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关于”生气的名词“的英语句子41个,句子主体:angry noun。以下是关于生气的名词的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:angry noun


1、Certain prepositions usually follow certain nouns.


2、It’s all nouns.


3、College non-English majors were found to commit significantly more adjective-noun collocational errors than high school learners and college English majors.


4、The paranormal collocation in the syntactic plane is the typical feature of the noun decategorization.


5、What's more, the range of nouns in which structure time-adverbs are attributives is much wider than that of the nouns in which structure time-adverbs are adverbial adjuncts.


6、The word "person" is a countable noun.


7、Several students keeled over from the heat.


8、The student came along with an English dictionary under his arm.


9、Hence, the term climate change is often used interchangeably with global warming.


10、We classify concrete nouns with the category of aspect into function nouns and relative nouns and illustrate the characteristics respectively.


11、Not only is it a new word in architecture, but in human living too.


12、Objective to discuss genesic mechanism of trachea arteria anonyma fistula after tracheotomy .


13、The word naming performances between College English learners with normal reading ability and subnormal reading ability were compared on a single word naming experiment in the present research.

The student came along with an English dictionary under his arm.



15、Splendidness" is the elegant word which has the honor to name this circumstance."


16、This thesis focuses on the research about nominalization that is an important feature of English for Science and Technology.


17、That is, juniors used more nominalizations than freshmen did.


18、Nouns such as book, pen, apple and toy are countable nouns.


19、Objective To discuss genesic mechanism of trachea arteria anonyma fistula after tracheotomy.


20、Don't get angry. I was just joking.

21、This will benefit students gradually and substantially and this certainly helps them to overcome their difficulties in understanding and applying nominalizations.这将有利于加强学生对名词化的理解和认识,学生将会逐渐受益,最终会克服理解和应用名词化时遇到的困难。

22、The term "Xiao Hua Miao Zu" may be unfamiliar to you, but 这名词对你来说可能很陌生,但对四名商管生来说便再熟悉不过。

4 BBA students know it well.

23、M: Jinx. Jinx can be used as a verb or a noun.噢,jinx这个词可以作动词,也可以作名词。

24、I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words. ;枯燥的语法规则和毫无生 气的单词让我学得疲惫不 堪。

25、She burns up at the mention of his name.一提到他的名字她就生气。

英文句子26:,26、Of course, there are a lot of new words (in particular, a number of abstract nouns), it is difficult to guess the meaning.当然,有不少生词(特别是一些抽象名词)的意思是很难猜出来的。

27、This is an abstract noun, but it is used as a common noun here.这是一个抽象名词,在这里用做普通名 词。

28、Divide class into several teams. Each team recommends a good speller to spell words on the board.把班中学生分成若干组,每组推选一名拼词能手到黑板前来拼词。

29、English-Chinese dictionary of pteridophytes & Algae.文章题目 蕨类藻类名词词典。

30、Compared with personal pronouns and possessive determiners, possessive pronouns are rarely being used.相较于人称代词和形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词的使用频率极低。

31、Boy stands for brave and iron and so on , he has many advantages to hanker a girl .男生是勇敢和坚强的代名词,他拥有追求女生的许多优势。

32、She was a bit miffed that he'd forgotten her name.他把她的名字忘了,她有点生气了。

33、“I wouldn’t use the word ‘hard feelings, ’ ” Mr. Catsimatidis said.“我不会用‘怨气’这个词,”卡奇马提底斯先生说。

34、acupuncturist 本身就是名词词性“针灸医生”了 可以直接说 i want to be a acupuncturist 即可

35、Draig meant leader, warrior or chieftain, and denoted bravery.DRAIG的意思是领导者,战士或酋长,是勇气的代名词。

36、Tommy Scullion, an Irish deliveryman who passed away in 1996, spent 50 years collecting 40000 signatures from celebrities such as Pablo Picasso, Edward Duke of Windsor.他xx年去世,生前是名送货员,一生中不断给名人写信,以溢美之词争取签名。

37、Today is my grandmother's eightieth birthday.因为eightieth前有了限定词(名词所有格)

38、Mr Jones: For example, there aren't any articles before nouns.琼斯先生:例如:名词前不加冠词。

39、Mr Jones: And there isn't a different form for plural nouns.琼斯先生:名词没有单复数形式的区别。

40、I will argue that gerunds always have a-structure and that derived nominals are typically ambiguous in its respect.我还将讨论,动名词总是拥有论元结构,并且派生的名词就这一方面来说具有典型的模糊性。

41、There are many inanimate nouns whose genders in the two languages are reversed.两种语言中许多无生命名词的性别是相反的。

42、To blow, swell; with derivatives referring to various round objects and to the notion of tumescent masculinity.吹动,增大; 有与各种圆形物体和血气方刚的男子汉气概观念相关的派生词。

43、Embodied in the Arusha Programme for Collective Self-Reliance, 1979.此名词出自xx年的“阿鲁沙集体自力更生计划”。

44、The Izakaya is a strange noun for local people.居酒屋对于本地人来说,可说是相当陌生的一个名词。

45、They seem to have lost their desire for life.(名词) 他们似乎已丧失了对生活的热望。

46、Except where the context otherwise requires a reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa, and a reference to the masculine includes feminine and vice versa.除非上下文另有要求,凡涉及到单数名词,则应包括复数名词,反之亦然;凡涉及到男(阳)性名词则应当包括女(阴)性名词,反之亦然。

47、Anatomy involves learning arbitrary Latin names for hundreds of different elements of your body. There often aren’t clear patterns and constructs, just a dry list of facts.其中一个例子就是我在医学院xx年级时学习解剖学,解剖学中涉及到数百个与器官相关的拉丁名词,这些名词并没有明确的派生关系和构词方法,而仅仅是一系列的毫不相干的词。

48、The second word is picked “as random as possible because that’s the goal of these operational names, ” says Elliot.而第二个单词则选择“随机取用系统生成的单词,因为这才是使用系统生成名字的目的”埃利奥特说到。

49、Poor performance in these sub-type noun classes is possibly due to their longer exposure to the strict classification instruction they have received in traditional grammar books.高中生在这些名词次类的表现不佳很可能是受到传统文法书中制式名词分类法的影响。

50、Because in the Resident Evil world those are both synonyms for awesome.因为在生化危机的世界,这些就是帅气的同义词。

经典英文句子51:生气的名词,51、Terms are the outcome of society. The relationship between nouns and social phenomena is closer than other kinds of terms.词是社会生活的产物,与其它词类相比,名词同社会生活、社会现象的关系更为密切。

52、These nouns all refer to something that takes place or comes to pass.这些名词均指发生或即将过去的事情。

53、It is the first time that I have been late.名词性连词,“第一次,一…就”

54、Always add the appropriate articles in front of the noun.总是在名词前加上适当的冠词。


标签: 英文

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