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关于”衣服的词汇“的英语句子53个,句子主体:vocabulary of clothes。以下是关于衣服的词汇的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:vocabulary of clothes


1、Costume to wear to protect the human body, the role of anti-static and decorative products, its synonyms are 'clothes' and 'clothes.


2、Chapter two defines the culturally-loaded lexemes. They are direct or indirect reflection of national culture in the structure of lexemes.

taxonomy_dhtml 模块使用一种不同的技术,它循环遍历所有词汇表,并在以词汇表的 vid 为索引的单独区块中显示各个词汇表。

3、The taxonomy_dhtml module uses a different technique by looping over all the vocabularies and displaying each in a separate block indexed by the vocabulary's vid.

4、patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋 119, nightdress 女睡衣


5、Because of large volume of English vocabulary, it is necessary to learn cluster and structure organization of modern English vocabulary in order to enlarge English vocabulary volume.


6、Term relationships: The types of taxonomies and the complexity of the term relationships need to be determined.

找到了与这个 URL 相关联的词汇 ID 之后,需要检查这个词汇是否有父词汇。

7、Now that we have the term ID associated with this URL, we need to find out if there is a parent to this term.


8、Most of the words come from a vocabulary list that gets updated about every ten years.

如果没有找到父词汇,就使用与这个 URL 相关联的词汇名称。

9、If no parent is found, then the term name associated with the URL is used.


10、Your clothes : Loose clothes are best.


11、Buy more solids than prints - you won't get tired of them as quickly.


12、He dived into the water fully clothed and rescued the children.

运动服装: 运动衣服, 紧身衣服, 瑜珈及每天活动的衣服。

13、Sportive: Athletic wear, tight fit, yoga wear and comfy wear for daily exercise.


14、Interestingly, "yes" didn't even appear in the study's top

20 most persuasive words.


15、Buy more solids than prints -you won't get tired of them as quickly.


16、Above all, he loved words and their sounds.


17、Your clothes will bunch up if you keep them in the suitcase.


18、Lexical pragmatics is a rapidly developing branch of linguistics that investigates the processes in which linguistically specified word meanings are modified in use.

19、绿色的衣服 She was dressed in green. 她身穿绿色衣服。


20、And she would not let me undress her, hid in the wardrobe to change.

21、We welcome you to join us.We welcome you to attend. 词典里包含的相近词汇:

22、The combination of direct vocabulary learning with incidental vocabulary learning is supposed to be a better way to improve students'language skills in the long term.从长远来看,词汇附带习得理论辅以直接词汇教学才能弥补学生词汇量的不足。

23、anorak. detachable collar 假领. doublebreasted suit 双排扣外衣

24、In a particular culture, a high-lexicalized word receives a high degree of attention a low-lexicalized word receives less attention.词化程度高的词汇在这一语言所属的文化中受到的重视高,而词汇化程度低的词汇在这一语言中受到的重视程度相对就低。

25、的衣服 有两个短语 a change of clothes,换洗的衣服 clothes sense 穿着打扮

英文句子26:,26、Studying the 3000 most frequently used words will familiarize you with 94.0[%] of vocabulary in oral speech.学习3000个最常用的词汇,会使你熟知口语中94[%]的词汇。

27、Lexical fossilization is a hard-to-crash phenomenon in foreign language learning.词汇僵化是外语学习中难以克服的语言错误现象。

28、Apparel worn beneath outer garments; underclothing.穿橙色衣服,穿橙色衣服。

29、Under the key word "Yi Fu" (clothing) is a picture of the pants and jacket known the world over as a Mao suit.在“衣服”词条下是一张中山装的照片。

30、So if the recognizer recognizes the word as 'tbe,' that's not in the lexicon, but the most similar word from the lexicon is 'the,' so that will get replaced.他说,“所以如果识别器将词语识别为‘tbe’的时候,那并不在词汇库中,但词汇库中最接近的词汇是‘the’,所以那会被替代。”

31、hat cap coat sock pants shoe sweater glove vest skirt shirt 礼帽 帽子 大衣 短袜 长裤 鞋 毛衣 手套 背心 裙子 衬衣

32、Consider air-drying clothes on clothes lines or drying racks.考虑空气干燥衣服的衣服,线条或晒衣架。

33、WSDL: The Web Services Description Language is an XML vocabulary that provides a standard way of describing service IDLs.WSDL:Web 服务描述语言 (Web Services Description Language) 是个提供描述服务 IDL 的标准方法的 XML 词汇。

34、A garment hanging from the waist and worn by women and girls.衣服的裙,下摆:从腰部自由下垂的衣服的一部分,例如女服或上衣。

35、The study of lexical relations has a long history in semantics and lexicology.对于词汇关系的研究在语义学和词汇学领域已有很长历史。

36、pants 内衣裤 (美作. broadbrimmed straw hat 宽边草帽 137. cotton 棉 141. rollneck sweater 高翻领运动衫

37、You should damp clothes before ironing them .在烫衣服前应将衣服打湿。

38、The name "Coco Chanel" conjures up elegant and expensive clothing, jewelry and bags.香奈儿这个名词让人想起高雅又高价的衣服,珠宝和背包。

39、The essay begins with the psychological basis of text-based vocabulary instruction.以篇章为依托进行词汇教学有助于提高词汇教与学的成效。

40、Your vocabulary is finite.你的词汇量是有限的

41、The term ID, $tid, is found using a foreach loop on the array term object array retrieved.在获得的词汇对象数组上执行 foreach 循环,找到词汇 ID $tid。

42、Sense: The specific meaning of a specific word; the shade of meaning within a synonym set given by a specific word form.含义:特定词汇的特殊含义;通过特定的词汇形式说明同义词组中各词的细微差别。

43、Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words.词汇学是语言学的一个分支,研究词汇的起源和意义。

44、There are social words (talk, they), biological words (cheek, hands, spit), “insight” words (think, know, consider) and dozens of other groupings.目录分为社会类词汇(谈话,他们),生物类词汇(脸颊,手,痰),“思考类”词汇(想,知道,考虑)及其他几十个组别。

45、It's sort of like the clothes you want the person giving a eulogy to wear.这就像是你要给颂词人选参谋衣服一样。

46、His clothes argue poverty. Mind you wrap up well if you go out. Are these clothes for everyday wear. Hang out the clothes on the line.他的衣服表明他很穷。提醒你出门穿好衣服,小心着凉。这是日常衣服吗?把衣服晾到挂衣绳上。

47、To remove the clothing of; disrobe.脱…衣服;脱去衣服。

48、The array includes an ID (term or vocabulary ID), a name, description, and weight.这个数组包含 ID(词汇或词汇表 ID)、名称、描述和权值。

49、Define the lexical space, value space, and lexical mapping of the new type.定义新类型的词汇空间、值空间和词汇映射。

50、According to their categorization (1976, 1985), lexical cohesion is composed of reiteration, synonymy, hyponymy and collocation, etc.韩礼德和哈桑(1976,1985)将词汇衔接分为词汇重复关系、同义关系、上下义关系和词汇搭配四类。

经典英文句子51:衣服的词汇,51、Wear Light Colors: Darker colors will absorb the sun`s rays and be warmer than light or white clothing, which reflects light and heat.穿浅色衣服:深色衣服会吸收太阳射线,浅色和白色衣服能够将光和热反射出去,因此深色衣服比浅、白色衣服的温度高。

52、Modern lexicology , specially the modern glossary semantics breakthrough tradition glosseme study studying range, looking the glosseme as one of its research objects.现代词汇学,特别是现代词汇语义学突破传统词汇学的研究范围,把义位作为其研究对象之


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