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关于”改为否定句的方法“的英语句子36个,句子主体:Method of changing to negative sentence。以下是关于改为否定句的方法的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Method of changing to negative sentence


1、Layered Sodium Silicate was modified using oleic acid as modifier with Orthogonal Test Design and the optimal modifying condition was found.


2、Objective:To improve the content determination of metronidazole cream.


3、An improved forward-backward time integration scheme is proposed for keeping the computational stability.


4、Nevertheless, the Untitled created by the "scrape" method sought to achieve the positive effect of Hey!


5、These techniques fall ino two distinct classes, depending upon whether or not the shaft is also balanced as a rigid body.


6、Change in use of specific NSCLC treatments?

引号中的这句话,作为英国刑法的一块基石,常用于高希测试(Ghosh test),以帮助确定被告人行为是否诚实。

7、The phrase, a cornerstone of criminal law in Britain, is used in the Ghosh test to help determine whether a defendant has behaved honestly.


8、To improve determination method of vitamin A soft capsules.


9、An improved differential evolution algorithm is proposed, and together with two-stage calibration method, a new camera calibration method is established.


10、To improving the gasohol's stability, dispersant was added.


11、Objective To improve method of treating internal fixation for clavicular fractures.


12、It then calls the following to determine if synchronization is required.


13、METHODS: Adjust the previous dosage of menthol and ethanol and the preparation method was shifted to wet-sifting from trituration .


14、For this article, we'll convert the code to use a load-time modification approach, and to support pattern-matching for specifying the classes and methods to be timed.


15、Methods The ram orbit was determined by the air track, with the impact direction changed and the precise orientation mode improved.


16、The influence of auxiliary materials may be eliminated when main ingredients are determined after tablets dissolved in alcohol and filtered.


17、Way to determine if a charset is multibyte?


18、A reasonable and feasible test method for drying shrinkage of mortar called improved method was first determined from several aspects in comparison with current standard JC/T method.

更改方式经证实相对容易些,但必须先利用 GraphicsDevice 的 isDisplayChangeSupported() 方法询问所涉及的图形设备是否支持更改。

19、Changing modes proves relatively easy, but you must first ask if the involved graphics device supports changing with the GraphicsDevice's isDisplayChangeSupported() method.


20、So much of modern life can be summarized in that suggestive phrase of Thoreau: "Improved means to an unimproved end."

21、Glucose interferes with gluconate measurement using the hydroxamate colorimetric method.对异羟肟酸比色法测定葡萄糖酸含量的方法进行了改进。

22、Police said that decision hadn't yet been made and lay with the court.警方说,尚未决定是否举行公开聆讯,这由法院来决定。

23、Change the doGet method to redirect to a JSP called createEmployee.jsp, as in Listing 将 doGet 方法更改为重定向到一个名为 createEmployee.jsp 的 JSP,如 清单


7 所示。

24、Introduced four kinds denial structure of science and technol ogy Engli sh: entirely, part, double and meaning denial; and explain its translation means though theory and example.介绍了科技英语中四种常见的否定结构,即:全部否定、部分否定、双重否定和意义否定;并通过理论和举例说明了这几种结构的翻译方法。

25、Considering the delivery methods, two improved methods:optical tweezing and targeted distribution were introduced furthermore, the possibility and superiority of these two methods were also discussed;就传输方法方面主要介绍了它的两种改进方法:光学钳法和定位传输法以及这两种方法的优越性;

英文句子26:,26、On Judges Power of Interpretation of Laws in Investigation of Administrative Judicature;(法律)在司法问讯调查中确定或否定口说事实真实性的所有方法。

27、Objective Improvement of determination on the Huoxiang Zhengqi liquid.目的改进藿香正气水的含量测定方法。

28、It shows, of ammonia nitrogen determination method is improved, prove the improved method is feasible.从中可以看出,对氨氮的测定方法作了改进,证明改进后的方法是可行的。

29、Makes the improvement to the GB code happy element determination method;对国标甜蜜素的测定方法进行改进;

30、Objective: To improve the method for hemolysin assay.目的:改进溶血素测定方法。

31、Note that Zope uses an odd convention to determine which methods are accessible via the Web -- if a method has a doc string, it is Web accessible; otherwise, it's considered private.请注意 Zope 采用一种奇怪的约定来确定哪些方法可以通过 Web 访问 ― 如果一个方法包含有一个 doc 字符串,那么该方法可通过 Web 访问;否则,就被认为是私有的。

