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关于”霸气高冷到爆“的英语句子56个,句子主体:Aggressive high cold to burst。以下是关于霸气高冷到爆的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Aggressive high cold to burst


1、There are two Nobel surprises this year.


2、The open-air explosion hazards are seismic effect, blasting individual flying rocks, blasting toxic gases, explosive air shock wave and noise hazards.


3、These measurements could reach an altitude of 30 kilometres before the balloon burst.


4、The gas containers will burst at high pressures.


5、Cold air is actively burrowing under warm air .


6、This cold air is now heated also and rises, while other cold air rushes in after.

寒气渗透到骨髓; 寒冷刺骨。

7、The cold struck to the marrow.


8、Without any increase in refrigeration, the phosgene in the kettle is kept in a super-cooled state and production safety is improved.


9、The grease contained in the Co

2 cylinders is apt to ignite and explode in the atmosphere of high pressure oxygen.


10、Meteorologists forecast the heat will last until Thursday, when a cold front is expected to reduce highs in some areas to less than 30 C.


11、The weather turns cold here in October.


12、There are various wars over control of the seas.


13、Abstract: The open-air explosion hazards are seismic effect, blasting individual flying rocks, blasting toxic gases, explosive air shock wave and noise hazards.


14、The fog dissipates from higher to lower layers with dry and cold air coming from the northwest associated with a cold front.


15、It's so cold. I can even see my breath.


16、Hot spring and fumarole gas;


17、You take that gas phase mixture, and you condense it in your condenser.


18、A high efficiency heat pipe was used to lower the fume temperature below 200℃ at the outlet of the vapourizing and cooling flue of the converter.


19、Where warm and cool air lie side by side, atmospheric pressure decreases with height more rapidly in the cool than in the warm air, because the cool air is more compressed.

说如果Hufford仍持续的间断喷发的话,那么就值得我们担忧了。 他称,火山爆发影响天气的关键因素是火山爆发期间和喷发到大气中的火山灰的高度。

20、What's key in having volcanic eruptions affect the weather is both the duration of the eruption, and how high the ash gets blasted into the stratosphere, according to Hufford.

21、You'll often offend people by being hot-tempered.你火爆的脾气会常常冒犯到别人。

22、Cold as it was, nobaby felt cold in the white world.天气很冷,人白色的世界中感觉到寒冷。

23、The atmospheric pressure in the tank cabin rose after explosion of antitank mine.反坦克地雷爆炸后舱室内空气压力增高;

24、(33 -40F). The climate of the southeastern alpine valleys ranges from the temperate to the frigid climatic types with annual average temperature of 1-5C (34-41F).东南高山峡谷地区年平均气温1到5摄氏度,包含了较为温和到寒冷的气候类型。

25、The numerical simulation of variable cross-section shock tube driven by hydrogen oxygen forward detonation, which can produce high enthalpy and high speed flow, is studied.讨论的激波管由氢氧前向爆轰产生高压驱动气体、并配有收缩截面段,它能产生高焓超高速气流。

英文句子26:,26、It is only "Boss" in the market can produce the highest efficiency , lowest malfunction rate bus air conditioner.市场上唯有米军冷气,能做到冷度强冷,故障率低的品质。

27、Increased Glowcap Blueprint drop rate to 33%.(可换色的)蘑菇灯蓝图爆率提高到33%。

28、This year's Gold Horse Award had a really unexpected winner.今年的金马奖爆了个大冷门。

29、It's a sight more common to large cold air outbreaks in the winter over the warm Gulf Stream waters.冬季大规模的冷空气爆发时,在墨西哥湾流的暖海水上,这种情况更为常见。

30、The workman plugged the hole in the gas pipe.这次爆炸是由煤气管爆裂引起的。

31、The use of air-cooled blades in the turbine assembly permits a higher gas temperature and a consequently higher thermal efficiency.在涡轮部件中使用气冷工作叶片允许更高的燃气温度,从而得到更高的热效率。

32、When the balloon reaches the 22-mile-high mark it pops because the air pressure is too weak to keep the helium inside.当氦气球升至 22 英里高时,由于周边气压太弱,氦气球膨胀爆裂。

33、The concept is based on the similar cooling effect of volcano eruptions on the atmosphere.这个理念是基于火山爆发时喷入大气层中的物质的相似的冷却效果。

34、气质”刷爆朋友圈 "Temperament", brush blasting circle of friends

35、The blast blew Dingee back into the front of the bunker.爆炸的气浪把迪丹吉推回到了掩体的前面。

36、As the air loses some of its heat, the air that comes back out of the fins of the evaporator is cool and that cooled air is then vented into the passenger compartment.当空气失去一定热量时,蒸发器散热片中出来的回流空气是冷空气,这股冷空气接着会被排放到乘客区这股冷空气接着会被释放到乘客区。

