劳动力的英语翻译是"manpower",还经常被译作labor force,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到18个与劳动力相关的翻译和例句。
1. manpower
示例:该公司昨天削减了1/6的劳动力。 The company yesterday shed a sixth of its workforce.
2. labor force
劳动力翻译为labor force。
示例:使用廉价劳动力有助于降低成本。 The use of cheap labour helped to keep costs down.
3. workforce
劳动力翻译为 workforce 。
示例:建筑进程缓慢是因为劳动力不足。 Construction had slowed because of a dearth of labourers.
4. [劳经] Labour Power
劳动力翻译为 [劳经] Labour Power 。
示例:"More power, more power more power to the hour "More Power, more Power more Power to the hour
1. labor power(劳动力)
2. the labor force(劳动力)
3. labour force(劳动力\n[法] 劳动力)
4. work force(劳动力\n[经] 劳动力)
5. labor force survey(劳动力调查法, 劳动力调查)
英语短语&俚语, newly increased labor force incoming labor force ( 新增劳动力 )
people of working age labor force population population of labour force ( 劳动力人口 )
the workforce structure structure of labour power ( 劳动力结构 )
labor cost ( 劳动力成本 )
quality labor force ( 优质劳动力 )
labour-market area labor market area ( 劳动力市场区 )
surplus rural workers surplus rural labor nural surplus labor ( 农村富余劳动力 )
labor market statistics ( 劳动力市场统计 )
who move from rural to urban areas to find work people who move from rural to urban areas to find w( 农村转移劳动力 )
1. Blue indicates a labor surplus, red indicates a labor shortfall, and gray are those countries which are borderline.
译文:蓝色表示劳动力剩余, 红色表示劳动力短缺, 灰色是处在边界的国家。 。
2. The high laborers flowage cost, the miscellaneous procedures.
译文:劳动力流动成本高,手续繁杂; 。
3. - Been out of the workforce for a while.
译文:- 劳动力一段时间。。
4. Got yourself a real workforce now.
5. So, they stopped having inexpensive labor.
6. The labor force has been...
7. The labor inspectors are here!
8. He'd close down 30 percent of the workforce.
9. - This increases profit, and the resulting price cuts... stimulate consumer spending.
译文:- 精简劳动力。。
10. And not just low-end labor.
译文:不只是低端劳动力, 。
11. And all the labor he wants, too.
12. i think women on the work force...
13. There is an abundant supply of cheap labour.
译文:有丰富的廉价劳动力供应。 。
14. And this is the green line: labor demand.
译文:就是绿色的线:劳动力需求。 。
15. i was talking to him about ethics and ethnic labor.
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