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关于”检查对错的软件“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Check for Right and Wrong Software。以下是关于检查对错的软件的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Check for Right and Wrong Software


1、The software and the hardware can be used for error correcting, error detecting and error compensation of different formats of R-S code.


2、In the applications of model checking, the software properties are usually depicted by Linear Temporal Logic(LTL) formulas.

3、要定期检查身体,医生会帮你发现你的问题 Finally, to do regular checkups, the doctor will help you find your problem


4、And if @@Recordcount is checked before the error-checking statement, then @@Error would get reset.

检查事件日志, 做硬件检测等等; 为那些错误搜索联机丛书和知识库.

5、Check eventlog, do HW diagnostics etc.; search Books Online and KB for those errors.


6、The first is that there is absolutely no error checking.


7、They were runners-up in the mixed doubles.

第四十五条 上级纪律检查委员会有权检查下级纪律检查委员会的工作,并且有权批准和改变下级纪律检查委员会对于案件所作的决定。

8、Article 45. Higher commissions for discipline inspection have the power to examine the work of the lower commissions and to approve or modify their decisions on any case.


9、EDAC error detector and corrector have been implemented to improve the reliability of register file and memory during read and write process.


10、Language is widely used in embedded software development, but the debugging and error-finding are difficult.


11、Objective To evaluate imaging diagnostic value of synovial osteochondromatosis.


12、As described by Jeffrey Carver, "Impact of Background and Experience on Software Inspections." Proposal for PhD thesis, University of Maryland 2000.


13、And remember, your email software's spellchecker won't catch grammar mistakes.


14、But sometimes you just want to know how to spell a word, which is when look, a command line spell checker can be handy.


15、Check before send-out.


16、This error message will appear when the device is not connected to ActiveSync correctly. Make sure you properly connect the device to the PC through ActiveSync before running RUU.

Tivoli Service Automation Manager

17、Tivoli Service Automation Manager

7.2.1 offers improved error checking, especially for the network configuration.

7.2.1 提供了改进的错误检查功能,特别是用于网络配置方面的检查。


18、Use a program click memtest86 or Prime95 to check for bad memory on your PC.


19、Product physical performance and part number is checked during First Article Inspection(FAI) and In-process Quality Check(IPQC), but the specified dimensions are not measured.


20、So, run a check for orphaned or missing files, including misspelled file names.

21、A final check on conflicts and dependencies will be done - here too you may see a sublist.在这时,程序会最后 作一次冲突和依赖性检查……对了,您在这里可能还会看 一次相关软件的子列表。

22、The method of CRC error detection coding by software is also presented.给出了用软件实现CRC检错码的方法。

23、Check all metal hose.检查所有金属软管。

24、A physical examination is a preliminary to joining the army.体格检查是参军的初步。

25、Additionally, determinations should be made regarding requirements, software, hardware, safety impact, etc. , for regression testing to check the fixes didn't create other problems elsewhere.另外,要有做需求,软件,硬件,安全冲击等等的决心,要有回归测试去检查没有因为修改而在其他地方产生的错误。

英文句子26:,26、QA receives assigned test quality tasks, creates new tests, and reviews the creation of tests.QA接到测试软件质量的任务,创建新的任务并且检查测试用例的创建

27、If the product measurement process monitoring, regular examination and inspection personnel's work quality, assessment fault detecting rate;如对产品测量过程的监视,可定期检查检验人员的工作质量、考核错漏检率;

28、If there are any error messages, review and correct them now.如果有任何错误信息,可对其进行检查和纠正。

29、The plug-in retrieves the corresponding objects, checks their objectclass, and looks again for a corresponding attribute evaluation specification.此插件检索对应的对象,检查其对象类,并再次查找对应的属性计算规范。

30、It is used to detect errors that spell checking cannot and can also detect certain grammar mistakes.它是用来检测拼写检查不能发现的错误,也可以检测某些语法错误。

31、Error accessing mixer. Please check your settings.访问混音器出错。请检查您的设置。

32、The software can carry out every kind of indoor data processing, and check up data processing accuracy.应用该软件可进行勘探工程测量各种内业数据处理,并对能对数据处理精度进行检查。

33、A physical examination is a preliminary to joining the army. 体格检查是参军的初步。

34、Once you get a copy of your credit history, look it over and dispute anything that's wrong.一旦得到信用记录的复印件,仔细检查一遍,并对任何错误的地方据理争论。

