稀薄用英语怎么说 稀薄英语翻译

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稀薄用英语怎么说 稀薄英语翻译

稀薄翻译为英语的说法为: rarity,还可以翻译为thin,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到59个与稀薄相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. rarity

稀薄翻译为 rarity 。

示例:这里的空气很稀薄。 The air here was thinner.


2. thin


示例:空气稀薄而清新,弥漫着朦胧的阳光与霜霭。 The air was thin and crisp, filled with hazy sunshine and frost.


3. rarefaction

稀薄翻译为 rarefaction 。

示例:他们挣扎着从烟雾稀薄的地方逃了出去。 They fought their way through where the smoke was thinner.


4. rare


示例:Yeah, it's like a rare disease. it's like a rare disease.



1. tenuity(稀薄


2. rarefaction(稀薄


3. rarefy(稀薄

4. rarefication(n. 变稀薄, 稀薄)


5. tenuous(稀薄的

英语短语&俚语, Lean burn Lean mixture combustion MPFI ( 稀薄燃烧 )

Thin rare tenuous sloppy ( 稀薄的 )

dilute gas Rarefaction gas ( 稀薄气体 )

rarefied gas dynamics superaerodynamics ( 稀薄气体动力学 )

Into Thin Air ( 走进空气稀薄地带 )

INTO THIN AIR Into Thin Air Death on Everest ( 进入空气稀薄地带 )

thin Air ( 稀薄空气 )

rarefaction attenuation rarefication ( 稀薄化 )


1. They fought their way through where the smoke was thinner.

译文:他们挣扎着从烟雾稀薄的地方逃了出去。 。

2. ♪ Let's take off in the blue ♪ ♪ Once i get you ♪

译文:空气稀薄 逍遥安乐。

3. it's breathable, but thin.

译文:虽可呼吸 但比较稀薄。

4. Up here, the air is so thin, the helicopter can't hover and must keep moving.

译文:这里空气太稀薄,直升机不能悬停 必须不停移动。

5. specification for polypropylene film cords , lines and twines


6. The tunnel is dark, the air suffocating,

译文:通道很黑, 里面空气很稀薄。

7. And then dissolved in thin air?


8. Air's thin up here, you see-

译文:你看 这里的空气很稀薄。

9. Mom, the thin mountain air, clearly messing with your head.


10. Don't run. The air's too thin. You'll pass out.


11. The low partial pressure of oxygen makes it difficult to breathe.

译文:空气稀薄 所以呼吸起来,会有点困难。

12. But today it's cold and dry, with little atmosphere.

译文:但今天的火星冰冷干涸, 大气稀薄。

13. it's freezing cold, and that thin air really gets you.

译文:寒冷刺骨 空气稀薄 。

14. The air is so rare in this place for me that i can barely breathe.

译文:工作时候的空气稀薄到我勉强可以呼吸 。

15. Air's getting a bit thin up here.



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