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关于”查的软件免费用“的英语句子40个,句子主体:Check the software for free use。以下是关于查的软件免费用的专升本英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Check the software for free use


1、PC users can try the software without having to pay upfront or go through the trouble of installation.

Scilab 是一个用来进行数值计算和图形可视化呈现的免费科学软件包。

2、Scilab is a free scientific software package for numerical computation and graphical visualization.

本文还向您介绍了一种免费的开源软件程序 WEKA。

3、This article also introduced you to the free and open source software program WEKA.


4、Fingering a software used to practice in the field of learning is relatively easy, and for free!


5、But software that runs on GNU/Linux can also be useless if it depends on other nonfree software.


6、For many users, the basic, free software shipped with a netbook will be quite enough.


7、His "Serious Bio" asserts, "Non-free software keeps users divided and helpless, forbidden to share it and unable to change it.

迄今,iPhone大约售出了五千万件。 同时苹果的软件商店有各种免费或收费的总计达300,000个软件供下载。

8、Roughly 50 million iPhones have been sold, fueled by the App Store, a collection of about 300,000 software programs, for free and for sale, that enhance the iPhone.

公共时间表 — Indenti.ca:注册一个免费 Identi.ca 帐户,并基于免费软件 StatusNet 工具尝试微博服务。

9、Public timeline - Indenti.ca: Register for a free Identi.ca account and try a microblogging service based on the Free Software StatusNet tool.

使用Startup Delayer这个软件是你电脑的加载速度加快,这是一个免费的软件通过推迟软件的启动使电脑的启动时间加快。

10、Load up Windows faster by using Startup Delayer, a free program that will speed up the boot time of Windows by delaying the startup of programs.


11、its products, and it is sticking with the free


12、Before you spend a dime, take a look at all the freeware out there.


13、I designed my house it is a free, easy to use home design software effect, the school that will.

如果是想要一套免费的办公软件,你可以试用“Open Office”,openoffice.org上面有。

14、If you want a free office suite, you might try Open Office, at openoffice.org.


15、We've looked at these issues closely and work hard to protect our users from malware.

使用专有软件包,例如 fmod 音频工具包;尽管它是免费的,不过并非开源。

16、Use of proprietary packages like fmod sound toolkit; it's "free of charge," but it's closed source.


17、Currently, the prototype is available as a free, open-source tool that works as a combination of downloadable software and a Firefox plugin.


18、Google gives away its software in hopes of reaping profits from search advertising.


19、This program is FREEWARE with limitations, which means that it is FREE for personal and commercial use up to

10 users. It does not contain any advertising or popups.


20、Software such as Nero is great for burning CDs and DVDs, but there are free alternatives available.

21、This is a FREE anti-virus and anti-spyware utility based on Dr.这是一个免费的反病毒和反间谍软件实用程序的基础上Dr。

22、But with more than 65,000 free and paid applications in the online store, success has hinged on an app's ability to stand out.但随着网上商店中的免费和付费软件的数量超过了65,000个,成功在很大程度上要取决于软件脱颍而出的能力了。

23、SkyDrive Easy Download is a Free software tool to Batch download SkyDrive folder/files.批量下载SkyDrive文件的免费软件(批量下载SkyDrive下载工具/SkyDrive文件夹下载器)。

24、WMA/MP3 audio file can be played using free downloadable Windows Media Player on your computer.利用您电脑中免费下载的微软媒体播放程式即可播放WMA/MP3录音文件。

25、Is a closed source solution. It is free for use for non-comercial software, but requires the payment of licenses for commercial software.它是一个闭源的解决方案。它是免费的但非商业使用软件。要求支付商业使用费用。

英文句子26:,26、UIMA is free software and provides a common foundation for industry and academia.UIMA 是免费软件,为企业和学术界提供通用的基础。

27、I’d recommend the turn-by-turn navigation apps for those who don’t want to buy a GPS navigation unit or Sprint users who qualify for the free app.那些不想买GPS导航系统的人,和能享用免费软件的Sprint用户,我建议他们使用逐向道路导航软件。

28、1UP: When's the next wave of Club Nintendo rewards coming?任天堂俱乐部下一波的奖品(免费下载的DS软件)多会会来?

