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5 past tense。

英文句子模板1:5 past tense


1、The unemployment rategrew from under 5% to just over 10% at its peak, and has fallen during the pastfew months a little to




2、The results suggest that the inhibitory effect of 5-HT on arcuate neurons may be mediated by 5-HT1 receptor, while some by 5-HT1A receptor.


3、Since we exceeded 80 characters thanks to the complex formula, in Figure

5, Vim highlights the whole line in red.

5 中,由于复杂的公式导致超过 80 个字符,所以 Vim 用红色高亮显示一整行。


4、For binge drinking, Add Health asks: “During the past

12 months, on how many days did you drink five or more drinks in a row?”


5、She is dull in the quondam,

5 fingers such as hook, toward his noodles door and then grabbed pass along.


6、Last year his team achieved a milestone when it manoeuvred a

1.5-millimetre bead through a 5-millimetre artery in a living pig.



7、A couple of usage patterns for tcpdump are shown in Listing


5 显示 tcpdump 的两个用法模式。


8、With a touchpad controlled microprocessor and

5 pre-programmed blend cycles, Blue LCD ;


9、Peggy: Come on, I used to work under him for

5 years and I know him like the back of my hand.


10、These results indicate that the 5-HT immunoreactive endocrine cells can release 5-HT by endocrine and exocrine ways.


11、So the filter expression will result in a sequence of integers where each is less than

1,000 and divisible by

3 or


1,000 且能被

3 或

5 整除。


12、Oil inventory is well-above last year's level and the 5-year average.

清单 5展示了上述模式的一个实例。


5 shows an instance of the above schema.



5. The expression() production

5. expression() 产生式


15、The performance of the parent female has improved steadily over the last

5 years.


16、Forget that I averaged almost


5 and

5 a night last year.

在过去的两个赛季中,巴特勒平均缺席21 。5场。

17、In the past's two seasons, the Boteler average absented 21.



18、I think for the past three months, I've only had five or six hours of sleep at night.


19、We have

3 new cabinet door styles,

5 colors each.


20、Will I pass through? Will I learn something this time? The answer will come

5 days later.

21、They determined the number of incarcerations in the past 他们确定了5种囚犯在过去xx年里的囚禁数量

6 years among

5 groups of inmates

22、I went for 我把它设成了

5 buttons at a moderate pace, and it works every time.

5 个按钮、中等速度,这样每次都没让我再昏睡过去。

23、Your first microformat in 在5分钟或更少的时间,开始你的第一个微格式!

5 minutes or less!

24、The univalent organic radical C6H 单价有机基因,C6H 5,通过去掉一个氢原子而从苯中提炼出来。

5, derived from benzene by removal of one hydrogen atom.

25、Hejia: How about Beko's achievement in the passed 和家网: 倍科在xx年过去的5个月业绩如何?

5 months of 2009?

英文句子26:,26、Chris is so happy to have access to the team's new training center where he's been scrimmaging 5-on-5 for the past two weeks.克里斯是很高兴有机会为球队的新的训练中心,他已经分组对抗,在过去两个星期5对


27、Strange how a 30-5 start causes these stories to fade away.很奇怪一个30:5的开局将所有过去的故事一扫而净。

28、The first table expression produces 57 rows, and the second table expression produces 5+7+9=21 rows.第一个表表达式产生 57 行,而第二个表表达式则产生 5+7+9=21 行。

29、Rand Paul formally announced his candidacyon Glenn Beck's radio show last Aug. 去年xx月5号,兰德·保罗在格伦·贝克脱口秀上正式宣布了他的参选。


30、Listing 清单

5: A Web form to interactively set a trackback

5:通过交互的方式设置 trackback 的 Web 表单

31、The range would then look like (那么这个范围看上去应当类似于 (



32、In real terms, the trade-weighted renminbi is up 实际上,贸易加权的人民币在过去六个月升值了

7.5% over the past six months and fully 20% over the past five years.