35、Thus it tends to detect errors prematurely.因此往往会过早地检查错误。

36、Check for typos , grammatical errors and coffee stains.检查有否打印错误、语法错误、有否咖啡渍。

37、Check your work thoroughly in order to guard against mistakes.彻底检查你的工作,以防出错。

38、UDP does detect errored datagrams with a checksum.UDP没有根据检查数侦测错误。

39、They perform additional checks for error conditions, and in the case of an error, they invoke an error handler (see Parameter Validation).他们执行额外的错误条件检查,并在发生错误时,他们援引的错误处理程序(见参数验证) 。

40、To use spell-check, click on the icon marked "spelling" or "Spell check" and it will check the body of the email for errors and suggest corrections.使用拼写检查的方法是点击“拼写”或“拼写检查”图标,系统就会检查邮件正文中是否有拼写错误,提出改正建议。

41、The processes of the detecting, shielding, retrying, diagnosticating and rebuilding are completed together with the hardware.该软件通过与容错系统硬件配合完成检测、屏蔽、重试、诊断、重构等容错过程。

42、The problem is that business leaders are thinking about software incorrectly.问题在于企业领导对软件的认识是错误的。

43、The utility tcpdchk checks for syntax errors in your hosts.allow and hosts.deny files.tcpdchk 工具会检查 hosts.allow 和 hosts.deny 文件中的语法错误。

44、The retrieval efficiency of the component library includes not only the retrieval efficiency of the component itself, but also the efficiency of the understanding of component.构件库的检索效率不仅包括对构件本身的检索效率,还包括构件查询者对构件的理解效率。

45、Before starting, go through this checklist to make sure you have the following在开始之前,对照下面的检查单进行检查,确保具备了这些条件

46、Spelling mistakes make you look like a doofus. So always use the spell check, and proofread your email, too.拼写错误是非常低级的,所以每次都要使用拼写检查,并校对你的邮件两遍。

47、Background type-checking - The F# compiler runs as a background process and checks the edited file for parsing errors as well as type errors. Errors are immediately shown using red underlining.后台的类型检查——F#编译器会以后台进程的方式运行,它会检查出待编辑文件的解析错误和类型错误,随即会使用红色下划线显示出错误。

48、Note: I didn't double-check the grammer and spelling please proof read before using.注意:我没有检查,请在用之前检查一下以免错误发生。

49、An error occurred while ScanDisk was attempting to correct the previous error.“磁盘扫描程序”试图修正前面的错误时出错。 请对这个驱动器运行完全检查。

50、Use your computer's spell-checking program or have someone proofread the letter before you send it.在你发信之前用电脑差错程序检查,或者让其他人检查阅读。

经典英文句子51:检查对错的软件,51、Check for error messages in the lower-right corner.在右下角检查错误信息。

52、Check for broken links and correct HTML.检查坏链并修正这些HTML错误。

53、This will launch an interactive spell checking application that you can use to go through and update any spelling errors in your file.这条命令会启动一个交互式的拼写检查程序,你可以检查和更新文件中任何的拼写错误。

54、Components inspection: missing parts, migration, skewed, made up, turn piece, side against, wrong thing, polarity, damaged, AI component bends, foreign PCB.元件检查:缺件,偏移,歪斜,立碑,侧立,翻件,极性反,错件,破损,AI元件弯曲,PCB板上异物等。

55、Is this spell check check not out mistakes, especially careful.这是拼写检查查不出的错误,要尤为小心。

56、要定期检查身体,医生会帮你发现你的问题 Finally, to do regular checkups, the doctor will help you find your problem

57、The results are resolved by the soft of SPSS 调查结果采用SPSS 13软件进行处理,以t检验值来检验相关差异的显著程度。

13. The relevant differences are experimented by testing ratio.

58、Classmate: You'd better get someone to check for spelling and grammatical errors, because a spell-checker won't pick out every mistake.同学: 你最好是找个人帮你检查一下拼写和语法错误,因为Word中的自动检查插件不一定能帮你检查出每一处错误。

59、Novell committed the ultimate folly for a software company: trying to attack Microsoft head-on, with its own desktop applications.Novell犯了一个对于软件公司而言愚蠢至极的错误:试图用它的桌面应用软件,向微软发起正面攻击。

60、Conclusion: The X-ray examination for chondroblastoma is the first choice method, CT and Mill are the supplementary examination methods.结论:X线检查是软骨母细胞瘤的首选检查方法,CT和MRI是必要的补充检查方法。



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