29、The Retriever software package, which costs $29.95 but has a free trial period, has the functions of many security software programs .这个程序软件包需要$29.95,但是有个免费试用期,拥有许多安全软件程序功能。

30、Pango, a Free Software library for laying out and rendering text, with emphasis on internationalization一个用于布置和呈现文本的免费软件库,它主要用于实现国际化

31、Therefore the code used must have freeware programs available to enable me to edit it.因此,代码中使用必须有可用的免费软件程序,让我来编辑它。

32、I generated this play entirely with open source and free software, and it uses the Festival TTS engine with some of the distinctive voices it provides.我完全利用开源的免费软件生成剧本,该软件使用的是 Festival TTS 引擎和它提供的一些有特色的声音。

33、Pinyin Star ceremoniously released the latest version V6.6, a free version of the software.拼音之星最新版本V6.6隆重发布,该版本是免费软件。

34、One of the best places to find free and fabulous educational software is within the open source community.其中一个可以找到免费且非常好用的教育软件的地方在资源共享里面。

35、The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is the main sponsor of the GNU (Gnu’s Not UNIX) Project whose mission is to provide free software.自由软件基金会(FSF)是 GNU (Gnu’s Not UNIX)项目的主要赞助商,该组织的使命是提供免费的软件。

36、Green Dam was developed by a company called Jin Hui and is available as a free download. We examined version 绿坝软件由金惠开发并提供免费下载,我们对该软件的



37、By age 到了xx岁,许多孩子开始用M.I.T.’s Scratch这类软件对视频进行编辑及编程,这个软件可免费下载,适用于Macintosh或Windows系统。

10, many children can start editing videos and programming with software like M.I.T.’s Scratch (http://www.scratch.mit.edu/), a free download for Macintosh or Windows.

38、Road hearing and shares of gold is a completely free version of the software platform based on the flying fox, flying fox is the upgrade version of the history of the most powerful free software;和讯股道黄金版是一款完全免费的软件,基于飞狐平台,是飞狐的升级版本,史上功能最强大的免费软件;

39、Company spokeswoman Janice Kapner said the free Web version will provide "a very rich experience" and probably have more functionality than Google.微软发言人Janice Kapner表示,基于Web版本的免费Office软件将提供"非常丰富的用户体验",且功能甚至可能超过谷歌的软件.(完)

40、Offering free Office software from the cloud is a major strategy shift.在云计算时代提供免费的office软件是一个重要的战略转移。

41、Here , we will wrap up the list of great freeware money savers that you can use as alternatives to popular premium software.在这里,我们将结束这个伟大的免费软件名单储户的钱,你可以使用它作为替代品对流行的软件。

42、In China, computer users can easily pirate software for less than $2, or download software like Tomato Garden free of charge.在中国,电脑用户可以轻易盗版软件,成本不到2美元,或是免费下载“番茄花园”之类的软件。

43、For example, he may accomplish the job by finding open-source software and other free applications and tools.比如,他可能会借助于开源软件或者其他免费的应用程序和工具完成工作。

44、TVU networks enables anyone broadcast TV programs to global audiences cost effectively.是一款免费的网络电视软件,深受广大网民的喜爱。

45、The input, output, and scripts for this application, all of which use free software, are available for download.此应用程序的输入、输出和脚本都使用免费软件,可供 下载。

46、Even so, hackers can use the same free software programs to get on WPA password-protected networks as well.尽管如此,黑客还是可以用同样的免费软件破解WPA密码保护的无线网络。

47、Indeed, getting people to actually download software, even free software, is a lousy business and takes lots of experience.事实上,鼓动人们去下载软件,特别是免费软件,是一种令人痛苦的体验。

48、The "alert" warns them of a virus and offers security software, sometimes for free and sometimes for a fee.这种信息会警告用户电脑中了病毒,并提供免费或付费的安全软件。

49、It launches a free automated 411 service and uses its callers' requests to hone its voice-recognition software.它推出免费的自动411服务,然后用访问者的请求磨练其语音识别软件。

50、Products from the factory to provide one year free after-sales warranty, lifetime free software and technical support.产品由本厂提供xx年免费售后保修,软件及技术终身免费支持。

经典英文句子51:查的软件免费用,51、A Windows Live ID, free from Microsoft at Live.com一个windows live 的帐号,可以免费用微软的Live.com得到

52、In India alone, Microsoft has made 仅在印度一个地区,微软就提供了14种本土语言的软件包供用户免费下载。

14 local-language packs that people can download free.