33、Data Based on 40 oC Condensing Temperature, 水冷式额定制冷量基于以下运行工况:冷凝温度40℃,蒸发温度5℃,液体过冷度5℃,吸气过热度5℃;

5 oC Evaporation Temperature, 5oC Useful Suction Superheat and 5oC Liquid Sub-cooling.

34、Over the past 过去xx年里,中国的工资水平已经上涨了50-120%不等。

5 years, wages in China have risen by 50-120%.

35、The hybrid market has remained somewhere between 在过去的xx年多里,混合式引擎汽车的市场占有率一直保持在2%到3%之间,仍旧是九牛一毛。

2 and 3%, really, for the last 5-plus years, so it's still a very small amount.

36、Taking all into account, 5-5-5-orders piecewise polynomial trajectory mode is more applicable.考虑到运动冲击会增加机械磨损和噪声,5-5-5次分段多项式轨迹模式更趋实用。

37、The output has been doubled in the past five years.过去xx年中产量翻了一番。

38、Mom died five days after her 53rd birthday.她xx岁生日过后5天故去了。

39、The fire is the fifth in Texas to have burned at least 100, 000 acres in the past two weeks.这是在过去两个星期里烧毁超过1万英亩的大火灾中的第5起。

40、Banks globally are recapitalizing their balance sheets thru stock issues to take advantage of the past 全球银行正重整它们的资产负债表,通过股票发行,利用过去的5个月股市反弹和市场情绪的改善。

5 months stock market rally and improved market sentiment.

41、Step 步骤

5: Restart the whole update process again.


42、The evolution course that introduced pattern of Qing Gang management and " 介绍了青钢治理模式的沿革过程和“五个日”全控治理模式的产生过程及其内涵。

5 day " the generation process of pattern of fully control management and its connotation.

43、One is for recipes I want to try, one for recipes I tried and liked, and one for frugal recipes that are less than $5 for a family of four.一个用来装我想要尝试的菜式,一个装我煮过并喜欢的菜式,最后一个装的是对一个四口之家来说花费少于5美元的经济型菜式。

44、The Circa 62 No. 在奇尔卡62 5号是一个独特的槌模式。

5 is a distinctive mallet model.

45、The Lakers are 5-2 against the Rockets in Houston over the last four seasons.湖人在过去四个赛季中造访休斯顿的战绩为5胜2败。

46、With E4X, you can select a node or nodes using filters, as in Listing 通过 E4X,可以用过滤器选择一个或多个节点,见清单



47、Use the 5$ fat caliper from accumeasure.通过精准的测量,减去的是5$卡尺的脂肪。

48、5He handed the card through the brass grill.5他隔着黄铜格栅把名片递过去。

49、It consists of 两辆车可以开过去! (5米高7米宽)。

4 huge magnets where

2 cars can easily pass each other (

5 meters high and

7 meters wide).

50、1: Like Hell, Part

1 :In Part

1 of the two-part Season

5 premiere, Bo goes to hell and back to rescue a friend, while Tamsin faces a foe from her past.


经典英文句子51:5个过去式,51、The economy has enjoyed 5-6 per cent growth for the past three years.过去xx年来已经成功实现了每年5~6%的经济增长。

52、In the winter, he often goes without seeing the sun for weeks, if the shift starts at 冬季,如果换班制是从早上5点开始,一直到下午5点才结束的话,他经常是一连好几个星期都没看到过太阳就去工作的。

5 am and ends at

5 pm.

53、For the last 过去xx年我一直觉得他是个有点怪的人。

5 years I’ve thought he was a bit of a weirdo.

54、Any article published within the last 凡在过去xx年内(1999-2004)出版过的文章均符合报名资格。

5 years (1999-2004) is eligible ( see listing of articles).

55、So in our first structure, we would find for the nitrogen we have a formal charge 那么在我们的第一个结构中,我们发现氮的形式电荷量是五减去四

5 minus

4 minus

2, because we're starting with

5 valence electrons, so that is a formal charge of minus





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