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1、The Book Industry Study Group has teamed with the Green Press Initiative in the book manufacturing arena to define sustainable printing for that sector.

as a foundation, and then advance it to create' a broader regional free-trade agreement, Mr. Kan said.菅直人说,我们将利用目前的区域性倡议作为基础,推动这些倡议,建立一个更广泛的区内自由贸易协议。

2、'We are going to use ongoing regional initiatives…


3、Diplomatic efforts and initiatives by the Secretary-General can lead to negotiations and an end to fighting.


4、The teacher suggested that we (should) clean the blackboard after class.

交通变革就是 TOPP 的主要倡议之

5、Transportation reform is one of TOPP's major initiatives.


6、Pairs well with starter, grilled fish, white meat, chicken. Robert Parker's Wine Advocate –97 points. (2006)Robert Parker's Wine Advocate –90 points. (2005)


7、Lawyer Chang said he had launched a nationwide petition urging lawyers to take up the problem of psychiatric detention.

假设你是校“地球之友”俱乐部成员, 请写一份至少 60 字的 “倡议书”,呼吁同学们低炭生活。

8、Why should we have a low carbon life ? How can we do that ? You should write at least 60 words.


9、A local media outlet in Chongqing also launched an initiative supporting "Sports Day" idea, which was echoed by more than 32 influential media, including the Beijing Youth Daily.

Jean Blaylock是ACORD的政策与倡议顾问。

10、Jean Blaylock is a Policy and Advocacy Advisor with ACORD.


11、The new green initiative not only relates to her books, but extends to her whole product line. This will help preserve the natural beauty that surrounds Beatrix Potter's farm in the Lake District.


12、It seems churlish to refuse such a generous offer.


13、Uncle's Stories is a proposal for reconstructing new life, and a whole rethinking of reality, history and novel itself.


14、We endorse the initiative on Toward Innovation-Driven Development.


15、In order to build a civilized city, we students should try our best to behave well in the activities.


16、Green IT is just one of many great initiatives at Allstate.


17、Marks &Spencer’s eco-initiative, Plan A, is rightly touted as one of the most comprehensive green drives in global business.


18、Five years ago, we had not thought of the HIPC Initiative.

希亚特是该倡议的领导者之一,他说,他们的1068号倡议需要获得241 000张选票,目前的缺口有4~5万张。

19、Hiatt, one of the campaign's leaders, said that the effort to get Initiative 1068 on the ballot has fallen short by about 40, 000-50, 000 signatures of about 241, 000 required.


20、Ahtisaari founded the Crisis Management Initiative in 2000.

21、If the Pope's initiative succeeds, the Church of England will be further weakened and plunged into even greater disarray.如果教皇的倡议倡议获得成功,英国教会将进一步削弱并陷入到更大的混乱中。

22、Who will oppose your initiative?谁会反对你的倡议?

23、At the opening ceremony, Director of the mangrove nature reserve management Zan Kai -kit, reading the "protection of mangroves proposal, " drew extraordinary attention.开幕式上,由红树林自然保护区管理处主任昝启杰宣读《保护红树林倡议书》,格外引人关注。

24、He greatly increased funding for education and re-education initiatives.他的资金大大增加对教育和再教育的倡议。

25、Who will support your initiative?谁会支持你的倡议?

英文句子26:,26、freedb.org and MusicBrainz are the most prominent of these initiatives.在这些倡议中,freedb.org 和 MusicBrainz 最引人注目。

27、Jamie follow mother initiative, buy flowers to Jackie sorry.杰米遵从母亲的倡议,买花向杰姬抱歉。 。

28、"after Written proposal" sends out, obtained the general staff's positive response, everybody donates money in abundance.《倡议书》发出后,得到了广大员工的积极响应,大家纷纷捐款。

29、He developed the original program on his own initiative, conducting his own research and using his own photos of Yosemite's iconic features.他在他自己的倡议中发展了原本的节目,这个倡议实施者他自己的研究,并且使用他自己的约塞米蒂的标志性特征的照片。

30、You've reviewed a new hire's draft of a proposal and have several changes.你已经评估了一位新员工的倡议书草稿。它已经别改动几遍。

