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关于”背的软件“的英语句子39个,句子主体:Back of the software。以下是关于背的软件的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Back of the software


1、The research of the communications software makes the validity work of these two ways under the application background of the radar simulator.


2、This will prevent the software from accepting hot pixels, random background noise peaks or cosmic ray strikes as real objects.


3、Flash Software Description: About Another White Winter Holiday, This screen saver is full of snow-clad scenes complemented with a cool blue background.


4、At last, the hardware realization method of dynamic background signal generator based on software radio is advanced.


5、We apply context sensitive grammar to the background of component computing and software refinement, and propose a specific definition of context in that application.


6、Back and knees, body weight difficulties.


7、The stomach muscles actually support the back; if their tone is poor, you tend to sag and your back then takes the strain.


8、The software black box test meant the test must carry on in the software connection place.


9、Software engineering has the goal of producing high-quality software, on schedule and on budget.


10、Agent-Oriented Software Engineering;


11、Smooth leather or soft nubuck upper with three hook-and-loop straps along the back strap and across the instep.

因此,本文利用CODE V光学设计软件针对本课题的应用背景设计了一个微光红外物镜。

12、We have designed a low-light-level infrared objective with the application background of the project using CODE V , an optical design software.


13、This emphasizes the collaborative nature of software engineering, because many tasks require that people with different skills, backgrounds, and stakes work together.


14、As described by Jeffrey Carver, "Impact of Background and Experience on Software Inspections." Proposal for PhD thesis, University of Maryland 2000.


15、Based on the MORTRAN software, a corrected method to consummate the all-sky background brightness is given.


16、Soft Bed or Hard Bed for Back Pain?

四件背心( 汗衫),六件衬衣,…

17、Four singlets, six shirts, …


18、Spyware, and its new cousin traitorware, will hurt customers and companies alike — Apple should shelve this idea before it backfires on both it and its customers.


19、'The output of convergent engineering is an object-oriented business model that represents both organization and its supporting software. '

这一定义为一组服务的软件概念是面向服务的体系结构 (SOA) 背后的主题。

20、This concept of software as a set of services is the theme behind Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).

21、Once a webcam has captured an image of the glove, Wang’s software crops out the background, so that the glove alone is superimposed upon a white background.一旦网络摄像机捕捉到了手套的图像,王的软件算法就会将背景裁剪掉,所以手套被单独叠加在一个白背景上。

22、We believe that the architecture behind these changes involves several interesting topics that pertain to software engineering in general (not only search).我们相信这些修改背后的框架所涉及到的一些有趣话题同样适用于普通的软件工程(不只是搜索)。

23、The main reason of pirated software producing is it has a lower price than the real soft product's.盗版软件产生的主要原因是它比正版软件便宜。

24、The computer comes bundled with software and diskettes.电脑与软件和软磁盘被一起提供来的。

25、Software developing principle of CAD for roller machine has been introduced with background, structure, pri-mary contents and methods.介绍了卷板机CAD软件的开发原理,给出了系统的开发背景、结构、基本内容和方法。

英文句子26:,26、CTLM self-diagnostic background software to monitor for potential faults and to log quality-assurance data for service purposes;CTLM-自我诊断背景软件,可检测潜在的错误并且记录质量保证数据以供日常维护所用;

27、However, reusing software resources at early stages of software development is still insufficient.然而,对于软件开发早期阶段的软件资源的重用却进展缓慢。

28、One of my friends recommends me the software called EASYLY TO RECITE NEW WORDS. I often used it and felt very useful.我的一个朋友向我推荐了一种软件叫做《轻轻松松背单词》,我经常使用并且感到很管用。

29、In recent weeks, Apple has been looking to recruit senior-level executives with backgrounds in Web-based software, according to people familiar with the matter.据知情人士透露,最近几个星期,苹果公司正在招聘有网络软件工作背景的资深高管。

30、As with all the leading software vendors, Adobe has a picture of where software is going and wants that future to be on their platform.与所有主要的软件厂商一样,Adobe对于软件的前景也有自己的看法,也希望软件的未来会是在自己的平台上。

31、If you already know some of the background of the WTP and want to get started downloading all of the required software, skip to the section Software requirements.如果您已经知道 WTP 的一些背景,并且想直接开始下载所有必需的软件,那么请略过 软件需求 小节。

