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关于”工作中常用“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Commonly used at work。以下是关于工作中常用的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Commonly used at work


1、Regular maintenance work of the low cost.


2、The hole in the working gate in the export of tunnel usually decorate, working gate often moving water requirements of opening and closing, often in static water maintenance gate opening and closing.


3、When exploring with TEM in the wild, several common devices are used which are Coincident loop, Central loop, Dipole device and Large-fixed loop combination.


4、This is very useful in conversations, at work, while writing or while on the tennis court.


5、The cast-in-place pile is in general engineering deep foundation forms, pile quality plays a vital role to construction safety.


6、In the company, he is called workaholic He spends most of his time working, and often forgets to have meals or to go to bed.


7、The principles, metallurgic characters of ceramic foam filtration and spinning spraying were illustrated in detail, as well as the recent utilities on magnesium industry.


8、In the engineering practice the method of static load test is usually used to evaluate the capacity and working status of the existing structure.


9、Within the informal work method of RUP, this is often unnecessary.


10、Centrifugal pumps are used usually as pump unit in crude oil transportation engineering.


11、On the purely practical side of development, effort is usually divided according to application domain.


12、Welded mesh is used as guards in buildings and factories, as animal enclosure and fence in agriculture, it is also used in horticulture industry as tree guards, plant protection.


13、and they really work well: I'm using EJB

3.0 + JPA

1.0 since about

2 years in projects.

3.0 + JPA



14、The cable force control is a very important work in the design and construction of cables, it is also a very difficult work.


15、As one of the most common equipments the engineers use in research and development, the oscilloscope has been widely used in project measurements.

16、(《汉英外事工作常用词汇》)Is it not pleasant to have friends coming from distant quarters?


17、On this job everyone works straight-time.


18、What "stupid little checklists" do you use in your everyday work?


19、In-home or at-work visits are often superior to usability testing in a lab.


20、In the traditional industry, we usually use the serial type robotic arm to help us to work.

21、Problems often come up in our work.我们工作中常常碰到问题。

22、Worker threads are commonly used to complete tasks, such as recalculation, that do not require user input.背景工作执行绪通常是用来完成不需要使用者输入的工作,例如重新计算。

23、Image above: We often use props from previous photography jobs to decorate our apartment (e.g., red telephone, American flag, pennants, etc.).上图:我们常常用以前的摄影工作中用到的道具来装饰我们的公寓。

24、By studying and understanding the application workload schedules, UPMC has learned that development and test workloads often fall between peak production workloads.通过研究和了解应用程序工作负载的时间规律,UPMC 发现开发和测试工作负载常常出现在生产工作负载高峰之间。

25、A sense of overwhelm is often at the root of our work problems.被工作压倒的感觉常常来自于工作中根本的问题。

英文句子26:,26、Joke around make you happy in work.笑口常开能够让你在工作中保持快乐。

27、A common pitfall I frequently come across in my travels is the improper use of the read-only flag on the Spring @Transactional annotation.我在工作中经常碰到的一个常见陷阱是 Spring @Transactional 注释中的只读标志没有得到恰当使用。

28、However, workaholism is often confused with being over-worked.不过,工作狂常常会与工作过度相混淆。

29、This book also contains links to free tools/IDEs that you can use to make sample applications similar to the examples in the book, and use them in your everyday work.该书还含有到免费工具/IDE 的链接,您可以用它们来制作类似于书中示例的样本应用程序,在日常工作中使用这些工具吧。

30、Under working circumstances do you always do what you are reluctant to do?工作环境中常常勉为其难的做事情吗?

31、You would have to use a valid user DN in your certificate for that to work.您必须在证书中使用一个有效的用户 DN 以使证书正常工作。

32、Another type of alloy steel frequently used for tooling applications is stainless steel.另一种常常用来制作工具的合金钢是不锈钢。

33、Since then, I usually have some part of my courses include writing code that utilizes threads.从那以后,我经常在我课程中的某个部分中加入利用线程的代码书写工作。

34、Working in a browser-based environment can often be mouse intensive.在基于浏览器的环境中工作通常要频繁地使用鼠标。

35、The equalizer is used in high-power travelling wave tube usually works in bad environment, for example, a wide rage of temperature.大功率行波管用均衡器通常工作环境恶劣,需要满足在高、低温度环境中均能正常工作的要求。

36、The EXCELSIOR automatic dehydration machine in pathology department may need to set user-defined procedures in the day-to-day work.EXCELSIOR全自动脱水机在病理科的日常工作中可根据工作需要来设定用户自定义程序。

37、You hear more about people taking early retirement or giving up high pressure jobs in favour of occupations with shorter working hours.你们比过往更常听到人们谈论早早退休,谈论放弃压力大子中工作往从事工作时间短子中工作。

38、InfoQ: Are you using any other Node.js libraries/frameworks in your project or everyday work?InfoQ:你在项目或日常工作中使用其他的Node. js库或框架么?

