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关于”激励自己的短句“的英语句子38个,句子主体:Motivate your own short sentences.。以下是关于激励自己的短句的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Motivate your own short sentences.


1、We students in the seminar considered ourselves radical explorers.


2、Nothing could be more trees, more grateful for the upbringing of their land.


3、Since the class on their day, also led early dressed in a nine-to-five life. Every time the workaday just an hour by car. become the happiest day of the time.


4、She blasted to make him admit his mistake.


5、It also points to the importance of internal incentives in a qualified official.


6、Nobel peace laureate Malala Yousafzai has offered hope that her prize will inspire young girls worldwide to fight for their rights.


7、Then seeing the success neighboring farmers were having with zai, he set his village to work. Crop yields went up.


8、Exchanges with tourists, they found that their lack of each other.


9、She always squeaks out her ideas when she is excited.


10、Example: Fred rarely puts himself out on other people's behalf.

了解对你自己来说最佳的工作条件,将这些作为你战略的基础。 这样,整套工作方法都会激励你,让你顺利完成工作。

11、Know your optimal working conditions and set these up as the basis of your strategy, so that your entire methodology motivates you and you get the job done.


12、Best yet, they might inspire new ideas of your own!


13、sustenance—Is the brand able to sustain itself within the competitive marketplace?


14、In other words, acts of self-control haven't just exhausted the ego – they actually seem to have pissed it off.


15、Tajfel and colleagues' experiment shows that group membership is so important to us that we join the most ephemeral of groups with only the slightest prompting.


16、The man himself certainly thinks those earlier dressings-down had a hand in his revival: "I learned a lot during those few weeks, mentally speaking."


17、 Carry this overweight bag by myself.


18、Pakistan's female athlete Sadaf Siddiqu aims not high at the Olympics and says simply competing will be a dream come true as she hopes to inspire millions of girls back home.


19、Everyone's got their problems but we've got to be motivated.


20、Because we feel unpleasant when we don't love ourselves, this belief goes, the threat that our self-love might be withdrawn will motivate us to do a good job.

21、NCO 's organisational structure encourages lateral thinking fluid communication and swift implementation.NCO 的组织机构有利于激励水平思考、自由沟通和快速执行。

22、You also have to have your own personal love: what inspires you, what excites you when you wake up in the morning.在你的生命里你必须要有一个平衡,你还必须要有一份对自己的热爱,正是它激励着你,让你在早上醒来时倍感振奋。

23、Their headache comes from trying to save the euro without enraging their voters.他们的头痛来自于试图拯救欧元而不激怒自己的选民。

24、Were you psyched to get back to your modeling workshop?你对于回到自己的模特公司激动吗?

25、Low emittance and high intensity electron beams are needed for the high gain, short wavelength FELs.高增益、短波长自由电子激光器需要发射度低、峰值电流高的短脉冲电子束流。

英文句子26:,26、Those influencers will help to swayothers in the organization by helping to align their incentives withthe tech change you're leading, and will help to bridge the formalauthority gap.这些影响者将会有助于诱使其他人跟随技术变革调整自己的激励因素,这样将会有助于弥合他们与你的差异。

27、This club has always taken pride in its history - it acts as an inspiration to all of us and it's great to see it represented in the new kit.俱乐部对自己的历史总是很骄傲,这对我们是个激励。很高兴看到新球衣体现历史元素。

28、If you find yourself in a riptide, don't panic.假如你发现自己被卷入激潮时,别惊慌。

29、To activation calm is like lentic marriage, I decide him change.为了激活平静如死水的婚姻,我决定改变自己。

30、Everyone has moments of autonomy, if only fleeting.每个人都有把握自己的短暂时刻。

31、Everyone has strengths, weaknesses, habits, and principles that define who you are and can make you distinctive.每个人都有自己的长处和短处,自己的习惯和原则,这些就是你区别于他人的地方。

32、That’s the thing: even with goals, some people aren’t going to achieve anything, because they haven’t figured out how to motivate themselves.这就是问题所在:即使拥有目标,一些人也没打算去完成任何事,因为他们没有弄清楚怎样激励他们自己。

33、[Agencies 2008-08-04]-- Pakistan's female athlete Sadaf Siddiqu aims not high at the Olympics and says simply competing will be a dream come true as she hopes to inspire millions of girls back home.巴基斯坦女运动员萨达夫•西迪基对自己在北京奥运会上的成绩没有抱太高期望,她说能参加奥运就是梦想成真,因为她希望自己回去后能激励国内许许多多有梦想的女孩。

34、For example, if you were laid off, instead of lamenting the situation, you might say the experience prompted you to reassess your skills, and that's what led you here.例如,如果你被裁员,与其悲叹时局,不如告诉面试官,裁员的经历激励你重新评价自己的能力,并促使你申请这份新工作。

35、他太激动以至于不能控制自己 he is so excited that he couldn't control himself.

