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1、Tag and attribute names must be written in lower-case.


2、I especially love to write, write in class, writing class was over, sometimes forget the classes and the class.


3、Algorithm Specifications - Guide for writing code generators.


4、The Son of God is going to be the writer. So, I say, let him write where and how and what he will!


5、There may be typos, spelling errors or even things you thought about writing but forgot too add.


6、Your composition is good except for some mispellings.


7、Copy Lesson

9 single characters

10 times each, dictation next time;


8、Small caps however are designed to purely work together.

常用的缩写包括把“No use”(没有用处)写成“KY”(“know yuse”),把“No go”(不行)写成“KG”(“Know go”),以及把“all right”(好的/可以)写成“OW”(“oll wright”)。

9、Popular abbreviations included "KY" for "No use" ("know yuse"), "KG" for "No go" ("Know go"), and "OW" for all right ("oll wright")。


10、I have a thank you letter I need to write but there are two more people I need to send a letter to also and it would be efficient to send them at the same time.


11、Under the number, handwritten, it says: “Ask for Lenny.”


12、What if it is so boring that I put myself to sleep writing that? One friend asked me.


13、The process-focused writing approach has been widely discussed and feedback to students' writing is attracting academic concerns in second or foreign language teaching and research.


14、Western painting is characterized by realism, painting, painting in order to faithfully model was a natural for the first prerequisite.


15、All entries should be legibly written or typewritten.


16、Please fill in the table both in Chinese and English.


17、I don't know what I want to say, just writting, writting my diary, write down what I think in this time.


18、I have a blog. I like writing, so I always had blogs, journals, web-sites, etc.


19、I’ll get it done very soon. I’m almost finished.


20、Don’t write a post about why you haven’t been posting.

21、There are many things to write down recently, but I'd like to note down some unlucky things first.最近有许多可写的事情,可还是先写写最近的霉事吧。

22、Thus I now write with a hook and smudge my writing.因此我现在写了钩和弄脏我的写作。

23、Practise writing smoothly and quickly. Cursive or "running" writing causes less stress than non-cursive writing, and enables the hand to move faster across the page.练习流畅快速地写作。手写体或“流动式”书写比非手写体的压力要小得多,而且手在纸上移动的速度更快。

24、To write a spellchecker, you need a word list for a language with definitive, proper spelling.你只需要一张拼写正确而且权威的词表就能写一个拼写检查程序;

25、Blog: blogging makes me think and write - two things that I can’t get enough of each day.写博客: 写博客使我思考和写—这是我每天不能获得满足的两件事。

英文句子26:,26、Write injuries in the sand, kindnesses in marble.将伤害写在沙子上,善良写下大理石上。

27、Left-handers especially demonstrate the exertion of writing, curling their entire bodies round their pens as they write, smearing their words as they go.左撇子写字时尤其用力,他们写字时全身的重量都压在写字的那支笔上,而且会蹭脏刚刚写完的字。

28、Translation, Transcription, Editing, Proofreading, Swedish - English, English - Swedish, Native speaker, Danish - English, Norwegian - English.文案撰写, 编辑, 口译, 校对, 研究, 字幕翻译, 语言教学, 技术文件撰写, 听写记录, 翻译。

29、For example the words “thiss iss” each end with a double “s.”比如说,“this is”写成"thiss iss",即双写了s。

30、Afterwards,unexpectedly, I wrote for ten months in succession. My poster后来,想不到一写写了十个月。

31、It's very useful, because it is much faster to write clearly than to write verbosely and confusingly .这将强迫你写得更快,这很有用,因为写得清晰要比写得冗长模糊更快速。

32、Writing an application in Erlang involves writing actual modules, not just the expressions shown in the interactive shell.用 Erlang 编写应用程序需要编写模块,而不只是编写交互式 shell 中看到的表达式。

33、Originally I was no good at writing, let alone writing blogs. I even stuttered with a slip.原来我根本不会写文章,别说写博客,写个纸条都结结巴巴的。

34、When Filling this form, please print clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS. Complete all sections of this form.填写表格时,请使用大写印刷体英文字母,表格所有项目均须填写。

35、Many schoolfellows asked that my hearing answer spelling mistake solution will not deduct points. Can the month write the abbreviation…好多同窗问我听力答案拼写错误解不会扣分。月份可不可以写缩写…

