关于”动物的句型“的英语句子55个,句子主体:sentence patterns of animals。以下是关于动物的句型的xx年级英语句子。
英文句子模板1:sentence patterns of animals
1、Results: The mimesis accuracy of Grey pharmacokinetics model was higher than that of traditional ones.
2、OBJECTIVE:To establish animal models of fetal scarless healing.
3、To study the seasonal dynamics of macrozoobenthos community in Xiangxi River, the individuals of macrozoobenthos in the River were quantitatively monitored.
4、ObjectiveTo establish a model of chronically cyanotic heart disease.
5、Objective To establish an animal model for research of orthodontic tooth movement.
6、This is especially true of the big cats: lions in Africa, tigers in Asia and Russia, and big cats in the Americas.
7、Conclusions Experimental polymyositis model of rats can be induced by homologous skeletal muscle homogenate.
8、Small rodents are a major source of zoonoses.
9、AIM:To establish a rat model of chronic myocardial ischemia and probe into the experimental techniques for constructing the animal models.
10、Among its prey would have been insects, small mammals, amphibians and possibly small dinosaurs that lived in the swamps and forests of the late Cretaceous.
11、Now, various kinds of animals including mice, rats, rabbits, and nonhuman primates were experimented as animal models.
12、Methods We proceed stretch experiment on elbow joint ulnar nerve of animal model with reproducing fluorosis animal model.
13、Method: By establishing mice diabetes models with alloxan, the effects of HLJD on the blood sugar were observed in the normal animals and model ones.
14、The graptolite fauna belongs to the Zhujiang sub-form of Huanan form with typical characteristics of the Pacific graptolite fauna.
当它们感知到经过这里的猎物传导来的震动后,便会突然弹跳出来。 猎物通常包括昆虫、其它的节肢动物和小型无脊椎动物。
15、The arachnids then pop out when they feel the vibrations of passing prey, which include insects, other arthropods, and small invertebrates.
16、Objective To establish stable rabbit dry eye model for future research work.
17、Big, meat-eating animals are in trouble.
18、In future, you can always readily suggest animal-friendly gifts!
19、Some large animals, jackals, wolves and so on, there are rainbow trout and other rare animals.
20、Tigers, big cats carnivorous species.
21、D-galactose-induced pathologic animal model were divided into 根据药物在动物病理模型的应用情况,将之分为4个类型的病理模型:①自由基损伤诱导脑老化模型;
4 types :①free radical injury induced-brain senile model;
22、The second discovery was a small deer-like animal.第二个发现是小型的形似鹿的动物。
23、Objective. To validate a large animal model for spine fusion and biomaterial research.目的:大型动物模型在脊椎融合和生物材料研究的可行性研究。
24、Establishing animal models is one of the methods in the research field of sports kinetics.运用动物实验的方法建立动物模型是运动人体科学研究领域的一种方法。
25、The Review on Animal Model of Exercise Fatigue;孩子们用制型纸制作动物模型。
英文句子26:,26、He also discusses in length the animal model of shock.文中并研讨了休克“证”的动物模型。
27、During your upkeep, you may put a verse counter on Rumbling Crescendo .在你的维持阶段中,你可以放置一个词句指示物在渐强撼动上。
28、Objective:To establish the animal model of skeletal fluorosis caused by coal-burning.目的:复制不同类型燃煤型氟骨症动物模型。
29、Animal bones unearthed are categorized as herbivores, mainly cattle (Bos), horse (Equus) and deer (Hydropotes).出土的动物骨骼经鉴定多为牛、马、鹿类等大型食草性动物。