37、The eruption flung vast amounts of dust and ash into the atmosphere, cooling global temperatures for months afterwards.这次爆发把巨额数量的岩土和灰尘抛向大气,随后使地球的温度冷却了好几个月。

38、MSI provides own design R5850 Cyclone with 9cm extra large fan to reach higher cooling efficiency.微星提供了9厘米超大风扇自己设计的R5850气旋达到更高的冷却效率。

39、When some of the water evaporates into low air layers, and the warm water warms the air, the air rises, mixes with colder air, cools, and condenses some of its water vapor.当部分水蒸发到空气层低,温水和温暖的空气,空气上升,与冷空气混合,冷却,凝结的水蒸气一些。

40、Since the pre cooling air temperature of nitrogen unit is too high, the measure and process design scheme for using the refrigerant water to reduce the pre-cooling air temperature are recommended.针对气体车间制氮装置预冷空气温度过高的问题,提出了利用冷媒水降低预冷空气温度的措施及工艺改造方案,并对空气冷却器的工艺计算做了较详细的介绍。

41、Increased lowcap Blueprint drop rate to 33%.(可换色的)蘑菇灯蓝图爆率提高到33%。

42、Cinder cone volcanoes are formed when magmas with high gas contents and high viscosity are blown high into the air during an eruption.火山渣锥火山是,当爆发时,高气体含量和高粘度的熔岩被喷发到空气中而形成的。

43、The process of explosion condensation mineralization concealed explosion breccia mass is expounded.论述了隐蔽爆破角砾岩体的爆破-冷凝-成矿过程。

44、Heating phase yet to come as the cold weather, branded lingerie stores and all major shopping centres home clothes counters of an increasingly popular, consumer enthusiasm of customers.随着天气转冷而供热期尚未到来,各品牌内衣专卖店及各大商场的家居服专柜日渐火爆,顾客的消费热情高涨。

45、Based upon blasting mechanics theory, pressure on the wall of borehole and blast stress field are gained in the course of detonation with air cushion charging construction.利用爆炸力学理论,得到空气垫层装药爆破的孔壁压力及其爆炸应力场。

46、The eruptive and violence development of west cold Siberian high pressure principally caused strong sand-dust storms;强沙尘暴天气产生的根本原因是西西伯利亚地面冷高压爆发性南下并强烈发展;

47、Condensers are used in power plants to condense exhaust steam from turbines and in refrigeration plants to condense refrigerant vapours , such as ammonia and Freons.发电厂要用许多冷凝器使涡轮机排出的蒸气得到冷凝;在冷冻厂中用冷凝器来冷凝氨和氟利昂之类的致冷蒸气。

48、The research shows it is feasible that aluminum foam is applied in fuel-air explosion and it can attenuate shock waves generated by fuel-air explosions effectively.研究显示:将泡沫铝应用到油气类爆炸防护中是可行的,能有效衰减油气爆炸产生的冲击波。

49、They would fill a spherical weather balloon, available online, with helium and float the entire cooler-camera-cell-phone apparatus high into the atmosphere.他们将填补球形气象气球,在网上与氦,以及浮动整个冷却器,相机,手机设备到大气中的高。

50、Major, explosive volcanic eruptions send tons of gaseous sulfur compounds high into the atmosphere.更重要的,火山爆发会将数吨高浓度的气态硫化合物释放入大气中。

经典英文句子51:霸气高冷到爆,51、Italy will offer few surprises.意大利几无被爆冷的可能。

52、This water vapor (a gas ), being lighter than air, rises until it reaches the cold upper air where it condenses into clouds.这些水蒸气(一种气体)由于比空气轻,会上升直至达到高空冷气层,并在那里凝结成云。

53、Air-cooled design and explosion-proof control box.风冷 式 设计及防爆箱控制。

54、The cold energy of LNG can also be used to cool the inlet air of gas turbine to increase the output of electric power during warm seasons.在高温季节,还可以利用LNG冷能冷却燃气轮机的进口空气,以增加电厂出力。

55、A gas pipe that had burst caused the explosion.煤气管爆裂引起这次爆炸。

56、During the ascent the balloon is constantly widening because of the decrease of atmospheric pressure, and at a certain height it will inevitably burst.在上升的过程中,随着气压的降低,气球不断膨胀,到一定的高度,气球就会爆破。

57、For another, gas reactors are more efficient at generating electricity than water-cooled ones, because they run much hotter.另外,气体反应堆比水冷的发电效率更高,因为它们可以运转到更高的温度。

58、The weather had turned terrifically cold up on the plateau , well below zero at night.高原上的天气变得非常的寒冷,夜里的气温达到零度以下。

59、It was so cold that he felt frozen to the marrow .天气太冷了,他感到寒冷刺骨。


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