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关于”很有意境“的英语句子54个,句子主体:very artistic conception。以下是关于很有意境的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:very artistic conception


1、Unfriend was defined as a verb that means to remove someone as a "friend" on a social networking side such as Facebook.

2、你值得记住的名言 Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as fire is of light. 知识总是从爱好开始,犹如光总是从火开始一样。


3、Managing context explicitly means being aware of the shifts in context as you go from one model or decomposition level to the next.


4、The environmental hormone is one kind of high pollutant and can be accumulated in the environment.


5、If you think about it, the concept of a gene-environment also makes a great deal of sense.


6、'Nature' is a term, that gains its meaning in great parts from the context it stands in.


7、Flat on are also very meaningful a birthday!


8、Well, that's interesting.


9、About his situation, George told CNN: "I was brought up well. I live well even now.


10、Her piece was beautiful because it was so subtle.


11、This can easily lead libraries using the environment variables to do unexpected things, which may be exploitable.


12、“Very interesting, ” Emil said.


13、Environment had a great effect in locusts extermination.


14、It's so special and so unique.


15、But its results had meaning.


16、The notion of context is essential to the pragmatics study of language. It is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and hearer.


17、Berliners rarely notice that they live 90km (56 miles) from the Polish border.


18、Mr. Khan thought an electric sheep would be whimsical, but also practical: It would arguably be better for the environment than a gas-powered mower.


19、really growing breaking stuff is really interesting.


20、Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in the time has a profound significance for understanding global environmental change.

21、"Unfriend" has been named the word of the year by the New Oxford American Dictionary, chosen from a list of finalists with a tech-savvy bent.在网络社交环境中,这个词的意思很容易理解,所以将其定义为现代动词形式,也是今年年度词汇评选中一个很有意思的选择。

22、That would be related to many causations, such as the ambience, pressure circumstances and so on.原因有很多方面,比如周围的环境,压力情境等等。

23、The environment biz is fickle.做环境生意是很难正确把握的。

24、In the current economic environment there are few companies willing to invest in such a costly project, he said.他说:“正在目前的经济环境下,很少有雄司愿意投资本钱这么高的项目。”

25、The mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected that no one would help him or has concerned about his dilemma.老鼠耷拉着脑袋回到屋子里,他感到很沮丧,因为没有谁愿意帮助它,没有谁为它的困境担心。

英文句子26:,26、I went to Yunnan, China in the last Easter Holiday 2009. "Yunnan" literally means the south of colourful clouds. Suggestive of things from another world.xx年复活节假期去了云南旅游‧听说「云南」的意思是「彩云之南」,很有世外意境。

27、Therefore, the development of a convenient Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for COBOL language has both great academic significance and enormous commer.因此,一个便捷的COBOL语言集成开发环境就具有很大的研究意义与市场价值。

28、Chinese ancient traditional thought on land reform is of great significance to the present environmental protection and degeneration.古代传统“地力常新”的土地改造思想,对当代生态保护、控制其环境蜕化上有很大借鉴意义。

29、That makes sense, since addictive behaviors such as smoking are deeply ingrained in the brain, and are strongly tied to social and environmental triggers.这个发现很有意义,因为像吸烟这种上瘾行为深深根植于大脑中,并且与社会和环境诱因有着莫大关联。

30、We were likely the only investors outside Italy interested in Marchionne at the time.当时,我们很有可能是意大利境外唯一对马奇奥尼感兴趣的投资人。

31、Liang Zongdai created the theory of "Symbolical Lingjing" by connecting symbol with supernatural realm.梁宗岱将象征与意境相结合,创造了“象征底灵境”这一意境理论。

32、And a lot of times the advertisements are more entertaining than很多时候广告很有意思,

33、Few outside Japan bother even to learn the names of Mitsubishi UFJ, Sumitomo Mitsui or Mizuho, Japan's three biggest banks.但是,在日本境外,甚至很少有人愿意费心记住日本前三大银行三菱UFJ,三井住友和瑞穗的名字。

34、What makes the present situation even more terrifying is the underlying sense that something is very different this time.使当前处境更令人害怕的是,潜意识里觉得现在有什么东西很不对劲。

35、They are acutely conscious of the circumstances in which they live their lives.他们很在意自己,生活的环境。

36、"It is an excellent figure – a historic result, " the environment minister, Carlos Minc, said in the capital, Brasilia.巴西的环境部长卡尔罗斯‧明克(Carlos Minc)在首都巴西利亚说:“这个数据看上去很不错,它具有重大意义。”

