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关于”基本成分“的英语句子34个,句子主体:Basic Ingredients。以下是关于基本成分的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Basic Ingredients

1、In Part

1, I concentrated on the basics of code generation.

1 部分的重点放在代码生成的基本原理上。


2、Scientists have found that everything in the Universe is made up from a small number of basic building blocks called elementary particles, governed by a few fundamental forces.

RGBE 形式基本上使用第4个称为被分享的解释者的组成部分(E)。

3、The RGBE format basically uses a 4th component known as the shared exponent (E).


4、In the assignment of the cost of joint production, some scholars provided to establish the joint product model based on activity-based costing.


5、Twenty of these "letters" correspond to amino acids, the building blocks for proteins.

12 个 “字母” 对应于氨基酸,它是蛋白质的基本成分。


6、The primary distribution of labor income is the basic component of the redistribution of national income.


7、The dissertation can be divided into two parts. The rationale of Magnetotelluric sounding will be briefly introduced in part one.


8、It Introduces the basic concept, basic process of the activity-based cost. And an application is imitated about the separately budget based on activity-based cost.


9、The mental patient thinks the cement is the elementary element of the ornament.


10、Results Physical properties of the dusts were nearly the same, while the chemical composition was not.


11、On the basis of introducing the basic principles of DFH, the process of frequency hopping is modeled as the homogeneous Markov chain.


12、It was the sort of quantity you could easily manage by eating a lot of tomato-based meals.


13、Basic Ingredients for Potato and Corn Chowder recipe;


14、Firstly, the basic principle of the vibro-acoustography is discussed.


15、Described are basic principle and construction of tubular seal.


16、Most will do a bit of basic work for deferred compensation.


17、The thesis puts forward an Ontology-based information integration architecture, which is named OBIIA.


18、There is no final examination, but the course does count toward undergrads' GPA.


19、The result showed that the soybean cake could be used as component of medium.


20、Then we summarize the transactional economics, resource-based view and organizational learning theory as the theory stone for inducement of R&D alliance formation.

21、Based on the historical cost data of China key state-owned coal mines, studied the unit cost of coal mining and its component.以国有重点煤矿原煤成本的历史数据为基础,对吨煤成本及其构成进行分析,旨在揭示我国煤矿成本水平的变化趋势及成因。

22、The thesis consists of two parts:The first part is the study of microwave-assisted oxidation of internal alkynes to 本论文由两部分内容组成:第一部分是微波促进DMSO/I_2氧化二芳基乙炔成1,2-二芳基乙二酮的研究。

1,2-diaryldiketones with DMSO/I_2.

23、Conclusion: ligustilide (22.8 %) and Butylidene phthalide (结论:主成分为蒿本内酯(22.8%)和丁烯基酞内酯(

19.5%) are the main constituents.


24、E. sudra individuals attracted each other and the individual group was basic component in its distribution.桃一点斑叶蝉个体间相互吸引,分布的基本成分为个体群。

25、Bandhas are essential components of the ujjayi breathing technique.收束法是喉式呼吸的基本组成部分。

英文句子26:,26、Abstract; Determinations of the major nutrient components of wild Bombax malabaricum DC.对攀枝花的基本营养成分作了较为全面的分析测定。

27、As the basis of assigning costs to products, accountants should compute cost rates for all cost drivers.作为将成本向产品分配的基础,会计人员应当对所有的成本动因计算成本分配率。

28、In 21 century, constmtion information network is becoming indispensability unit in city development.在21世纪,信息网络建设成为城市发展不可缺少的基本组成部分。

29、Articles of plaster or of compositions based on plaster.石膏制品及以石膏为基本成分的混合材料制品。

30、LMDS/B-WLL infrastructure technology can be divided into two basic multiple access technologies: FDD and TDD.WLL 基础设施技术可以分成两个基本的多重访问技术:FDD 和TDD。

31、They compared cow's milk-based formula to protein hydrolysate formulas, which contain predigested proteins and are typically fed to infants who cannot tolerate the intact proteins in other formulas.他们比较了以牛乳为基本成分的奶粉和水解蛋白为基本配方的奶粉,水解蛋白为基本配方的奶粉含有预先分解了的蛋白质成分,常用来喂养那些自身不能很好的分解其他配方奶粉中的蛋白质的婴儿们。

32、Conclusion: composition in Rhizoma is almost the same as Fibrous Root.结论:根茎与须根成分基本相同。

33、The basic concept, the components and the way of detecting intrusions of the DIDS are introduced.介绍了分布式入侵检测系统的基本组成,各组成部分的功能和入侵检测的方法。

34、A novel integration-based yield estimation method is developed for yield optimization of integrated circuits.本文提出了一种基于数值积分的集成电路成品率估计方法。

35、Services become the primary conceptual elements that are managed, introduced, developed, that are assigned a budget, an owner.服务成了最基本的用于管理、引入、开发的概念元素,也是用于计划、分配任务的基本元素。

36、Cost- based, which is also called cost-plus .以成本为基础,又称为成本加成。

37、The second chapter consists of two parts. One part is to describe the basic process of GPK by a case. The other part is to introduce the development course of GPK.第二章由两部分内容组成,一部分是通过一个案例,对弹性边际成本法的基本核算流程进行描述,另一部分重在介绍弹性边际成本法的应用和发展历程。

38、Primary meristem of Cynomorium songaricum Rupr. is composed of protoderm, ground meristem and procambium strands that line a wavelike ring in the ground meristem.锁阳茎的初生分生组织由原表皮、基本分生组织以及在基本分生组织中呈波浪式环状排列的原形成层束组成。

39、Plates, sheets, coils of polyisobutylene with man-made felt.聚异丁烯为基本成分的附有人造毛毡的板,片,卷材。

40、The mental patient thinks the cement is the elementary element of the ornament.精神病人认为水泥是装饰品的基本成分.

41、Daylighting, or more generally lighting, is one of the fundamental components of architecture.采光,或更普遍的照明,是建筑的基本组成部分。

42、Part 第二部分,行书字体的基本成熟:描摹了行书初步形成以及基本成熟时期的情况。

2. Basic maturity of running script: This part describes the situation of running script in the period of initial formation and basic maturity.

43、The nutritive compositions of wild Sophora davidii Rom ex Pavol were studied.对苦刺花的基本营养成分进行了较为全面的分析测定。

44、The differentiation of the cells derived from the primordial meristem formed protoderm, ground meristem and procambium strand.其衍生细胞分化为原表皮、基本分生组织和原形成层。

45、These results suggest that dentin matrix proteins, or the secreted products of odontoblasts, induced cementoblast differentiation and mineralization.这些结果说明,牙本质基质蛋白,或是成牙本质细胞的分泌产物,可以诱导成牙骨质细胞分化和矿化。

46、The Four Cardinal Principles are the precepts for governing the country, and an essential element of the Partys basic line in the elementary stage of socialism.四项基本原则作为立国之本,是党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线的重要组成部分。

47、This chapter by a common crime, the basic theory, basic theory of a common crime of bribery of two parts.本章由共同犯罪的基本理论、共同受贿犯罪的基本理论两部分组成。

48、It is the grape of Barolo and Barbaresco wines.它是酿制巴罗洛和巴芭罗斯克葡萄酒的基本成分。

49、The first section mainly introduces the conception of cost-income theory, which mainly consists of two basic theories which are rational choice and cost-income theory.第一节受贿罪成本收益分析,主要论述了受贿罪成本收益分析理论下的两种基础理论,即理性选择理论和成本收益理论。

50、The most basic element of meaning is traditionally called morpheme .传统上把意义的基本成分称为词素。



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