32、In fact, I think that software design is one of the more complex things humans have ever tried, especially given the constantly escalating sophistication in what we're building.实际上,我认为软件设计是人类有史以来尝试过的最复杂的事情,尤其是在我们所构建的软件的复杂性不断攀升的背景下。

33、Backlight for low light conditions.背光的低光条件下。

34、Thirdly, based on the batch version of SOM algorism and SOM toolbox in MATLAB environment, the coastal water quality assessment software was compiled.再次,以批处理SOM算法和MATLAB环境下的SOM工具箱为背景和工具,编制了近海水质评价软件;

35、Update your virus scan.升级你的防毒软件。

36、Secondly, we discuss three types of background. The software-LOWTRAN7 can be used to get the radiance of the background and the permeating rate.分析了三种典型的背景,用LOWTRAN7软件计算大气背景的辐射亮度和大气透过率,最后得出到达导引头的辐射亮度。

37、I'll walk through the basic components of a package, what you need to create your own packages, and finally how to pull it all together to create a package.我将完整地介绍软件包的基本组件,创建自己的软件包所需的东西以及如何将它们组合在一起来创建一个软件包。

38、The Tomato Garden case 'so far is the largest for Microsoft, ' said Mr.微软副总裁刘凤鸣接受采访时说,番茄花园一案是微软到现在遇到的最大背法案件。

39、The result is often an unintentional fib, which is why a very large number of software projects deliver late.结果往往会违背我们的初衷,这就是为什么大量的软件项目不能按时交付的原因。

40、The pure play BPM products that come from this background aim to ease the automation of software support for such business process descriptions.由这个背景所产生的纯BPM产品旨在通过软件自动化来简化对这类业务过程的描述。

41、Since the fundamental activity of developing software is writing code, these people tend to come from a development background.由于软件开发中最基本的活动是编写代码,这些角色更倾向于拥有一定的开发背景。

42、Even if those companies disagree about the risk assessment or the background of the malicious software, CME will ignore this and focus on the characteristics of the attack to tag it.就算各公司对恶意软件的威胁评估或背景可能持不同意见,CME也不会为之左右,依然根据攻 击的特征来命名这个恶意软件。

43、The litany of particulars in Microsoft’s complaint, the company’s lawyers say, includes claims of anticompetitive practices by Google in search, online advertising and smartphone software.微软诉讼中一些细节包括了谷歌在搜索服务中的和竞争原则相违背的做法,这些做法也存在于在线广告和智慧手机软件等业务中。

44、If, however, you came from a traditional software background, this type of code-as-you-go attitude is anathema.但是,如果您具有传统的软件编程背景,则这种随意编码的态度将是您所不能容忍的。

45、EdgeGuard Solo is client security software that protects you from malware attacks that legacy, signature-based AntiVirus software misses.东软独奏客户端安全软件,保护你的恶意攻击的遗产,基于签名的防病毒软件的怀念。

46、In this case, Game-based learning software precisely emerges as the times required.游戏型学习软件正是在这种背景下应运而生。

47、The output per month is 现月产硬琴箱4,000多只,软包10,000多个。 附产品有尼龙背带、软包、皮背带、泡沫盒等。

4,000 Hard cases and

10,000 gig bags, including nylon straps, leather straps, foam cases .

48、If you build software, working software should be the primary measure of progress.要是你构建软件,可工作的软件应该是首要的进度度量指标。

49、Because spyware changes, you will have to remember to update your anti-spyware program.因为间谍软件在进化,你要记住升级你的反间谍软件程序。

50、According to the simplified kinematic model, the bionic set of the undulatory dorsal fin has been designed in a three-dimensional CAD software.根据设计参数和数学建模的结果,设计出柔性长背鳍运动的仿生装置,并在三维CAD软件中进行零件建模和虚拟装配;

经典英文句子51:背的软件,51、The company is submitting an H-1B application for a Serbian national with a background in physics-based numerical simulation software.该公司为一名塞尔维亚人递交了H-1B申请,这个人具有物理学领域的数字模拟软件方面的背景。

52、The emergence of web technology, has made it possible to develop internet-based software, providing quality-assured service, at a far lower price compared to traditional methods.互联网的出现,导致一种以互联网为背景的网络语音通信软件出现。

53、For seeds of betrayal in return, sprouting from my memoir.背叛萌芽在追忆里每一处柔软

54、More problematic than glitchy FaceTime software are the reports of iPad 比FaceTime软件问题更加麻烦的是有报道称iPad2的背光灯漏光。

2 backlight leakage.



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