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1、The phytoplankton are the base of the main marine food chain, eaten by zooplankton, which are eaten by fish, and so on.


2、animals, with the exception of guide dogs and other service animals;


3、The snake now joins a list of declining populations of animals, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.


4、Tail feather, assists in climbing, Institute of Zoology and Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg


5、These Australian mammals are bottom feeders.


6、The snake belongs to chordate phyla, vertebrate, reptile, squamata, serpents, in the animal kingdom.


7、Wing covert feather, flight, Institute of Zoology and Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg


8、I am a zoologist and the naked ape is an animal.


9、What is Animal Rejuvenation Healing and Water Healing For Animals?


10、He specialized in animal species.


11、The males are often larger than the females.


12、Land animals are believed to have developed from sea animals.

猫是温血动物, 而蛇是冷血动物。

13、Cat are warm-blooded animals, but snakes are cold - blooded.

印迹 -一位年轻的动物,承认并吸引其他动物被认为是印经动物。

14、Imprinted - A young animal that recognizes and is attracted to another animal is said to be imprinted upon that animal.


15、Denial of animal welfare legislation is to give legal subject qualification or animals, animal rights.


16、Tail covert, display, Institute of Zoology and Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg


17、Animal migration is a phenomenon far grander and more patterned than animal movement.


18、There are 198 terrestrial vertebrate species,

20 amphibians, 25 species of reptiles, 115 species of birds and 38 species of mammals.


19、This is the zoo-keeper.He feeds the animals.

剩下的化石属犬齿兽——一种冷血、 像爬行动物的动物,它们是现代哺乳动物的祖先。

20、The rest are cynodonts, cold-blooded, reptile-like animals he ancestors of modern mammals.

21、Soft or melted animal fat, especially after rendering.油脂;动物脂软的或溶化的动物油脂,尤指。

22、The common characteristic of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals in that all have backbones.鱼类、两栖动物、爬行动物、鸟类和哺乳动物都长有脊椎。

23、People who like animals like animals to be funny.喜欢动物的人都想要动物变得有趣。

24、Mammal-like reptiles probably exploited a variety of strategies;哺乳动物类爬行动物可能利用各种策略;

25、These animals can now only be kept in zoos, wildlife parks, circuses, and breeding and research centres.这类动物只能保留在动物园、野生动物公园、马戏团以及繁育和研究中心。

英文句子26:,26、The results have shown that there are 结果表明,本次调查所获得的底栖动物共14种,其中软体动物7种、甲壳动物3种、多毛类3种、棘皮动物1种。

14 species of macrobemthos,

7 species of mollusk,

3 species of crustacean,

1 species of echinoderm.

27、Veterinaria majors help subjects that are sick or injured.兽医在动物有病或受伤时来挽救动物的。

28、Flank plumes, display, Institute of Zoology and Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg侧羽,展示用,汉堡大学动物学会和动物博物馆

29、Kininogens, the precursors of bradykinins, ubiquitously exist in vertebrates, including mammals, birds, amphibians, and fishes.激肽原是缓激肽的前体,广泛存在于哺乳动物、鸟类、两栖动物和鱼类等脊椎动物中。

30、Kate: I love living bess. Are you an living bes lover?凯特:我喜欢动物,你是动物爱好者吗?

31、Love animals, because animals are friends of human beings.爱护动物,因为动物是人类的朋友。

32、Endotherms are animals such as modern birds and mammals that keep their body temperatures constant.恒温动物是指诸如现代鸟类和哺乳动物这种可以保持体温恒定的动物。

33、Recommendations: 1-2 weeks of acclimation to animal facility, to overcome the stress of transportation.建议动物应在手术前1-2周送达动物房,以让动物有时间消除运送所造成的紧迫。

34、Because dinosaurs were reptiles, and modern reptiles are not endotherms, it was long assumed that dinosaurs were not endotherms.因为恐龙属于爬行动物,而现代的爬行动物都不属于恒温动物,所以长期以来恐龙都被当做是变温动物。

35、London Zoo, along with other zoos in England, is currently involved in breeding programmes aimed at increasing numbers of the species.伦敦动物园与其他一些英国动物园正试图增加园内动物的种类。

36、The turtle, like all reptiles, is cold-blooded.海龟和所有爬行动物一样,是冷血动物。

37、The open-sea plants had already left behind the increasingly arid seafloor, where a prodigious number of animals were still swarming: zoophytes, articulates, mollusks, and fish.海产植物虽然已经放弃了这些变为贫瘠的土地,但数量很多的动物、植虫动物、节肢动物、软体动物和鱼类仍然到处皆是。

38、Endotherms are animals such as modern birds and mammals that keep their body temperatures constant.恒温动物是一种像现代鸟类和哺乳动物那样会保持体温恒定的动物。

39、We see plants and animal fossils, but we never see a fossil of one kind of animal changing into another kind.我们看见植物和动物化石, 但我们从未看见一种动物改变到另一种动物的化石。

40、A bone located in front of the sternum and between the clavicles in certain vertebrates, such as reptiles and amphibians.某些脊椎动物,如爬行动物和两栖动物,胸骨前和锁骨间的一块骨头。

41、Kangaroos are part of a special category of animals, called marsupials.它是一种特殊的动物,叫做有袋动物。

42、"human-dependent animals" means any animal whose welfare and survival is under human care and includes companion animals;“依人动物”意指其福利和生存有赖人类照顾的动物,包括同伴动物;

43、This Ministry rating is not known for all magical creatures included in the Bestiary, only those which appear in the book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.《动物宝典》里的动物不全都有魔法部给予的级别,只有那些出现在《神奇动物在哪里》的动物才有。

44、Her latest book, Animals Make Us Human, is an amazing tour de force of animal–human relationships, with chapters on our companion animals, as well as on livestock, wildlife, and zoos.她最近的新书——《动物使我们为人》是一本涉及动物与人类关系的一部力作,书中诸多章节不仅谈到我们的动物伙伴们,还有家畜、野生动物和动物园。

45、All the animals get off the boat. Many happy animals.所有的动物都下了船很多高兴的动物。

46、The first animals on this living sphere, the Earth, were primitive marine animals, and then around 500 million years ago these sea animals developed shells.在地球这个有生命的星球上,最早的动物是原始海洋动物。后来,在大约5亿年前,这些海洋动物进化成甲壳动物。

47、Jane saw an odd-looking animal at the zoo.简在动物园看到一只长得很奇怪的动物。

48、According to reports, these 615 kinds of new species include 41 mammals, 385 plants, 69 amphibians, 61 reptiles, 据报道,这615种新物种包括41种哺乳动物、385种植物、69种两栖动物、61种爬行动物、17种鱼类和42种无脊椎动物。

17 fish and 42 invertebrates.

49、There are some animals that eat both meat and plants. These are calledomnivores - OMNI-VORES. Foxes, hedgehogs and badgers are all omnivores.还有一些动物既吃肉也吃植物,它们被称为“杂食动物”。狐狸、刺猬和獾就属于杂食动物。

50、Viruses are already known to infect animals, plants, fungi, protozoa, archaea, and bacteria.病毒已知感染动物,植物,真菌,原生动物,古菌和细菌。


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