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关于”100句优美“的英语句子22个,句子主体:100 beautiful words.。以下是关于100句优美的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:100 beautiful words.


1、Entry fees range from $100 to $1,000; outfits can cost between $100 and $12,000 each; and then there’s the cost of makeup, and even false teeth to cover up lost baby teeth.




2、I bet $100 on that horse.


3、I lay 100 dollars Brazilian team will be the champion.


4、It’s $200 after $100 mail-in rebate, with contract.


5、This is a crisp new 100 dollar note.


6、How about 98 down and 100 a month?


7、Boy, if the Chinese only had 100 good pursuit planes and 100 fair pilots, they'd exterminate the Jap air force!

75-100 =你是一个优秀的聆听者和沟通者。

8、75-100 = You’re an excellent listener and communicator.


9、You borrow $100 today and repay $98 a year from now.


10、I need 300 dollars in 100-dollar checks.


11、You are allowed u. s. dollar 100 duty-free .


12、If an ad that costs $100 makes you $100 back in profit, it’s a good ad.


13、They boarded her for $100 a month.


14、I have debited $100 against your account.


15、Limei weighed just about 100 grams when she was born.


16、At $100/hour this would be a $320,000 job.


17、Only Bid for $30 so that I can easily pay you if the project is awarded to you. We need 100 excellent writers.


18、Can you change 100 dollars?

我要300 美元票面为100 美元的支票。

19、I need 300 dollars in 100-dollar cheque.


20、Can you give me 100 dollars in Swiss francs?

21、I need 300 dollars in 100-dollar cheques.我要300美圆票面为100美圆之支票。

22、Awards range from $45, 000 to $100, 000. www.pancan.资助金额从45 000到100 000美元不等。

23、Tie 是250美元卖盘,但下跌到100美元是我们的房子。

4. Sale is $ 250, but fell to $ 100 is our house.

24、She deposited $100 in her account.她在自己账户上存了100美元。

25、Full-year road construction project 100 percent pass rate, with a focus 100% works fine, no major quality, safety incidents.全年公路交通建设工程合格率100%,重点工程优良率100%,未发生重大质量、安全事故。

英文句子26:,26、If you sell it at $200, you have made $100 in realized gains.如果你把它以200美元卖了,你就赚了100美元的实现收益。

27、In the optimum reaction condition, yields of the five benzyl carboxylates was near 100%.在优化反应条件下,反应产率接近100%。

28、Mother withdrew $100 from her account.妈妈从账户上取出100美元。

29、Annual tuition, Chinese students: $32, 100每学年学费,中国学生:32 100美元

30、You must also pay an application fee, currently $100.您必须支付申请费,现在是100美元。

31、I'm offering $50-$100 for this job. I will pay quick.我提供50美元- 100美元用于这项工作。我将支付快。

32、Zhao Ming: I have been doing quite well. As reach 90% and Bs reach 100%.赵明:我学习成绩一直不错,优秀率是90%,优良率是100%。

33、For instance, if you buy a stock for $100 and it is currently trading at $200, you have made $100 in unrealized gains.举例来说,如果你花100美元买一只股票,当前交易价200美元,你就有了100美元的未实现收益。

34、In the first year you have a $100 investment earning $7 and paying $3.50 in dividends.第xx年,你的100美元投资可以盈利7美元,支付的股息为


35、And nothing, you would just get $100.你只得到100美元,别无其他

36、You're not putting in $100 to this investment; you're putting in $99.58 for the investment and you're getting out the difference between $100 and $99.58.你并没有投资100美元,你只投入了99.58美元,你得到的收益是100和99.58美元的差值

37、Sleeve lining: 100% merino wool.袖里:100%美利奴羊毛。

38、It's a neat accounting trick: if you sell a software package for $100, Wall Street will value that at $100.这可是个聪明帐:如果你的升级包卖100美元,华尔街就认为它值100美元。

39、The contract fulfillment rate of 100%, 100% rate of good quality, in particular its high quality after-sales service, even by the broad welcome customers, and has won the trust of customers.公司的合同兑现率100%,质量优良率100%,尤其是公司的优质售后服务,更是受到了广大客户的欢迎,赢得了客户的信赖。

40、He wagered $100 on the result of the election.他用100美元来对选举结果打赌。

41、NPV = 95, 650-100, 000 = -$4, 350净现值 = 95 650 -100 000 = -4 350美元

42、They sell well. Macadamia nuts at $100 a box?卖的不错。澳大利亚坚果每盒100美元?

43、The Backflip, which runs on AT&T's 3G network, costs $100 after a $100 mail-in rebate and a two-year agreement.Backflip支持 AT&T公司的3G网络,在享受了100美元的邮寄退款折扣之后费用为100美元,合同期两年。

44、Pay : Between 30-130 dollars. lower the better! Looking at around 100 dollars ish.薪酬:在30-130美元。越低越好!在约100美元上下的展望。

45、W:It's renminbi 827 yuan agianst US 100 dollars.人民币827元兑换100美元。

46、Repairing your car will cost a minimum of 100 dollars.修你的汽车最少要花100美金。

47、Average staring salary for graduates: $22, 100 and above毕业平均起薪(年薪):22 100美元+

48、The dog cost me 100$.这只狗花了我100美元。

49、Is the material of 100% melamine?原料是否为100%美耐皿?。

50、The exchange rate is 832 RMB for 100 USD .美元汇率是100美元兑832元群众币。

经典英文句子51:100句优美,51、Beaneater has received $100 for a ton of soybeans that he valued at only $71.宾仪特把他定价为71美元一吨的大豆卖了100美元。

52、It costs just $199 with a one-year contract and $100 rebate.只需花费199美元就能购得,还配有xx年合同及100美元折扣。

53、The exchange rate is $100 to 800 RMB.(汇率是100美元兑换800人民币。

54、Do you know the "100 Dollar Laptop?"你知道“100美元笔记本”吗?

55、I 'd like to break this 100 - dollar note .我想把这张100美元钞票兑开。

56、However, a 100% mortgage has its share of merits and demerits.不过,有100%的按揭也有自己的优点和缺点。

57、Under the napkin were four more $100 bills.餐巾纸下还盖着四张100美元的钞票。

58、I need 300 dollars in 100-dollar cheques.我要300美圆票面为100美圆的支票。


标签: 优美

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