32、Method The reform of Western diagnostics teaching was discussed based on the orientation, content and methods of diagnostics teaching.方法从课程定位、教学内容设置、教学方法改进等方面探讨西医诊断学改革问题。

33、It denies that contradiction is the unity of opposites and thinks negative is absolute.认为否定是不包含任何肯定因素的绝对否定,是否定一切的全盘否定。

34、Transgenders will be able to have their gender changed in new Irish passports in what will be the first statutory recognition of transgender rights in Irish legislation.例句变性人可以在爱尔兰立法规定的首家法定变性机构改变他们的性别。

35、The acid test is to ask the question: will this feature actually change a decision or result?检验表述是否正确的方法是提出这个问题:这项特性果真会改变决定或结果吗?

36、Methods The ESBL confirmation was taken by double disc confirmatory test.方法用双纸片确定法测定是否产ESBL;

37、The means of deciding whether code should be refactored is often subjective.决定代码是否需要重构的方法,通常是主观的。

38、Huawei is 'conducting audits of its products to determine if any compromise has occurred. ' If so, it will develop and communicate appropriate fixes, said Mr. Plummer.普卢默称,华为正在对其产品进行评审,以确定是否被植入后门。如果确有此事,公司将研究出修改方法并告知客户。

39、To determined if proposed modifications to the project baseline should be made, what should be put in place?为了决定是否对项目基准按建议的修改进行更改,以下何项应安排到位?[ ]。

40、Results of improved determination method were compared with that of primary method with maximum deviation of 0.1%.改进前、后方法测定结果比较,相对偏差最大值为0.1%。

41、Ways to reform teaching methods and the emphasis on student-oriented classroom teaching are discussed.就如何改革教学方法、建立以学定教、为学而教的课堂教学方法进行了探讨。

42、Determination of glutaric dialdehyde was improved, in which acidity measurer instead of indicator indicated titration end point.对戊二醛测定方法进行改进,采用酸度计判定终点的方法代替用肉眼观察指示剂变色来判定终点。

43、Judging from Adorno's negative dialectics, many scholars believe that Adorno's negation is an absolute negation that refuses any unity and harmony.以阿多诺的否定辩证法为依托,许多学者认为他的否定是排斥任何同一与和谐的纯粹的否定。

44、This essentially denies both the need for any sanctifying of the saints, and the means of ministering that sanctification or perfection.这就根本上否定了圣徒有任何关于成圣的需要,并且否定了为使人得以成圣与完全所做服事的方法。

45、But there are reasons to doubt whether the test should be the sole criterion for determining the patentability of inventions in the Information Age.但是,我们有理由怀疑,该检验方法是否应作为认定信息时代发明创造之可专利性的唯一方法。

46、We only redefine the methods whose behavior we need to modify.我们仅仅重新定义需要修改其行为的方法。

47、The major content of Hegel's dialectic can be summarized as follows: (黑格尔辩证法主要内容可概括为:(

1) The three developing stages of Absolute spirit of affirmation, negation, negation of the negation.


48、Is there something that can be improved?是否有些需要改进的方面呢?

49、There is no way to specify whether subgroups are evaluated recursively or not.不存在指定是否要递归地计算子组的方法。

50、Objective To revive the criteria for neostigmine test, and prove a scientific, accurate, applicable method to help diagnosis of myasthenia gravis(MG).目的改良原有新斯的明结果判定方法,为临床提供科学、准确、适用的评定方法以更好辅助重症肌无力(MG)临床诊断。

经典英文句子51:改为否定句的方法,51、The question of negative conviction syllogism can be solved by means of either definition substitution or inference conversion.否定式定罪三段论的问题可以通过定义置换方法或推理变换方法予以解决。

52、It also defines methods for component changed and changing events, which are called by the design-time environment when a component is changing or has changed (such as when a property is changed).它还为组件的已更改事件和正在更改的事件定义了方法,当组件正在更改或已经更改时(例如,当属性更改时),这些方法由设计时环境调用。

53、They both have rejected Fayed's conspiracy theories.两国警方都否定了法耶德的阴谋论。

54、Do not use "Contractor" as a nickname unless that party is legally a contractor.除非一方当事人在法定上就是承包人,否则不要将"承包人"作为其别称。

55、OBJECTIVE To establish a method for determination of Ribavirin granules.目的改进利巴韦林颗粒的含量测定方法。

56、The success of non-tradable share reform depends on fulfillment of plans by the companies concerned and the result of the plan.上市公司股改方案中的承诺能否得到履行及履行的效果直接决定股权分置改革的成败。


标签: 方法

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