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关于”主谓结构“的英语句子27个,句子主体:main-predicate structure。以下是关于主谓结构的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:main-predicate structure


1、Then a new type of structural optimization is proposed by employing one of the main indexes of structural dynamic characters i. e. natural frequency.


2、The economic structure is composed mainly of service industry, with fairly developed tourism and a multi-pronged economy.


3、Feminine Faces of Leadership: Beyond Structural- Functionalism?


4、The major components of manganese nodules are todorokite with a tunnel-like structure and also buserite and birnessite with layered structures.


5、Guyed mast is a kind of geometrical nonlinear structure. Wind load is its major design load.


6、The structure of the dissertation is divided into nine chapters.


7、While completely affirming the historic signification of structuralism' s destruction of subjectivity philosophy, Derrida declares the illegality of Structure.

这种结构能够实现主梁的轻型化 ,进而减轻下部结构的工程量。

8、The type of structure can achieve light-duty of girders, thus reduces the engineering work of its substructure.


9、The concept of deconstruction implies criticism, negative, subversion, opening, motivation, which reject structure, Logos centralism, naturalism, rationalism and the presence.


10、The internal structural optimization in the tertiary industry contains rationalizing and upgrading industrial structures.


11、The Theme Rheme theory lays emphasis on the general information and structure of a discourse.


12、Optimizing livestock structure with priority given to sheep, cattle and rabbit raising;


13、What is multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)?


14、The main body structure was delphinidin and cyanidin.

沃尔佩; 美学思想; 符号学; 结构主义;

15、Galvano Delia Volpe; thought of aesthetics; semiotics; structuralism;


16、The developing tendency for linguistics is the combination of constructive linguistics and deconstructive linguistics.


17、But the conclusion of so-called existentialism is that you are not needed, and your life is meaningless.


18、By reason of its no-dependency on structure, the algorithm has importance for nonlinear structure and large flexible structure of which the model is difficult to obtain.


19、It, therefore, proposes that colleges, enterprises and governments take specific steps to push forward the implementation of work-and-study integration.


20、Worries about the growing ranks of the elderly are amplified by what is being dubbed the 4-2-1 problem.

21、At present mainly thought that is the diet structure, the metabolic disorder, the congenital dissection textural anomaly.目前主要认为是饮食结构,代谢紊乱,先天性解剖结构异常。

22、Wind load is one of the major loads in the design of a large span structures.对大跨度空间结构而言,风荷载作用是结构设计中的主要荷载之

23、These structures subserve memory function , and are the sites of major damage in Alzheimer 's disease .这些结构是促进记忆功能的。 而在阿尔兹罕默氏病中损害的主要是这些结构。

24、The structure is constructed in the objectification of subject, and in the course of innovation around its goal. The parts of structure are mutually related in evolution.创新主体结构是在主体的对象化活动中建构起来的,结构内部的各部分进化相关,围绕着创新目标,在创新过程中不断完善。

25、Multi -ribbed composite wall is the main bearing member of a multi -ribbed slab structure.密肋复合墙体是密肋壁板结构的主要受力构件。

英文句子26:,26、The present invention relates to structure of water processing clarifying pool and is especially the structure of circular clarifying pool.本发明主要涉及水处理澄清池的结构,尤其涉及循环澄清池的结构。

27、There are various so-called "canonical isomorphisms".有各种各样的所谓“典范同构”。

28、Practice has proved that this main structure has characteristic which is novel, low-costs and reliable.实践证明该锤头主体结构具有结构新颖、制造成本低、工作可靠等特点。

29、Bulkheads are one of the major components of internal structure.隔板是内部结构的主要元件之

30、The dermis is comprised primarily of connective tissue, which is made mostly of collagen and elastin fibers .真皮是由主要的结缔组织构成,它主要由胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白纤维构成。

31、Does Chinese language also belong to Theme- Rheme structure?但是,主位结构是否也适用于汉语呢?

32、This is mostly because they aren't uniform in structure.这主要是因为它们在结构上不一致。

33、Owing to different languages, cultural backgrounds and social structures, there are pronounced distinctions between English and Chinese address terms.由于语言、文化背景和社会结构的不同,英汉称谓语之间存在着明显的差异。

34、Contents of the semi-structured interview mainly included five major issues.半结构化面试的内容主要包括五个主要问题。

35、What secondary structure predominates in this Fab fragment?Fab片段中的主要二级结构是什么?。

36、The main acting site is the membranous structure.主要作用部位在细胞的膜性结构;

37、Most plants have thin and soft leaves with plenty of water. The research about leaf structure was focused on its microstructure and ultrastructure.多数植物的叶片很薄、很软、充满水分,对其组织结构的研究主要集中在显微结构和亚显微结构方面。

38、Mainly used in brick lintel structure of buildings.过梁主要用在砖混结构的建筑中。

39、The so-called molecule docking is to examine whether the two molecules can bind and predict the binding mode based on the three-dimensional structures of molecules.所谓分子对接就是已知两个分子的三维结构,考察它们之间是否可以结合,并预测复合物的结合模式。

40、Derrida, as a member of France post-structuralism and deconstructualism, presents that 'logocentrism' exists in the long history of western culture.法国的后结构主义和解构主义思想家德里达认为西方文化中存在着“语音中心主义”的传统。

41、As for steel pillar and foundation frying the dint to connect design of study with the suggestion.似乎没有谓语嘛,“对钢构柱和基坑应结合可研和项目建议书施工”,见笑了!

