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关于”疑问句的句型结构“的英语句子47个,句子主体:The Sentence Structure of Interrogative Sentences。以下是关于疑问句的句型结构的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The Sentence Structure of Interrogative Sentences


1、Structure change can be classified into unit root related structure change and cointegration structure change.


2、The method to select a optimal syntactic tree based on message structure pattern, and a statistical approach of extracting message structure are presented.


3、So the structure of this poem is unquestionably Virgilian, but the sentiments that are voiced in this poem are unquestionably Miltonic, and we will recognize them.


4、By modal participation factors, the influence of higher modes is quantified.

查询你想学的汉字,你马上可以学到这个汉字的结构,部首,书写笔划,组词, 解释, 例句,还能校正发音。

5、In flash class, the teacher deconstructs the characters; you could learn the structure and meaning of a character.


6、The cumulative rate of interpretation was 54.057%, good fit of theoretical model.


7、There is in other words in Ricoeur's view a hermeneutics of suspicion, and "skepticism" or "suspicion" is a word that can also be appropriated perhaps more rigorously for philosophy as negativity.


8、The intending author, in other words, is outside, whereas we can argue that the intentional structure is inside.


9、The novel and unique roof is used in Malaysia Pavilion of Expo 2010 Shanghai. Its structural selection and how to guarantee the planar stiffness of roof are key problems in structure design.


10、III. Ways of participation: Raise suggestions of emendation, revise and supplement on the structure, wording and content of the book Big Balance.


11、Fluorescent micro technique as a mean in directly constituting the structure of hydrocarbon and rock micro, can solve difficult problems about wellsite geological logging in many aspects.

天津的官员对东线工程能带来直饮水有所怀疑,他们视脱盐为可替代的( they are looking at desalinization as an alternative这句话在句中的含义也不太明白)。

12、Officials in Tianjin are so skeptical of the eastern route’s ability to deliver drinkable water that they are looking at desalinization as an alternative.


13、The words slid from my brain, and knotted in my stomach.

while 语句将逐个遍历结果查询的每个元素并逐行构建 $encodable 数组。

14、The while statement steps through each element of the result query and builds the $encodable array line by line.


15、Composition of Chinese painting There is a saying: "Happy to sparse, dense needles should not be."


16、By modal participation factor, the influence of higher modes is quantified.

所幸的是,只要在 UML 结构和 XML 模式语句间建立一对一的映射,这个过程很容易自动化。

17、Fortunately, this process is easy to automate if you establish a one-to-one mapping between UML constructs and XML schema statements.


18、Syntactic structural relation is a reflex in language of relations between objects in the world, and it is a kind of abstract grammatical meanings.


19、This also, by the way, in some sense, gives me the beginnings of my comments for what the structure of my code is going to be.


20、Despite bad data security causing so much trouble, the whole problem can be summarized in five words: Know what you are getting.

21、They had, without question, the most sophisticated charitable institutions anywhere.毫无疑问,他们拥有最为复杂的慈善机构

22、The second part makes quantitative inspection on differences of the three kinds of headlines in the markedness and the sentence structure.第二部分对三类标题在标题标记性、标题句式结构上的差异作了定量考察。

23、The configuration design and structure optimization of MRI-guided robot are discussed, and mechanical compatibility design is achieved.探讨了MRI导航机器人的构型设计及结构优化设计问题,实现了机器人结构兼容性设计。

24、According to the structure of the Heng-ch'u Four-Sentences Teaching, except the Introduction, my text has four chapters in total.按照“横渠四句教”的结构,全文除绪论外总共分为四章。

25、First comes impact of smaller family, for example, generation gap, one-parent and ill family.家庭结构对青少年犯罪的影响:首先是家庭结构小型化而产生的隔代教养问题;

英文句子26:,26、Nim's lips moved silently, stumbling over the ancient Aramaic words.尼姆的嘴唇无声地动着,结结巴巴地背着古老的亚拉姆语的词句。

27、Architectural curtain wall is not a structural member, but its safety is a structural problem.建筑幕墙属于非结构构件,但其本身的安全问题却是结构问题。

28、Parallelism is the similar arrangement of a pair or series of related words, phrases, or sentences.排比是指把一组或一系列相关的字词句以相似结构排列起来。

29、So the structure of this poem is unquestionably Virgilian, but the sentiments that are voiced in this poem are unquestionably Miltonic, and we will recognize them.因此这首诗的结构毫无疑问是维吉尔式的,但抒发的感情毫无疑问,是弥尔顿式的,这能看的出来。

30、The constable says:"Particularly mother-in-law, I also want to ask you a words."巡官说道:“尤婆婆,我也有句话要问你。

