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关于”表原因的句型“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Sentence patterns for table reasons。以下是关于表原因的句型的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence patterns for table reasons


1、Fifth, the criminal type of the actio libera in cause.

构建内存模型的开销就是在 UsernameToken 例子中 Axis2/Rampart 表现不佳的明显原因。

2、The overhead from building the in-memory model is the apparent cause of Axis2/Rampart's poor performance in the UsernameToken case.


3、The reasons are the misunderstandings to some related words caused by punctuation by the editors.

对此原型框架的仿真表明 ,原型法在交会对接仿真系统中的应用是成功的。

4、At last, an evolutionary prototype of rendezvous and docking is built. The simulation of…


5、To some 265,000 abortions a year, which are the cause of the bitterest battles.


6、So we make two types of errors: a type I error, or false positive, is believing a pattern is real when it is not; a type II error, or false negative, is not believing a pattern is real when it is.


7、They transplanted Myc-driven lymphoma cells into wild-type mice and then turned on p53 expression in the lymphoma cells.


8、Failure type and select the reason for the failure from the list.


9、The results were as follows.

1. There were genetic positive correlation between three feed efficiency characters ( effect factors ) and their cause factors, as well as between these causes.



10、This is because the form type is a new record form type.


11、Thus organism's phenotype-its physical appearance and properties-differs from its genotype, which may include both a dominant and recessive allele.


12、Because of the absence of some prototypical features in some sentences, the non-prototypical meanings are hierarchical with some members of marginality.


13、The causes of the accident are multifaceted; ultra-deep and ultra-wide dredging for foundation trench are main reasons.


14、He bought a new watch because the old one's strap broke.


15、Different strains of the plasmodium parasites that cause malaria may be behind the failure to develop an effective malaria vaccine, according to a study conducted in Mali.


16、However, it presents an interesting challenge in that its prototype-based object model leaves no clear location to store method table caches as is the case in Ruby.


17、For different kinds of needs, the weir of small over-flow structure can be designed as the composite weir with two or more types.


18、That's why text ads perform so much better.

由于这个原因,只要可能我都会设法避开 instanceof 检查语句。

19、For this reason, I try to avoid instanceof checks whenever possible.


20、Negative effect of practice has its existing reason and various forms different characteristics in different historical stages.

21、In other words, they always emphasize external reasons and objective reasons, rarely find their own reasons, such lockstep opinionated phenomenon is very serious.换句话说,他们总是强调外在原因和客观原因,很少查找自身因素,这种因循守旧、自以为是的现象很严重。

22、TNFA-G308A allele was also associated with disease risk of clinical phenotypes of RF(P0.05).③带有TNFA-308A等位基因的基因型与RF临床表型的发病风险亦相关(P〈0.05)。

23、In other words, the scarcity of goods is 29 causes humans to attribute value.换句话说,商品的稀有性29。正是让人们赋予价值的原因。

24、A UML class diagram representing the User Goals as UserGoal prototyped classes, each having a set of Measure prototyped measure attributes.UML 类图将用户目标表示为UserGoal 原型化类,每个都拥有一组Measure 原型的度量属性。

25、Stage fright made clear for her bad performance.怯场是她表演不佳的原因。

英文句子26:,26、Then, on the pretext of this supposition, the thesis summarizes the cause of generation of Verb-copying sentence: internal cause and external cause.其次,有在生成的基础上总结了重动句的生成原因:内部义素和外部因素。

27、Determining Factors In Number Of Mock-Ups To Deliver什么因素决定要交付的原型数量?

28、Table 表二列出了一个消息原型的属性。

2 lists the properties of a message stereotype.

29、Several causal genes determinants interact with environmental factors such as, for example, dietary salt to produce the final disease phenotype.最可能的就是由几个原因基因共同作用,这些遗传性状在环境因素(如食盐的摄入)的干预下产生最终的疾病表型。

30、Thereason why there are two phenotypes is thought initiatively as a fault of ORFs defining.我们初步认为这种表型不一致的原因有可能是ORF界定有误。

31、Congenital malformation was the main reason to the intrauterine fetal death.胎儿畸型是胎死宫内的重要原因。

32、Causes for disquietude there are none so long as this blessed sentence is true.只要这句话是真的,那末一切动荡不安的原因都必消失。

33、Objective: To investigate the death causes of severe biliary pancreatitis.目的:分析重型胆源性胰腺炎的死亡原因。

34、Although many proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are widely expressed, the mutation of these genes is associated with cancer of specific organs or cell types.虽然许多原癌基因和肿瘤抑制基因被广泛表达,这些基因的突变与特定的器官或细胞类型的癌有关。