53、A piece of freeware I've been using asks for a $40 donation.我正在使用的一个免费软件请求获得40美元的募捐。

54、This is a preview of Free IT desktop, helpdesk , and network management software .这是一个预演,它免费桌面,服务台,以及网络管理软件。

55、It achieved 80, 000 downloads a day during an initial free launch period.在最初的免费试用阶段,这款软件的每日下载量高达8万次。

56、You can enjoy a two-year free software upgrades and technical services for life.可以享受两年的软件免费升级及终身的技术服务。

57、This software is the German foreign exchange dealer Fred (Fextrader) provided a completely free software, please rest assured that the use of public health.本软件是德国弗雷德外汇交易商(Fextrader)完全免费提供的一款软件,请各位汇民放心使用。

58、Finally, the solution is here: Free Disk Encryption Software from Comodo.最后,解决的办法是在这里:免费磁盘加密软件从克魔岛。

59、The good news for all of us is that most of these tools are freeware.好消息是这些工具大部分是免费软件。

60、Clamping down too hard on pirates may also encourage people to switch to free, open-source alternatives.对盗版打击过严可能会驱使客户转用免费开源软件。

61、It is developed as an open-source application and is available as a free download to use.它是作为一个开源项目开发的使用软件,可以免费下载利用。

62、But that just caused thousands of irate users to migrate to free software from domestic companies like Kingsoft.这一措施导致无数中国用户愤怒,转而使用提供免费软件的国内企业,比如金山。

63、The upgrade is free of charge for all current V-Ray customers of Chaos Software.此次升级是免费为所有现有的V -射线客户混沌软件。

64、A freeware application called SOAPUI is used to send the PO requests to the sender.一个名为 SOAPUI 的免费软件应用程序可用来向这个 sender 发送 PO 请求。

65、Bitspirit is a completely free, high-speed stability, powerful software, BT download.比特精灵是壹款完全免费、高速稳定、功能强大的BT 下载软件。

66、It is free and does not require additional software HTML programming or hosting company.它是免费的,不需要额外的软件,HTML格式,编程,或托管公司。

67、It also rebranded Keyhole 3-D satellite imagery as Google Earth and offered it up for free.他们还将 Keyhole 3-D 卫星图象软件重新包装,成为 google Earth 并免费提供给用户。

68、FREE/$39.95 for desktop version总的来说,这是免费软件,桌面版则需要$39.95美元。 支持Android


69、For shareware authors, the era of the free ride is well and truly over.对于软件作者而言,免费乘车的时代已经真正结束了。

70、But that just caused thousands of irate Chinese to migrate to free software from domestic companies like Kingsoft Corp, leaving Microsoft with its own black eye.但这仅仅是导致了数千名被激怒的中国用户转而使用金山软件(3888.HK: 行情)等国内公司的免费软件,使得微软无功而返.

71、Install a free or commercial anti-virus program to help protect against viruses, etc.安装一个免费版或者商业版的防病毒软件,使电脑免受病毒的攻击。

72、Amember: Used as billing software and accounts management.计费和帐务管理软件的应用。

73、The Retriever software package, which costs $29.95 (£21) but has a free trial period, has the functions of many security software programs.《防盗猎犬》套装软件定价$29.95 (£21)。 处于免费试用期的软件也具有很多安全功能。

74、Technically free, but requires $39.95 purchase of the desktop version.总的来说,这是免费软件,桌面版则需要$39.95美元。

75、To its lasting credit, DARPA paid for the necessary software to be developed and made it open-source and freely available.DARPA支付了必需软件的开发费用并将其开源,免费可用,这为它博得了好名声。

英文句子模板76:Check the software for free use,76、Assistant speculate in gold and completely free, no plug-ins, no Trojan horse for the green software, you can extract, and do not need to install.炒金小帮手完全免费,无插件,无木马,为绿色软件,解压即可用,无需安装。

77、Besides we can use many free resources by checking the Internet.另外,网络上许多的软件都是免费资源。

78、There’s also a huge amountof free or low-cost software available online, if you decide to get moresophisticated about your recordings.如果你希望得到更高级的关于你的录音软件,那么在网上还有着大量的免费的或者低费用的软件供你选择。

79、Interpretation -- As the old joke goes: software, free. The manual, $10,000.解释性——有个老笑话是这么说的:软件下载免费,用户手册1万美元。

80、Games cost about $40, compared with the free and inexpensive applications available for phones.与不贵甚至是免费的手机应用软件相比,这些游戏价值在40美元左右。


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