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1、Sooo, mum gave the students a culture experience lesson full of fun!


2、Listening to a purring cat through a stethoscope is also a great relaxation technique.


3、To enjoy pleasant compliments, human. Once encountered with offensive warnings or criticisms, we may be sour, or even resentful.


4、But Li Maochang seemed not to hear.


5、You two must be good and listen to your father. Don't be naughty.


6、A great conversation is a good blend of talking and listening.

7、He acclaimed after hearing the good news.他听完好消息之后欢呼起来。

48. 好故事百听不厌。

8、47. The gift is trifling but the feeling is profound.


9、Listen. What's the modern five events?


10、To get better at it, listen to the tapes and then read the transcript, either after listening or at the same time. Then listen again without reading the words.


11、Daming:Well, it Says snakes can't hear.

好的,听听风中的遗憾杨蔓。 我们会让你们尽早知道。

12、OK- we haudio-videoe let you know right as they sttwisent to possibly can.


13、"Pete Seeger thought "shall" sounded better.


14、He can't hear well out of his left ear.


15、The next time remembers , The thinking foreigner listen to and do not speak Chinese !


16、It sounds good. I'll think about it. Thank you.


17、Lex Luthor: Come on, let me hear you say it. Just once.


18、He plays guitar and has a great voice.


19、It sounds like you enjoyed it .

20、That is the outstanding answer I've ever heard. 这是我听过最好的答案。

21、If it sounds too good to be true, think again.这炸听起来似乎不太可能,我们再好好想想。

22、Q15: How do I choose good listening materials?我怎么选好的听力教材?

23、Servilia: have you heard the good news?你听说这个好消息了吗?

24、Let's listen to your saying it, shall we?让我们听你发这个音,好吗?。

25、Heard my best friend a comin' and I thought I heard my baby cry.听说我最好的朋友到来,我想,我听到我的宝贝哭了。

英文句子26:,26、Good commend of written and spoken English.良好英语听说读写能力。

27、Sounds like they've made a big fortune here.听起好像他们发了大财了。

28、Jessie: Sure - that sounds good but go slowly so that I can catch the words.杰西:没问题,好听而又舒缓的,这样我们就能听得懂歌词。

29、Best method still asks to give propositional teacher, strive for audit next its give lessons.最好的方法还是打听出命题教师,然后争取旁听其授课。

30、He listens to her whisper and occasionally nods his head: yes, yes.他聆听她的低语,时不时点点头:好的,好的。

31、Lex Luthor: Come on let me hear you say it. Just once.莱克斯·卢瑟:来吧让我听听还有什么好说的惟有一次机缘!

32、156. Just read it for me. 就读给我听好了. Not a sound was heard. Let'!

33、Thank you for your kindess of sharing! ! !好听的音乐系列,谢谢分享!

34、If you're looking for a good nurse,you'd better ask round the neighbourhood.你要找个好保姆,最好向邻居多打听一下。

35、What is the background music of the main page?主页的背景音乐好好听,哪为高手能扒个谱吗?。

36、Lex Luthor: Come on, let me hear you say it. Just once.莱克斯·卢瑟:来吧,让我听听你还有什么好说的,只有一次机会!

37、Listen to the licensing for is the truth, long and can not remove; best to listen to, ah will touch the edge of;听牌为大是道理,长打一听也可以;最好还是莫拆听,边丫将张摸得进;

38、Let us try to sing this song together so that the audience will be able to hear the words.让我们一起唱这支歌,好让听众能听清楚歌词。

39、It sounds as though you enjoyed Peru.这听起来好像你喜欢秘鲁。

40、Martin Riggs:Well, what do you wanna hear, man?里格斯:好吧,你想听什么?

41、Edmund, on this appeal, had first to hear what was going on; but, on understanding the question, was at no loss for an answer.埃德蒙听父亲这样问他,先得听听他们刚才在谈什么,等一打听清楚,就觉得没什么不好回答的。

42、Joshua : One day you will listen to the cry of slaves.乔书亚:有一天,你会好好听奴隶的喊叫的。

43、Bad response: “Your claims are at best pure fabrications and at worst a deliberate attempt to slander our good reputation.”错误的回复:“说好听点,你纯粹在捏造事实;说难听点,你是企图诋毁我们的良好声誉!”

44、Have Kleenex ready when you listen to it.有舒洁准备好当你听它。

45、Molly : That sounds like a great idea.莫莉:这听起来是个好主意。

46、OK, tell me more. Many styles of Kung Fu are based on the ideas of nature.好吧,说来听听 功夫的很多招式都取材于大自然。

47、Miracle-Super Junior, Super Junior 2005, this is the first SJ's song I heard, cute!第一次听这个歌是亚纶的一个节目中,非常好听!

48、The best conversationalists are those who listen well.最好的交流者都善于聆听。

49、The shabby house seemed to listen.好像这整座陋屋在屏息谛听。

50、Okay? It's nice to see you back好吗?很高兴见到你们来听课

经典英文句子51:好听,51、Listen to his accent, like the Dongbei!听他的口音好像是东北的!

52、At the sight of this strange little being from the human world, the princess asks with great curiosity, "Ah, you must know a great deal of the human world. Tell us what things are like out there".公主一听紫貂是人间的动物,就好奇地问: “你一定知道许多人间的事,请你讲给我们听听,好吗?。

53、Listen up, they are Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong.听好了,它们是川菜、粤菜、鲁菜。

54、In the last hearing a song is sung Camellia Folk Song Yang Yuying, a good listen, you have the time to listen.最近在听一首歌,是杨钰莹唱的茶花山歌,很好听,你有时间可以去试听下。

55、Hello.I hear you have an apartment for rent.你好.听说你有房要出租.

56、He compensated by being a good listener.作为补偿,他成了一个好听众。

57、Timon: Good! We don't wanna hear about it.丁满:好啊!我们也不想听。

58、Old aunt persuasion, but she wouldn't listen.老阿姨好说歹说,她就是不听。

59、Dan: Well, listen, I don't want to be late, but good luck, all right?听着,我不想迟到, 祝你好运,好么?

60、So listen to a good example of non-imitative texture, polyphonic texture.好好听这个,非模仿式织体,复音织体

61、listen,i'm the one who calls the shots here.听好,这里由我做主。

62、I am a much better listener, " he said."“我是更好的收听者,”他说了。

63、Sheldon: Yeah, yeah. All right, Poindexter, sit down, shut up and listen.好吧。不会社交的呆瓜,坐下,闭嘴,听好咯。


标签: 英文 简短

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