30、Animal model is an important tool for experimental research, however, date to now, there is no ideal animal model for osteonecrosis of femoral head.动物模型是实验研究的重要工具,然而,到目前为止,还没有理想的股骨头坏死的动物模型。
31、Antell has 25 years to tame the large-scale cat branch animal the experience, tames the large-scale cat branch animal total to surpass 350.安特尔有xx年驯养大型猫科动物的经验,驯养大型猫科动物总数超过350只。
32、Bilateral scent pig buttock island flap pedicled circle deep iliac artery and vein is an ideal animal flap model.以旋髂深动静脉的直接皮动脉为蒂的岛状皮瓣是理想的轴型皮瓣动物模型;
33、Feeds on small crustaceans and fishes (Ref. 1602).吃小型甲壳动物与鱼。
34、DiscussionThe STZ rat model is used commonly experimental diabetic ani-mal model.STZ大鼠模型是普遍采用的实验性糖尿病动物模型。
35、A tree dwelling marsupial of Asian origin.原产亚洲的树居型有袋动物…
36、Methods:Build the model of animal's sports injury and the model of taper and detraining.方法:建立动物运动损伤模型及减量 训练和停训模型。
37、Aardvark is a blue and small mammal.食蚁兽先生是一种蓝色的小型哺乳动物。
38、What's improved, commercial intervention accelerates the improvement of fashion industry and the updating of styling technique, which is a typical "chain"and the motivation of styling development.可以说,商业的投入直接推动了时尚产业的蓬勃发展,推动了人物造型手段的不断更新。这就是一个典型的“链”,一个人物造型延绵发展的动力。
39、The biomass of macrobenthos is higher in Autumn while that of meiobenthos tends to be higher in both Spring and Autumn.黄海冷水团水域大型底栖动物生物量秋季比较大,而小型底栖动物生物量存在春、秋两季的高值。
40、Motion sickness models generally include animal and clinical experiment models.晕动病模型一般包括动物模型和临床试验模型。
41、Know different types of animals, such as water animal and bird .认知不同类型的动物,例如水生动物,鸟类等。
42、The chronic nonbacterial prostatitis model exist urodynamic changes which developed in association with glandular inflammation.慢性非细菌性前列腺炎动物模型模型存在与腺体炎症相关的尿动力学改变。
43、Compared with the studies on macrofauna in the Bohai Sea and southern Yellow Sea, the macrobenthic abundance and biomass in the Jiaozhou Bay were lower.与渤海和南黄海大型底栖动物的丰度和生物量比较, 丰度和生物量均低于这两个海域, 但是胶州湾大型底栖动物的总次级生产量高于渤海。
44、He’s an 他是杂食动物,驯兽师称之为“食物驱动型”。
18)omnivore, and what a trainer would call food-driven.
45、They are involved in many types of intracellular movements in plant and animal cells.动植物细胞的许多种类型细胞内运动与肌动蛋白有关。
46、You can go on many animal rides.你能过很多动物类型的山车。
47、They have long muscular tongues with which they scoop mollusks and lesser amphibians from the Naboo swamps.长舌肌肉发达,便于从纳布的沼泽中挖掘软体动物和小型两栖动物。
48、Objective:Setting up the experimental animal model of restenosis.前言: 目的:建立再狭窄动物实验模型。
49、Objective:To set up Laboratory animal model for HEV on wild rodents;目的:建立野鼠为戊型肝炎的动物模型。
50、She was to change the first animal she met into something else. The animal was to be so happy at becoming whatever it became that it would say, "Oh, happy day!"在这项测试里,旺达被要求对今天出门后,所遇到的第一个动物施加魔法,无论这只动物被变成什么,这只动物必须说一句:“啊哈!
经典英文句子51:动物的句型,51、Objectives:To establish experimental animal model for epilepsy rapidly.目的:快速建立实验性癫癎动物模型。
52、Conclusion The experimental dog model of TCPC is closed to clinical operation procedure and is a reliable, acute animal model.结论犬心外管道全腔静脉肺动脉吻合术动物模型与临床实际术式相接近,是一种可靠的急性动物实验模型;
53、The cat-sized animal, which is reported in the Journal of Zoology, looks like a cross between a miniature antelope and a small anteater.据《动物学杂志》报道,这种哺乳动物的体型和猫差不多,看上去像是小型羚羊和食蚁兽的交合体。
54、OBJECTIVE:To construct an animal model of delayed cubitus varus.目的建立缓发型肘内翻畸形动物模型。
55、Does it use cells or animal models?它使用细胞还是动物模型?