36、To really enjoy the ride in the world of entrepreneurship, you need to be able to sustain yourself outside of your comfort zone and have a sense of adventure.风险激励创业。 要在企业家精神的世界里享受旅程,你需要跳出自己的舒适区域并且持之以恒,还要有一种探险的精神。

37、Allows our members to truly understand themselves - their strengths and weaknesses in accordance to their learning style.有助我们会员按照自己的学习模式,真正了解自己的长处和短处。

38、Comics question the following sentence: one wants to cut tailored for each individual who will tend to cut themselves off.漫画下面题句:想把自己裁剪得适合每一个人的人,往往会把自己裁剪掉。

39、From this we can see that it is very important for a qualified official to have internal stimulation.从中我们也可看出一个合格的官员自我内在激励的重要性。

40、Win with the old slogan: Out of sight, out of mind.用“眼不见为净”这句老话来战胜自己的食欲吧。

41、Vimeo: Share your video clips.Vimeo(视频媒体):分享你自己剪辑的短片。

42、Below are the top 以下是我在大多数自我激励博客中看到的最常见的5个谎言。

5 lies I’ve seen on nearly every generic self-help blog I’ve ever read.

43、Helps small , radical coops to establish themselves .帮助小型,激进的合作社,以建立自己的。

44、Currently most public hospitals actually are not yet corporate bodies with self-controlling and self-stimulating mechanism.当前大多数的公立医院实际上还没有成为有自我约束自我激励机制的企业。

45、Pakistan's female athlete Sadaf Siddiqu aims not high at the Olympics and says simply competing will be more a dream come true as she hopes to inspire millions of girls back home.巴基斯坦女运动员萨达夫•西迪基对自己在北京奥运会上的功效没有抱太高期望,她说能参加奥运就是梦想成真,因为她希望自己回去后能激励国内许许多多有梦想的女孩。

46、Often, the team individuals have their own line manager, and so the project manager has no implied authority - yet still needs to motivate the individual.通常团队的每个个体都有他们自己的生产线管理人员,所以项目经理并没有必然的权力,但仍然需要去激励每个个体。

47、The result shows that the hydraulic power steering gear could absorb road excitation well.试验结果表明液压动力转向器能够很好的吸收来自路面的激励。

48、The 22-year-old sprinter knows she faces red-hot competition from a star-studded line-up but promises to keep her head high and proud, even if she finishes last.这名xx岁的短跑小将知道自己将与世界级选手展开激烈的竞争,但她说即使跑最后一名她也会高昂着头,并会为此感到自豪。

49、As a result of high self-motivation, people also experience the elimination of regret.拥有很强的自我激励意识,就不会体验到后悔的感觉。

50、Every archetype has strengths, weaknesses, gifts, and fears.每一个原型都有自己的长处,短处,天性,和恐惧。

经典英文句子51:激励自己的短句,51、So in the end, it’s not some vague quality (”discipline”) that allows him to stick to these habits, but rather the two secrets of motivation: positive public pressure and enjoyment.因此最后,并非一些模糊的特质(纪律)使他坚持自己的这些习惯,而是两个激励的秘诀:积极的公众压力和享受乐趣。

52、Through his journey Dan hopes to inspire others to start exploring the possibilities life affords them.Dan希望通过自己的经历能够激发其他人开始探寻他们自己生命可承受的可能性。

53、Thank you for your busy day to review my material, hope you can give me a chance to show themselves!感激您在百忙之中抽暇核阅自己地资料,但愿您能够给自己一个展现自自己地时机!

54、The fifth for bonuses saved myself is very grateful, and want to do their own ganniang recognition bonuses.小五子对于花红救下来自己很是感激,并且想要让认花红做自己的干娘。

55、Ms. Zheng, a lady in Shanghai, has a dialectical view, however.对这句话,家住上海的郑女士有自己的看法。

56、He tossed about in bed, moaning and groaning from time to time.他长吁短叹,对自己的过失懊悔不已。

57、Frontier Journal (FJ): You came from a family with no significant background, what made you become highly self-motivated?边疆日报(福建) :您来自一个家庭没有显着的背景,是什么让你变得非常自我激励?

58、The company takes continuous improve and advance with the times as its main principle to stimulate itself, and join in the competition domestically and abroad with excellent products in good faith.企业本着不断进取、与时俱进的思想时时激励自己,用优异卓着的诚信产品积极参与国内外的市场竞争。

59、In the future you will appreciate your desperate effort now. …In the future you will thank you now desperate efforts …未来你必然会感激如今拼命尽力地你。 谁能帮自己把这句话翻成英…

60、The ideal of ShangHai BALLCOW is able to realize so long as utilizing its advantage fully.扬自己所长、避自己所短,充分利用自己的优势,上海贝尔科的使命目标是能够实现的。


标签: 英文 短句

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