36、Please write about the effect of tree planting on air in a city.请写写植树对城市空气的作用。

37、The first time I go over my writing is spell-check the word.第一次我检查写作中的词语拼写。

38、From the beginning of 20th century is main realistic style, arrive subsequent realistic and abstract proceed together, until become now diverse style.从20世纪初以徐悲鸿为主的写实风格,到随后的写实与写意并行,直至现在各种风格的写意百花齐放。

39、Redraft, rewrite, start again… Work consistently and often.重新起草,重写,再来过…不间断地常常地写。

40、There was one long writing-table and two small ones.有一张长写字台和两张小写字台。

41、Regularly journaling helps you get into the habit of writing, so that it seems like less of a chore.坚持写日记能帮助你养成写作的习惯,让写作并不像是一件苦差事。

42、Since elementary school in grade one begin to write self-introduction, writes have now been embarrassed in writing.从小学起xx年级就开始写自我介绍,写到现在都已经不好意思在写了。

43、Write down a number. Has everyone written down a number?写下一个数字,都写完了吗

44、I. Writing goal: Write about a get-together in school.写作目标:写一次校园联欢会的经过。

45、Chinese characters can be written vertically; English can only be written horizontally.中国字可以直的写, 英文只能横的写。

46、Then Pu "write demon to write a ghost, stab stab greedy child"!当年蒲松龄“写妖写鬼,刺贪刺虐”!

47、del Toro: I've written short stories in Spanish and English. I've written screenplays.德尔托罗:我用英文,西班牙文写过短篇,也写过剧本,不过我不擅长写犯罪题材小说,不擅长写那种犯罪侦破类的那种推理小说。

48、Ink to write that, should hide the facts written in blood.墨写的谎说,决掩不住血写的事实。

49、Writing a post for 50, 000 people, in my pajamas.为50000读者写篇博文,穿着睡衣写。

50、They were told to write their names in block letters.他们被告知要用正楷大写书写姓名。

经典英文句子51:写,51、He's worth three chapters in a textbook.他的功勋彪炳,值得在教科书里大写特写。

52、You can write on the front. You can write on the back.你能写在前面,也能写在后面。

53、I am hesitant to do a Form tutorial because of the proposed changes.我很犹豫是改主意写一篇表单教程,还是按原计划写写容器和自定义服务?

54、If you want to write a book, write it.如果你想写一本书,那就赶紧写。

55、Dyslexia most commonly affects reading, spelling and writing.难语症最普遍影响阅读拼写和写作。

56、'Write it down, ' he said patronizingly. 'Why not? You seem to be more comfortable writing. '“写下来,”他哄着我说,“为什么不写呢?你在写字的时候似乎比较自在。”

57、The child likes to write, but he cant. Sohes crying.那孩子喜欢写字,可他不会写,于是就哭了。

58、write something that’s as interesting as you are. 你可以自己写角色,写跟你一样有趣的东西。

59、Methods: Using tasks of character copy, free writing according to pictures, shape copy and writing to dictation, 65 children with writing difficulties reported by their parents were investigated.方法:使用汉字抄写、看图作文、图形抄写和听写汉字等任务,对65名家长报告的书写困难儿童进行测查。

60、I never write wrong character, but I write loan characters.俺从不写错字,但俺写通假字。

61、You click"sace", and write a name gor it.您点击“保存”,并写为它写一个名字。

62、For example, the point of how to write involves in writing tools, the forms of works, writing methods and strategies, etc.譬如,关于“怎么写”会涉及“写作工具”、“作品形式”、“写作方法和策略”等。

63、Ehcache Ehcache

2.0 introduces write-through and write-behind caching.


64、Why can we write so smoothly with ball pens?为什么我们能用圆珠笔写字写得这么平滑?

65、When a bucket fills, it is written to disk.当一个块被写满后,将被写道磁盘上。

66、Please print in BLOCK CAPITALS and use separate sheets if necessary.请用正楷填写。倘有必要,请另纸书写。

67、By writing what I’m about to write.通过写一些东西,就像我将要写的;

68、Jim is writing. Lily isn't writing. She's looking at the blackboard.吉姆在写字,李丽没有写字,她在看黑板。


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