31、Every SELECT statement in the procedure generates a result set.过程中的每一条 SELECT 语句都生成一个结果集。

32、This is not impossible , but i have doubts about the advisability of tackling additional complex structural issues at this time.这并非不可能,但我怀疑现在是否适当时机,来处理额外的复杂的结构性问题。

33、Generative Grammar has taken explanatory adequacy as an ultimate goal of linguistic theories ever since the publication of Syntactic Structures.自《句法结构》问世以来,生成语法就以解释充分性作为其追求的最高目标。

34、Developing new-type floor form that combines to different areas is a present issue.结合各地区情况开发适合钢结构住宅的新型楼板形式是目前的热点问题。

35、It mayalso be applied to the buckling problems of other types of struc…此法还可应用于其它类型结构的屈曲问题。

36、The problems of the hydronelastic response of VLFS are studied.探讨了浮舟桥型超大型浮体结构的水弹性响应分析问题。

37、In this architecture extension modules, ( UIMA plug-ins, in other words) are also called annotators.在这个体系结构中,扩展模块(换句话说,是 UIMA 插件)也称为注解器。

38、Between data storage and memory structure, there are number of virtual or background processors that are busy with processing SQL statements.在数据存储器和内存结构之间,有许多虚拟或后台处理器忙于处理 SQL 语句。

39、Task2. Scanninng---Scan the passage quickly especially the first and last sentence of each paragraph to get the general idea.设计思路与目的:通过跳读文章段落首尾句,让学生迅速归纳文章大意,理清结构。

40、Finally, we have investigated the internal connection between science inquiring and ill- structured physics problem - solving and have interpreted some cases by using this model.研究了科学探究与结构不良物理问题解决的内在关系,运用结构不良物理问题解决的认知模型进行相关案例的解释。

41、Nim's lips moved silently, stumbling over the ancient aramaic words.尼姆的嘴唇无声地动著,结结巴巴地背著古老的亚拉姆语的词句。

42、To deal with this, you can generate a stack trace in the constructor of the exception object during the throw exception statement.为了解决这一问题,可以在抛出异常语句期间,在异常对象的构造函数中生成一个堆栈跟踪。

43、The background knowledge, stylistic structure, the knowledge of words and expressions and connection ways are all included in the content of schemata theory.语篇分析的主要内容有背景知识、文体结构以及粘合手段和字词句知识。

44、Macros translate segments of code that have been written in a language structure defined by the programmer into statements that the programming language understands.宏把使用程序员定义的语言结构编写的代码段翻译成编程语言可以理解的语句。

45、The language in his essay is vivid and the sentence structure has a distinctive style of ordinary and rich.其散文语言灵动多变,句式结构别具一格,透显出一种平淡而厚腴的独特风格。

46、Chapter Five is illuminated by Markedness Theory, exploring the wide distribution of English transitive syntactic constructions and semantic acceptability.第五章以标记理论为认知理据,探讨了英语及物句法结构的分布及语义可接受性。

47、AN structure in sentences metricizesthe attribute of verbs and it has the constraints of structural meaning on the internal structure of AN and VP.AN结构入句后表示对动作某方面属性的度量,这一格式义对AN结构内部、VP具有制约作用。

48、Based on the mined association rules, this algorithm optimizes the storage structure of association rules, a nd extends SQL-like query statement.在算法实现的过程中对关联规则集存储结构进行了优化,并扩展了类SQL查询语句。

49、Secondly, we have defined the ill-structured physics problem and have established a cognitive model of this kind of problem-solving in theory based on the previous work.界定了结构不良物理问题,并在前人研究的基础上从理论层面上构建了结构不良物理问题解决的认知模型;

50、The language understanding of user to the meaning of huan and its sentence meaning and its utterance structure leads to its ultimate semantic development.语言使用者的对“还”的词义、句义及话语结构的理解,最终导致了它的语义演变。

经典英文句子51:疑问句的句型结构,51、Say an in the mind words, the tone construction of this folk song affects to me very big, once appear in several music's work.说句心里话,这首民谣的音调结构对我影响很大,曾在多首音乐作品中出现。

52、Not only are questions and answers closely related to each other in terms of conversational intention, semantic orientation and syntactic structure, they are also interactive.问语与答语之间不仅有发话意向、语义取向、句法结构等方面的毗邻关联,而且还存在着作用与反作用的互动关系。

53、Kitten Devine’s question… Yesterday at a hair shop they asked me what shampoo I used.Kitten Devine's 的疑问 :昨天,发型师问我用什么洗发露。



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