1、Is the bases carry good, or good weather;
2、You look as if you slept badly.你看起来好像没有睡好觉
3、Everything's fine, why don't you take a photo?
4、May I have some more soup , please . OK .
5、I'll get knee to knee with her.
6、I will treat myself to a sunbath.
7、Agood fame is better than a good face.
好的, 你有什么好的建议吗?
8、Ok, do you have any good suggestion?
9、Manage your time and energy well.
10、A good tefeel sorer; a wonderful student.
11、Old wood is best to burn,old horse to ride.
12、Take two pills and have a good rest. 吃两片药,好好休息一下。
13、Many wonderful scenic spots had witnessed his footprints.
14、He says again, 'Good fences make good neighbors.
15、' — 'Curiosity killed the cat, that's what.'
16、A good begining makes for a good ending.
17、Hello. Can I speak to Zheng Jie, please?
18、Well, anyhow, I rang the bell.
19、Would you mind moving your bike?
20、Books and friends should be few but good. 好书好友不在多,在于精
21、Good to begin well, better to end well.有善始很好,有善终更好。
22、Roland Buser:Trust namely nice, control namely better.有信心是好的,有把握更好。
23、Geese: Fine, thank you. And you?白鹅:很好,谢谢你们。你们好吗?
24、Take good care of yourself. We all love you, grandma.请好好地照顾自己。
25、Sure. A good sleep will refresh you.是的,好好睡一觉就会解乏。
英文句子26:,26、Okay. Great. This is actually terrific.好的,非常好,事实上超乎想象
27、So Good… I drunk many soup! hehe.太好味啦…我饮了好多碗汤…!
28、Li Li is very kind and friendly.李立是非常友好和友好的。
29、I will be well, flower still smells fragrant;我会好好的, 花还香香的;
30、I gotta go home and have a good sleep.我得回家好好睡一觉。
31、To dress very disappointed but excellent service.东西蛮好,卖家服务也很好。
32、B. Can't be better. I got better pay job last week.好得不能再好了。
33、So think about it a second. Write it down.好好想想,然后写下来
34、Come and have a good warm by the fire!到火边来好好取暖吧。
35、Roland Buser:Trust namely nice, control is better.有信心是好的,有把握更好。
36、The objective is to take care your panda. Your panda will die if you let it starving or sick for many hours.这个游戏的目标是要好好照顾你的宠物熊猫。如果你不好好照顾好你的熊猫,又或者令它挨饿几个钟,它就会无命的了。
37、and to be a good person, have a good heart.还要做好人,存好心。
38、A:Okay,but you'd better be right.好吧,不过最好你不要弄错了。
39、You'd better preview the text before class.你最好在课前预习好课文。
40、The coffee house is back.Enjoy it.咖啡屋又回来了,好好享受吧。
41、Don't say it aloud. Just take a moment.先别急着说,好好想一下。
42、Fine feathers make fine birds. 好的衣装只能打扮出个好外表。
43、John:Well, go practice your English first.那你还是先好好练练英语吧。
44、Where does your nickname come from?您好,看到您的高评,甚为好奇?
45、Your bike has to be mended well.你的自行车需好好修修了。
46、Top: Lovers righteousness, to talk about good news.顶:同好义,说说好的方面。
47、Bear: One, two, three, four…many many ants.一二三四…好多好多蚂蚁。
48、Are you sure?" " I know." "How are you?"你确定?“很好笑吧,”你好吗?”
49、Well, the Bronx is a nice place.好吧,布朗克斯是个好地方。
50、but I really want to think about that.所以我要好好考虑一下。
经典英文句子51:好,51、You must go home and have a good rest. 你必须回家好好休息
52、Well, then we have to think about it.这个,我们必须好好想想
53、Take good care of yourself. We all love you, mom.请好好地照顾自己。
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