42、Described are the technical parameters, structure features, main structure and testing of the cabooses exported to Pakistan.介绍了出口巴基斯坦守车的技术参数、结构特点、主要结构及试验情况。

43、The principal structural element in magnetism is the domain .在磁学中的主要结构单元是磁畴。

44、Listing 清单

1 shows the VXML of the main menu.

1 显示了 VXML 结构的主菜单。

45、And the strictly annalistic and use of constructivism to the geometric structure, especially the crisscross structure fully fascinated the Japanese designing community.构成主义设计对于几何结构,特别是纵横结构的严格分析和运用,使日本设计界非常入迷。

46、Semi-active seismic control has attracted considerable interests in the area of structural vibration control in recent years.结构半主动减震控制是近年来结构振动控制领域的研究热点。

47、A Big Ball of Mud is a haphazardly structured, sprawling, sloppy, duct-tape-and-baling-wire, spaghetti-code jungle.所谓的大泥球就是一个偶然结构的,伸展的,邋遢的, spaghetti 代码的混合。

48、The practitioners of this art are usually organized into a group, which is often called"theatrical troupe".而这门艺术的实践者以“班社”为结合体,并以“戏班”为主要称谓。

49、The main structure and the rotating mechanism of autorotation container were introduced.介绍了数控回转立体库的主要结构及其回转机构的原理。

50、Based on the structural results of the rods of rice and wheat plants, the bionic design of spindle structures was presented.基于对稻麦秸秆空心结构的仿生,提出了主轴的仿生空心结构设计。

经典英文句子51:主谓结构,51、The programme used cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, the main load-bearing structure for the two-way framework.本方案采用钢筋混凝土现浇框架结构,主体结构为双向承重框架。

52、Adhere to the ownership structure dominated by public ownership.坚持公有制为主导的所有制结构。

53、Finally, the main die structure design was discussed, and the quick-change mold structure was investigated.最后着重讨论了主要的模具结构设计,并对模具快换结构作了探讨。

54、The structural design aspect mainly includes the tower the gross structure design, the absorption chamber inside and outside element design and the welding structure design and so on.结构设计方面主要包括塔的总体结构设计,填料塔的内、外构件设计和焊接结构设计等。

55、The two structures of BMT main phase, that is 通过晶体学计算,标定出BMT主晶相存在的两种结构,

1:2 ordered hexagonal superlattice and disordered cubic structure reflections, were marked in XRD patterns by crystallography.


56、In this article we introduce the structure, function and technology of WWW-Z39.50 gateway, and compares it with the C/S.本文主要描述了WWW— Z39.5 0网关的结构,功能和主要技术问题,并与传统的C/ S结构作了比较。

57、Structural internal force is calculated by changing constant load of the main girder, the cable angle, the length of unsupported deck.通过改变主梁恒载重量、拉索倾角、无索区长度等结构参数,分析结构参数变化对结构受力的影响。

58、He developed a school of his own in painting with rich imagination and unique structures , on which he conformed to no conventional pattern.其作品结构奇妙,想象丰富,脱出陈套,在当时画坛上可谓独树一帜。

59、The origins of structural theories are eclectic at best.结构主义理论的起源充其量也不过是折衷主义。

60、Structural adjustment of agricultural products is a main part of structural adjustment of rural economy while farm land structural adjustment is its key part and manifestation.农业产品结构调整是农村经济结构调整的主要组成部分,而农业用地结构调整是它的具体落实。

61、The theory of intertextuality is in fact a kind of text theory rooted in structuralism and post-structuralism in the West.互文性理论原是西方文学理论界由结构主义向后结构主义转向过程中提出的一种文本理论。

62、In interpersonal function, the passives can perform the speech functions of statement and command. They can also express the scales of the obligation by expanding the predicator.在人际功能方面,被动结构可以实现声明和命令两种言语功能,还可以通过扩展谓语结构的方式来表达职责程度。

63、PM motor and compressor are designed with the one shaft, 100% transmission efficiency.永磁电机与压缩主机采用内嵌式一体轴直连结构,结构更加紧凑,传动效率100%。

64、The one-way slab, two-way slabs, principal and subordinate-beam structure, non-beam structure and the grid-beam structure are putting into use in the reinforced concrete slab.钢筋混凝土楼(屋)盖结构大都采用单向板、双向板、主次梁结构、无梁楼板以及井字梁结构等。

65、The crystal structure of fcc is dominant in cobalt powder, and hcp only a few.钴粉的点阵结构以面心立方为主,仅存在微量的密排六方结构。

66、The products with higher conductivity are mainly 具有较高电导的产物的链结构主要是1,4-连接的头尾结构,链上同时存在苯式及醌式两种结构单元。

1,4-connected head-to-tail chain structure, both benzenoid and quinoid units exist in the polymer chain.



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