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1、His poetry and the play obtained people's praise at that time, including its foe FuShe writer.


2、The impressionist painting and simplistic poetry have influenced the impressionistic music in the aspect concept.


3、Anna·Akhmatova and her poetry creations is a resplendent page of literary history in Russia.


4、As a child, he joined his local church choir where he discovered his ability to sing.


5、In the third chapter , I study Cheng Hao's poems through their language, artistic symbol , artistic conception and style .


6、Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop;


7、This is three-dimensional Haizi, who always showed weakness and fragility, who acquired immortality in his poetry.

他在贫病交迫之下献身于诗歌与音乐,做了巴尔的摩交响乐团的 笛 手。

8、Hampered by illness and poverty, he devoted himself to poetry and to music, becoming a flautist in a Baltimore orchestra.


9、That is why the poets say: "Come to Heshbon and let it be rebuilt; let Sihon's city be restored."


10、Petry is not an opinion expressed. It is a song that rises from a bleeding wound or a smiling mouth.


11、The introduction is concerned with Zhangji, the current situation of the research of his poems and the main content of this dissertation.


12、Hanshan Temple is not big, but it is because of Zhang Ji's poetry is famous in Hanshan Temple, on the wall, is the history of the famous poem about Hanshan Temple.


13、It's hard to grasp the breathtaking scale of the epic war between Microsoft, Google and Apple.


14、As a kind of figure of speech, apostrophe often appears in poetry in the form of vision or personification.


15、He is one of the committee members of China Writers' Association, director of Poetry Art Committee of Hebei Writers' Association.


16、They believe that his ideas have reverberated beyond science, influencing modem culture from painting to poetry.


17、Well, his poems themselves have an occult dimension of evoking this "great mind" and the spirits contained therein through symbols.


18、That is partly influenced by "respecting Du's style" and " composing poetry as prose" . So, this chapter will focus on the three facets.

Manas 是吉尔吉斯人的传统的英雄诗歌,也是以伟大英雄的名字来命名的。

19、Manas is a traditional epic poem of the Kyrgyz people and the name of the epic"s eponymous hero.


20、Literature and the fine arts flourished under his reign, he himself writing many books and poems.

21、I’m not exactly sure what she does there, but it seems to be related to humorous poems.我并不确切地知道她为什么会出现在那些结果中,但似乎与幽默诗歌有关。

22、If the Intentional Fallacy is correct, then unearthing biographical data will not help us ascertain a poem's meaning.如果意图谬见是正确的,那么传记资料将无助于我们确认诗歌的意义。

23、Ge Ping, female, of the origin of Jiexiu in Shaanxi Province, a member of China Association of Poetry, and Shaanxi Writers' Association.葛平,女,山西介休人,中国诗歌学会会员,山西作家协会会员。

24、It's a kind of picture for me of the linguistic environment, if you will, of modern poetry.对我来说,如果你愿意这样想的话,这就是现代诗歌语言环境的一幅图画。

25、Tao Yuanming is one of the famous hermits in the history, and he was also the creator of Chinese pastoral poetry.陶渊明是我国历史上的著名隐士,同时也是田园诗歌的开山鼻祖。

英文句子26:,26、Suppose one person gets into It by propitiating the Deity with hymns and worship, and you are pushed into It.假如一个人陷入了里面,用诗歌和祷告来劝解神性,你也会被推进去。

27、This feature has been criticized a lot, but on the other hand, his early works with purity are quite excellent.虽然这使得陈东东诗歌非议颇多,但他早期的澄澈之作是极其出色的。

28、We had music, and we had poetry, and – this will sound very priggish – we had this tremendous high-thinking life.我们有音乐、诗歌,这听起来有点自负,但是我们确实过着这种精神生活。

29、A considerable number of love songs in The Book of Songs were either composed on bank of water or closely related to water .《诗经》中有相当数目的情歌吟咏于水滨河畔或与雨水密切相关。

30、God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah.(一篇诗歌,交与伶长。 用丝弦的乐器)愿神怜悯我们,赐福与我们,用脸光照我们。

31、There is marked transcendentalism in Whitman's "Leaves of Grass", especially in " Song of Myself".惠特曼的《草叶集》中有十分浓厚的先验论思想,其中以《自己之歌》一诗体现得最明显。

32、I love how The Message paraphrases our verse today, "Give freely and spontaneously.Don't have a stingy heart.我喜欢现在信息意译我们的诗歌,“自由自主地赋予,不要抱着一颗吝啬的心。

33、Want to learn a foreign poem you'd better translate it first. However , translation is a recreative process.要了解其他语言的诗歌就得先翻译,然而翻译又是一个再创造的过程。

34、Cézanne summed up the source of artistic creation into: "We live in the center of the poems."也因此,塞尚将艺术创作的出发点概括为:“我们生活在一种有形诗歌的核心。”