56、Sound conditioning experimental model of animals was established.建立噪声习服实验动物模型。
57、Object:The curative effects of Qu-Bai tincture on the animal models of leukodermia were investigated.目的:考察祛白酊对白癜风动物模型的药物疗效。
58、Their diet consists mainly of small mammals, birds, fish, crabs, insects, snails, frogs, and occasionally carrion.美洲鳄的食物主要是小型哺乳动物、鸟类、鱼、螃蟹、昆虫、贝壳类动物、青蛙,有时还吃一些腐肉。
59、And you can interact with the complement, the passive visualizations in a very nice way.你可以和物质进行互动,和被动型直观化里的物质,完美地互动。
60、A total of 27641 heads of arthropods were found, belonging to 24 orders of 全年调查共获得小型节肢土壤动物27641个,隶属节肢动物门的6纲、24目。
6 classes.
61、AIM: To establish an animal model of Acanthamoeba keratitis.目的:建立棘阿米巴角膜炎的动物模型。
62、Some of the brain-based chemical changes that occur in a lean animal simply don't occur in an obese animal," he said.体型纤瘦的动物的大脑会发生一些化学变化,而体型肥胖的动物的大脑则不会发生这些变化”,他说。
63、These animals are small herbivores that are most likely the ancestors of the giant apatosaurus (once known as brontosaurus).这些动物是小型食草动物,极可能是巨型虚幻龙属(一度被称为“雷龙”)的祖先。
64、The model of operational mechanism is established to describe the steady state self-excited circulation flow of looped pulsating heat pipe (PHP).建立了环路型脉动热管稳态自激循环流动运行机制的物理模型和数学模型。
65、Objective To establish standard animal models with blood deficiency sign.目的:建立标准化的血虚证动物模型。
66、Other features, however, show experts that Pakicetus is a transitional form between a group of extinct flesh-eating mammals, the mesonychids, and cetaceans.然而,专家认为Pakicifus的其它特征表明它们是已灭绝的食肉哺乳动物(中兽科动物)和鲸类动物的过渡型。
67、Methods EAE were induced in guinea pigs.方法应用豚鼠诱导EAE动物模型。
68、These archetypal eerie animals are the only mammals that subsist solely on blood.这些原始型的可怕动物是唯一一种以吸血为生的哺乳动物。
69、Conclusion This animal model is reliable of cardiac allograft vasculopathy.结论该模型是一种可靠的移植物血管病的动物模型。
70、The Manchurian tiger is the typical forests inhabit animal.东北虎是典型的林栖动物。
71、The Wildlife Heritage Foundation is a U. K. -based charity for the protection and preservation of big cat species.野生动物遗产基金会是总部设立于英国的致力于保护大型猫科动物物种的慈善机构。
72、ObjectiveTo investigate the anti-inflammatory effect of the extract of Artemisia rupestris L. (ARE) .目的采用不同类型的炎症动物模型评价一枝蒿(AR)提取物的抗炎作用。
73、Objective:Established the animal model of dampness-heat syndrome more damp with less heat of epidemic febrile disease by simulating clinical pathogeny according to basic theories of TCM.目的:根据中医理论和动物模型的研制原则,模拟临床病因,建立温病湿热证湿重于热动物模型。
74、Most of the newly unveiled species are microscopic—no new mammals or large animals have been found so far.截至到日前,还没有新的哺乳动物或是大型动物被发现,所发现的新物种大多是微型生物。
75、The animal basis moves the level to be allowed to divide into two activities and the non- activity.动物根据活动水平可以分为两类: 活动型的和非活动型的。
英文句子模板76:sentence patterns of animals,76、Objective To duplicate the animal model of drinking brick-tea type fluorosis.目的复制饮茶型氟中毒动物病理模型。
77、Amphioxus represents the transitional type of animals from invertebrate to vertebrate.文昌鱼代表由无脊椎动物进化到脊椎动物的过渡类型。
78、A wolverine is a small, fierce mammal.貂熊是一种小型,凶猛的哺乳动物。
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