Rajah growth and development was KC nutrition with the optimum indexes.KC营养液最适合白雪公主的生长,各项生长指标都这到最佳。

36、The growth of longgissimus muscle of Tibetan pig was very slowly and time was long.表明藏猪背最长肌发育较早,生长持续时间较长。

37、Stands on the valley grew best, then the one on the slope and ridge, and worst the one on the top.山洼林分生长最好,其次为山脊和山坡,山顶林分生长最差;

38、I am good with people. 我们班长最善于与人相处。

39、And the last meal of this particular specimen of Microraptor did, indeed, have a long third toe.而小盗龙的最后一餐显然长有长长的第三个脚趾。

40、Suitablest temperature of Monascus purpureus is 25~30℃, Suitablest temperature of Monascus purpureus is 30~35℃.紫色红曲霉的最适生长温度为25-30℃,红色红曲霉的最适生长温度为30-35℃。

41、The earliest ancient Great Wall of China - Chu Great Wall.中国最早的古长城——楚长城。

42、At 桥长

1.4 miles long, it has one of the longest floating spans in the world.


43、It began as a maximum of 28 years, changed to a maximum of 56, then changed again, to life- of-the-author plus 50 years.最初,著作权保护期最长是xx年,延长至xx年,又延长至作者终身再加上死后xx年。

44、The longest fjord is Sognefjorden, which is 203 kilometers long.最长的峡湾是二百零三公里长的松恩峡湾。

45、Hypocotyls grown in forest soil were best and that in seed soil were worst.下胚轴在森林土的生长最好,在沙土的生长最差。

46、Of visible lights, red light has the longest and violet the shortest wavelength.在各种可见光中,红光的波长最长,紫光的波长最短。

47、who should get the best flutes.谁该得到最好的长笛?

48、The Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world.长江是世界上最长的河流之

49、The youngest justice is 54; the oldest, 82.最年轻的法官是xx岁,最年长的法官是xx岁。

50、Maximal chain lengths of S. costatum were greater in natural populations than in the batch culture.自然群体的最大细胞链长度比批次培养的最大细胞链长度要大。

经典英文句子51:最长,51、Python saw the biggest growth, with +1.81% in 2010.Python的评级在xx年有最大的增长,增长了


52、The Yangzi River and the Yellow River are two longest river in China.长江黄河是中国最长的两条河流。

53、直接引语的第二部分比较复杂,主干是They have in common only one thing…

54、The youngest justice is 54, the oldest, 82.最年轻的法官是xx岁,最年长的法官是xx岁。

55、What's the longest river in China ?The Changjiang River.中国最长的江是什么?长江。

56、The longest extension ever granted was to Georges Valensi;延长时间最长的专利批准给了乔治·瓦伦西。

57、At present the expiration date can be extended to at most 30 days.现在,有效期最长可延长 30 天。

58、The Changjiang River, is 葛洲坝是长江上第一座最大的坝,长2,560米,宽70米。

2,560 metres long, 70 metres.

59、Use an initial password of length min, and check all passwords upto passwords of length max (including).使用一个长度最小初始密码,并检查所有的最大长度(含)密码高达密码。

60、The stable and self-perpetuating end stage in the evolution of a plant community.某莳植物系发育过程中最不变最长生的最后阶段。

61、Severn River is the longest river in Britain (338km).塞文河是英国最长的河流。 全长338公里。

62、Maths is her best subject.数学是她最擅长的课目。

63、The wavelength assignment uses least-conversion and single wavelength longest using strategies.波长分配使用最少波长转换和同一波长最长使用策略。

64、Which bird has the longest wing?什么鸟的翅膀最长?

65、West-to-East natural gas pipeline project is currently the longest one with the largest transportation amount and the highest designed pressure in China.西气东输工程是目前我国距离最长、输量最大、设计压力最高的长输天然气管道。

66、Strange, above all, thy length of tress.你最奇异的长发。

67、Maximum Workhours: This sets a limit on how long employers can force their employees to work.最长工作时间:这里设定雇主可以驱使雇用工人工作的最长时间。

68、Que replied: "the best brother, brother of times, I am the worst."扁鹊答说:“长兄最好,中兄次之,我最差。”

69、Nile is the world's longest river, it has 6671 km long.尼罗河是世界上最长的河流,它有6671公里长。

70、最长的河流之一one of the longest rivers 第二长河流 the second longest river

71、Finally, the example, long-term vision.最后,以退为进,目光长远。

72、The last appearance was at the biggest station in town. The glass-enclosed studio sat high above the biggest intersection in the city.最后一次访谈是在长沙最大的电台,玻璃围绕的演播室就位于长沙最大立交桥的上方。

73、In the long run, the best is unquestionably the cheapest.从长计议,最好的无疑是最便宜的。

74、The Yangtze is China's longest river, extending 长江是中国最长的河流,全长6300千米。

6, 300 kilometres.

75、The dam, which is the biggest in the world, is 3800 metres long.世界上最长的大坝有三千八百米长。

英文句子模板76:The longest,76、If I were principalI must be the best president of the most!假如我是校长我一定要最一个最好的校长!

77、The lowest sounds create the largest sound waves and they last the longest.最低的声音发出了最长声波,而且声波持续最久

78、The leaf and root length were found to be the traits most easily modified.叶长与根长是最易改良的性状;



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