37、They have very high stature and practice ability.他们具有很高的思想境界和实践能力。

38、dmesg is interesting.dmesg 很有意思。

39、In the online social networking context, its meaning is understood, so its adoption as a modern verb form makes this an interesting choice for Word of the Year.在网络社交环境中,这个词的意思很容易理解,所以将其定义为现代动词形式,也是今年年度词汇评选中一个很有意思的选择。

40、RICK: You'll have a good time. Duck season is one of my favorite times of the year.雷克:会很有意思的,野鸭过境时期是xx年当中我最喜欢的时候了。

41、Shirley: That sounds interesting.雪莉: 听起来很有意思。

42、Geo - environment is closely linked to eco - environment, the latter being obviously controlled by the former.地质环境与生态环境有着密切的联系,地质因素对生态环境的控制是很明显的。

43、So people were very creative with it, and it was really lots of fun.大家都很有创意,真的很有意思。

44、7The two contexts are obviously related.7两个语境有很明显的关系。

45、She was born right near the Italian border, but just in abject poverty.她的出生地就在意大利边境附近,但是真的很贫寒

46、Dyestuff wastewater has much effect on environment.染料废水对环境有很大的影响。

47、Very interesting film, the same hand this tour is also very interesting!很有意思的电影,同样这款手游也很有意思!

48、I am delighted to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games.我很高兴应邀前来贵校,跟大家讲述有关奥运会的历史及其意义。 语境。

49、Empty love is kind of interesting.空洞式很有意思。

50、Chinese traditional gardening artistic conception, as a form of artistic conception, occupies a pivotal position in the Chinese traditional garden.中国传统造园意境作为意境的一种形式,在中国传统造园中占有举足轻重的地位。

经典英文句子51:很有意境,51、When the steel plant shut down, the town's people were all in the same boat. The workers had no jobs, and this meant the shops had no business. It was really tough all around.这句话的意思是:"当这个镇上的钢铁工厂被关闭的时候,每个人的处境都一样。工人没有工作,这就意味着商店没有生意。那儿都很困难。"

52、Good hand-painting expression requires spatial imagination and artistic conception. I pay great attention to feeling and looking for the artistic languages of Chinese Painting.好的手绘表现是需要空间想像和意境的,我很注重在中国画里去感受和寻找意境语言。

53、Carlos Minc, the Rio State Environment Minister, says the risk of a serious accident is very real.里约环境局长米克说,严重意外发生的可能性很大。

54、There were dirty environments, but there were multivariate animals, like owls, chickens, ducks, even monkey.那个宠物街环境很脏、但宠物真的很多元。有猫头鹰、有鸡、有鸭、甚至有猴子。

55、I find this fascinating.我觉得这很有意思。

56、Westies of today have a far different appearance than their ancestors.现在狗狗生活环境,已经跟牠们的祖先的生活环境有很大的不同了。

57、So, fuel economy and environmental conservancy make a lot of sense if you care about such things, of course.所以,油价和环境保护,是很有意义的,如果你关心这样的事,当然会更好。

58、I found some of them are very interesting and relevant in the context of PLM projects and Engineering Software.我发现里面有些地方很有意思,而且跟当下PLM项目和工程软件的应用环境有关系。

59、Its representation over the internet is depression, sorrow, vain and silence, etc, signifying wonderful and powerful, in a tight situation which is embarrassing or awkward.郁闷、悲伤、无奈、无语等等,示意很好很强大,指处境困迫,喻尴尬,为难。

60、But it was very interesting and challenging.但我觉得很有意思,很有挑战性。

61、The third chapter, “The Dream/Waking World Relationship,” is a bit more direct, ironically enough, in its conjoined imagery.第三章,“梦境与现实的关系”中的一连串图片较为直观,并有很强的讽刺意味。

62、The working environment is very nice, especially for me who has stayed 公司环境很好,尤其是在寒风飘飘兮的北方呆了xx年,对于各处有绿植的工作环境很是喜爱。

4 years in the chilly North.

63、This will enhance the penetrability of glauberite , and makes it feasible for glauberite to be mined through dissolving with in water in-situ.这对改进钙芒硝矿床开采方法、提高其开采效益、减少环境污染有很重要的意义。

64、I have an idea. I think have a very good idea.有主意了。我想我有一个很好的主意。


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