31、Proposal that the practice of "North-South Joint Declaration" is to avoid the current situation the only way to military conflict.倡议书说,实践《北南共同宣言》是避免当前局势走向军事冲突的唯一途径。

32、This new moon will be favorable for almost any home-related initiative.这个新月会适合几乎任何家庭的倡议。

33、The Calcutt committee has reported once before, in 1990.在该报告倡议下成立了媒体申诉委员会。

34、He was talking about the embarrassment penury - and advocating higher salaries for MPs.这席话意指当时议员们经济窘迫,并提倡提高议员待遇。

35、Brookings Africa Growth Initiative Director Mwangi Kimenyi is among these.布鲁金斯非洲增长倡议主任姆旺吉Kimenyi是其中。

36、Still, Tempest continues her work as an advocate.不过,坦贝斯特仍然继续着她倡议者的工作。

37、The proposal fell upon deaf ears.这个倡议没人理睬。

38、A host of global health initiatives sprung up, with many designed to deliver life-saving interventions on a massive scale.大量全球卫生倡议活动层出不穷,许多倡议的目的是在大范围内提供拯救生命的干预措施。

39、Career experts suggest erring on the side of caution.职业专家倡议,宁可功于谨严也不要大意。

40、Sunday's proposals will be examined by the entire 27-member European Union in March.柏林会议期间提出的这些倡议将要在xx月由欧盟所有27个成员国审议。

41、The corresponding initiative was called Open multi-GPU chipset platform.相应的倡议是所谓的开放的多GPU芯片组平台。

42、I would like to thank Gabon for its initiative in organizing today’s meeting, and to welcome President Bongo Ondimba in coming to preside over it.我赞赏加蓬倡议举行今天的会议,欢迎邦戈总统亲自主持会议。

43、By his suggestion the contribution was raised.根据他的倡议而发起了募捐。

44、Parrikar welcomed Japan's initiative to strengthen bilateral ties.帕里卡尔欢迎日本加强双边关系的倡议。

45、Use broad range of sources for improvement ideas.大范围的收罗改良倡议。

46、Joe Cole has given his backing to an anti-bullying campaign that has gained the support of boxing legend Muhammad Ali.乔科尔已经声援拳王阿里倡导的有关反恐的倡议(活动)。

47、I appreciate Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's "He for She" Initiative, and hope more men will join that action.我赞赏潘基文秘书长发起的“他为她”倡议,希望越来越多男性参与进来。

48、To this end, Thailand has proposed the "Asia Cooperation Dialogue".泰方还为此提出了“亚洲合作对话”(ACD)的倡议。

49、Clean water initiative in Biafra比夫拉(尼日利亚一地区)净水倡议

50、Connie M. writes: “We tried to send a letter asking everyone to do a drawing, and set a limit on the amount spent.康妮M 写道:我们尝试发出一封倡议书要求每一个人去做一个图表,并制定开销总额的一个底限。

经典英文句子51:倡议书,51、Presenting the Recommendations of China's Urbanization Makes the World Better—Harmonious, Livable and Eco-friendly: official from the municipal government of Shanghai.上海市有关负责人宣读中国的城市化让世界更美好——和谐•宜居•生态”大型签名建言活动《倡议书》;

52、On this same day, the first peace overtures from Rome were made.就在同一天,罗马第一次提出媾和倡议。

53、The Nishi Building also displays admirable environmental initiative.西大楼也表现出令人钦佩的环保倡议。

54、Among those declining to join the initiative was Campbell.金宝是那些不愿加入倡议的公司之

55、This month, as the Chinese celebrate the start of the Year of the Tiger, WWF is launching its Tiger Network Initiative.这个月,正当中国的虎年来临的时候,世界自然基金会(WWF)做了一项关于老虎的网络倡议书。

56、"Technical experts" on behalf of Wang Xue-hong read "To the group of all skilled workers written proposal.“技术能手”代表王学红宣读《致集团公司全体技术工人倡议书》。

57、Third, development initiatives must be country-owned.第三,发展倡议必须为本国所有。

58、Yao presented a proposal called "contribute to Green Expo, share a bright future" at the ceremony.姚明在启动仪式上宣读了《助力绿色世博、共享美好未来》倡议书。


标签: 万能 倡议书

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