39、A metalworker, especially one who works metal when it is hot and malleable. Often used in combination.炼金属工人,尤指当金属炽热可锻时进行工作的人。常常使用于复合词中。

40、We meet our clients'demands by developing practical, communication-based training courses that will contribute to their work every day.我们开发了实用的,以日常工作会话为基础的教材来满足客户的日常工作的需要。

41、In working at a hotel that is situated in the heart of Shanghai, my daily life at work was always busy and sometimes I might work long days.在位处上海核心地段的这样一家酒店工作,我在日常工作中总是非常忙碌,有时候还需要长时间工作。

42、The Special Committee of CPPCC is the working unit of CPPCC, taking over the daily work, bring into momentous effect when CPPCC fulfils its responsibility.政协专委会是政协的工作机构,承担着政协经常性的工作,在政协履行职能中发挥着重要的作用。

43、Normal daily workload: 7000 Chinese characters for English-Chinese translation, 3000-4000 for Chinese-English translation;每个工作日的正常工作量:英译中7000字符数,中译英3000-4000字符数;

44、Task management can be accomplished by collaborating using common workspaces, working with templates, allocating workspaces dynamically, and centralizing communications.通过使用常用工作空间、使用模板、动态分配工作空间以及集中化通信,任务管理是可以实现的。

45、If you find yourself in a less-than-ideal work situation, don't waste the experience; many experts learned invaluable lessons from bad jobs.利用好差的工作。



46、Andrew Fahey, a security and forensics expert working with e-fense Inc., started with a Knoppix base and added the tools he used for his day-to-day work.Andrew Fahey 是 e-fense Inc. 的一位合作安全专家,他以 Knoppix 作为基础,并添加了很多日常工作中使用的工具。

47、His routine work is to rub the coal through a sieve.他的日常工作是用力筛煤。

48、The application of the segmenting workload technique is commonly used in the J2EE architecture.在 J2EE 体系结构中经常使用分段工作负载技术的应用程序。

49、Because its working condition is bad, presents like on the breakdown frequently in the use, serious influence project construction progress.由于其工作条件恶劣,在使用中经常出现如上故障,严重影响了工程施工进度。

50、Technical training and after-sales services are offered locally to secure the best possible use of installed meters in the Chinese market.为了确保在中国使用的热量表的正常工作,卡姆鲁普公司在中国的办事处负责提供技术培训和售后服务等工作。

经典英文句子51:工作中常用,51、I think our fans will appreciate it a lot because it will allow everyone to remain updated also through their cell phones about everything that happens here at Milanello.我个人认为通过手机上网是非常有用的。在工作中,我们每个人要经常使用手机。

52、Of course, the recommended hardware depends on what you want to do with the database, e.g. how large will it become, how many concurrent users do you expect andsoforth.Firebird可以工作最常见的硬件环境中,甚至非常差的硬件中,也能很好的工作,当然,硬件的要求依赖于你想做什么,例如 ,你有朋少个并发用户等等。

53、High dropout rates also make it hardto translate clinical trial results to everyday office practice.高退出率也使得临床试验结果很难应用到日常治疗工作中。

54、Humans who work in contact with animals, such as veterinary staff, and shelter workers should receive rabies vaccinations, and be tested following to make sure the vaccine is active.那些工作中经常与动物接触的工作人员,比如兽医工作人员、庇护所工作人员等,应该接受狂犬病疫苗注射,并进行测试,确定疫苗已经起作用。

55、In fact, in my consulting experience, no single aspect of requirements engineering is both 实际上,在我的顾问经历中,需求工程中没有一个方面是

1) so frequently cited as vital to the engineering effort and

2) so frequently ignored in practice.

1) 作为对工程工作至关重要的部分被经常引用的,并且

2) 在实践中常常被忽略的



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