猜灯谜用英语怎么说 猜灯谜英语翻译

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猜灯谜用英语怎么说 猜灯谜英语翻译

猜灯谜的英语说作" guess riddles",还经常被译作 guess lantern riddles,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到59个与猜灯谜相关的短语释义和例句。


1. guess riddles

猜灯谜翻译为 guess riddles 。

示例:猜灯谜出现于宋朝(960 - 1279)。 The activity emerged during the Song Dynasty (960-1279).


2. guess lantern riddles

猜灯谜翻译为 guess lantern riddles 。

示例:元宵节传统习俗中还有一部分是关于猜灯谜的游戏。 Part of the Lantern Festival tradition involves a game to guess riddles attached to the lanterns.


3. riddle solving

猜灯谜翻译为 riddle solving 。

示例:另一个传统是猜灯谜。 Another tradition is guessing lantern riddles.


4. Riddle

猜灯谜翻译为 Riddle 。

示例:Now, is there really a town called Riddle? 真有叫riddle的小镇?


英语短语&俚语, GuessGame ( 猜灯谜活动 )

guessing riddles ( 灯谜竞猜 )

Riddle same man ( 同一名男子灯谜竞猜 )


1. Well, maybe not the palace, but according to the riddles, inside of the temple is a slot for your key.


2. As a traditional culture of Chinese writing, the art of lantern riddles has its distinctive contemporaneity and folkways.


3. Generally, a lantern riddle consists of three parts, namely the riddle, the hint and the answer.

译文:灯谜一般由三部分组成,即谜面、谜目和谜底。 。

4. According to Chinese folk traditions, in one Yuanfu before, the earth rejuvenate the festive night, the sky bright and guess riddles, eating Lantern family reunion enjoyable.

译文:按中国民间的传统,在一元复始,大地回春的节日夜晚,天上明月高悬,猜灯谜、吃元宵合家聚会、其乐融融。 。

5. Another tradition is guessing lantern riddles.

译文:另一个传统是猜灯谜。 。


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