35、Based on the Germanic myth" Das Nibelungenlied" and the Nordic" Volsunga Saga" which also inspired the four-opera cycle by Richard Wagner and J.根据德国民间诗史《尼白龙根之歌》和北欧《沃尔松格传说》改编。

36、Wang Bao, as a prominent poet in this times, his poems present the distinct trends.作为这个时代的重要作家,王褒的诗歌创作却表现出与时代风潮不同步的趋势。

37、His aspire after art-form beauty of New Pot try was his own choice in history scene then and then.他对诗歌艺术形式美的追求是在当时历史场景中做出的自我选择。

38、I told Liaoyuan, these are the words that I have expected, the echoes that I heard on the long way of poetry.我对燎原说,这是我所期待的文字,是我在诗歌长路上听到的回声。

39、Perhaps, it is the significative subject truely how the poetry endows significance or enlightenment to the scarce times.也许,真正有意义的话题是,诗歌如何赋予匮乏的时代以启示或意义。

40、Our fellowship meets every Friday night for Bible study, special topic seminars, music and worship, sharing and fun activities.我们每周五晚聚会,内容有诗歌、 见证分享、 查经或特别讲座、 祷告、 点心。

41、Wherefore they that speak in proverbs say, Come into Heshbon, let the city of Sihon be built and prepared所以那些作诗歌的说,你们来到希实本。 愿西宏的城被修造,被建立。

42、By the grammar of rhetoric, knowledge was structured as poetry and dialogue -- subject to interruption, questioning, and parenthetical diversions.通过修辞语法,知识构成了诗歌和对话――易于插话,质疑以及转移话题。

43、That's what it says in Perrine's handbook about understanding potry Sound reinforces sense.这就是珀赖因所著的,关于理解诗歌的手册中所讲到的内容,声音能够强调含义。

44、At the same time, the value of Mudan's poems is simply the spirit of toughness and exploration.穆旦的诗歌“主要意义在于它的坚韧探索本身与探索所包含的深刻启迪性”。

45、In literary contexts, it is applied, generally, to poetry of a platonic, esoteric, recondite, or occult kind .就文学范围说,它一般用于指柏拉图式的、深奥的、晦涩的或玄妙的诗歌。

46、Therefore, Chuan-Shan emphasized that poetry writing should be a harmonious unity of both people's inner self and the outer world.因此,船山强调诗歌创作因而必须分别从内、外两个方面著力;

47、The Zhuangzi text is widely regarded as both deeply insightful in thought and as an achievement of the Chinese poetical essay form.庄子文本被公认为两者深深刻在思想和成就中国诗歌散文形式。

48、He has two kinds of characteristics in the development history of Chinese symbolism poetry school:pioneer and floater .在中国象征主义诗歌的发展过程中,他身兼两种角色:开拓者和游离者。

49、This is because: on the one hand, Li He's unique style of poetry itself has a very high artistic value;这是因为:一方面,李贺风格独特的诗歌本身具有极高的艺术价值;

50、Dark image cluster deeply labels Haizi himself and represents the ultimate state of Hai Zi's poems.黑暗意象丛深刻地打上了海子自己的个性标签,代表了其诗歌的终极状态。

经典英文句子51:诗歌,51、However, it is not advisable to one_sidedly and curtly make a conclusion that poetry translating only has artistic character.但是,我们不能片面地、不加分析地就此作结论,说诗歌翻译只具有艺术性。

52、The folk song in the Han style and narrative poem are the most precious elegant works of art presented by Chinese history.汉乐府民歌叙事诗是历史馈赠给我们的不可多得的艺术珍品。

53、The following poems set to now-forgotten tunes are examples of the popular literature of that period.下面的诗歌系现今已经佚忘的曲牌,它们代表了那一时期的大众文学的范本。

54、While other literary forms are still "dallying" when the poem has long been "on stage" input "battle" of the.当其他文学形式还在“磨磨蹭蹭”的时候,诗歌早已“粉墨登场”投入“战斗”了。

55、"Something of this kind, " I replied:"--God is always to be represented as he truly is, whatever be the sort of poetry, epic, lyric or tragic, in which the representation is given.“起码应该有这种规范,”他答道:“——神总该按照他的真实特性去描述和表现,不论是采取诗歌、史诗、抒情诗还是悲剧的形式,其本质特性是事先应该这样确定下来。”

56、Whatever else it may be, everyone's always agreed that modern poetry is difficult. You will probably too.不管是什么,每个人都会赞成,现代诗歌是艰深的,你或许也会认同这点。

57、This text is divided into three parts:The first chapter discusses the specific content of poetry criticism of George Ye;本文正文分为三大部分:第一章,论述叶公超诗歌批评的具体内容;

58、So we're talking about a poem being able to sustain itself in the world to be equal to the world.因此,一首高贵的诗歌能够,在这个世界中维持自我并与这个世界媲美。


标签: 英文 诗歌

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