35、It points out that the space-archetype of courtyard of Chinese traditional folk house comes from the Great Mother's symbolical image and its split promoted the developing of courtyard.指出中国传统建筑中庭院的空间原型源自“大母神”原型的象征性意象,庭院型制的发展是空间原型分化后相关象征群的意义表达。

36、Also, the newly-forming economic globalization contributed to it.同时,刚成型的全球经济化也是原因之

37、For some reason, at the top of this file, I've also included what I've called a function prototype.因为一些原因,在这个文件顶端,我包含了一个函数原型。

38、In other words, as the Dutch social scientist Henk Houweling puts it, "one of the causes of war is war itself."换句话说,就像德国社会科学家亨可·豪伟表述的一样:“引发战争的原因之一就是战争本身。”

39、What is the difference between a genotype and a phenotype ?基因型和表现型之间的差异是什么?

40、The second part gives the reasons of her transition at that historical time.其次,还原历史语境,探讨浦熙修晚期新闻作品转型的原因。

41、The number of leaf primordia was affected by both genotype and environment, while the numbers of bracteal, spikelet and floret primordia were affected mainly by environmental factors.叶原基数由基因型和环境条件共同决定,而苞叶原基、小穗原基和小花原基数以环境因子的影响为主。

42、Because of the loss of potassium, consistancy of serum potassium and the different speed of losing, potassium, there were excitability and inhibition showed clinically.由于失钾的原因,血清钾的浓度、失钾的速度不同,临床表现分为兴奋型和抑制型。

43、The X-ray appearances of primary dilated cardiomyopathy could be divided into left, right and biventricular types.原发性扩张型心肌病X线表现分为左心型、右心型和普大型。

44、In the CNYM lines, language memes replicate by a way of memetic genotype and memetic phenotype.在贺岁片中,语言模因通过模因基因型及模因表现型复制。

45、The result shows that the distribution of the snails is cluster pattern in the rape field, due to its living habit.结果表明,蜗牛在油菜田间呈聚集型分布,其原因是蜗牛本身的生活习性所致;

46、The etiology is unclear; but it has been postulated that the deeper component of large lymphatic cisterns gave rise to the superficial vesicles.真正的致病原因仍不明,但形成表层小水泡的真正病因可能是深层皮下组织中的大型淋巴管池槽。

47、Hepatitis B Polymerase chain re-action Hepatitis Be antigens Genes;乙型肝炎病毒; 乙型肝炎E抗原; 聚合酶链反应; 基因;

48、Aggradation is the develolment of that, shows the synthesis, secretion and sediment of FN, collagen I, collagen II.基质沉积是上述慢性炎症的延续,表现为FN、I型胶原、II型胶原的合成、分泌和沉积。

49、Objective To explore the causes, clinical features and appropriate therapies of drug-induced bullosa epidermolysis.目的探讨大疱性表皮坏死松解型药疹的发病原因、临床表现及治疗经验。

50、Thus, expression of some (the wild-type) MMP8 genes inhibit melanoma cell growth.因此,某些表型的MMP8(野生型)基因抑制黑色素瘤细胞的生长。

经典英文句子51:表原因的句型,51、This is another reason why we want relationship banking.这也是需要关系型银行业务的又一原因

52、On the basis of the origins of oil accumulations, the high-acidity oil can be divided into three types of primary-type, secondary biodegradation-type and mixed-type oils.根据高酸值原油的成因,进一步划分出原生高酸值原油、次生生物降解型高酸值原油和混合型高酸值原油。

53、The results showed that the main spatial anomaly feature of the differences between the evapotranspiration and the precipitation during warm season was coincidently high or low.结果表明:内蒙古典型草原区暖季蒸降差的主要空间异常型表现为全区一致偏高或偏低,这是典型草原区主要的空间型;

54、MGD curates and presents the consensus representation of genotype (sequence) to phenotype information including highly detailed information about genes and gene products.MGD精选并提出了基因型(序列)到表型信息的一致性表征,包括对基因和基因产物的非常详细的报道。

55、Glycosphingolipid antigens present on many cell types, including red blood cells.为糖鞘脂抗原,表达于许多类型细胞表面,包括红细胞。

56、Objective and Methods: To study the antigenicity of the Eglycoprotein B domain of dengue 目的和方法:通过对登革2型病毒E蛋白B区基因片段的表达,研究B区蛋白的抗原性。

2 virus by expressing its gene fragment.


标签: 原因

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