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关于”句型结构“的英语句子51个,句子主体:sentence structure。以下是关于句型结构的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:sentence structure


1、Metamodels fit well with the Model-Driven Architecture approach.


2、Convextype dots had not phellem cell in texture.


3、EN 10210-2-2006 hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine gr…


4、By modal participation factors, the influence of higher modes is quantified.

_ 类型、结构、联合体和枚举定义。

5、Type, structure, union, and enum definitions.


6、Structs are value types and classes are reference types.


7、The data architecture area is intended to capture the structure of persistent databases.


8、Arched Corrugated Metal Roof(ACMR)is a new type of metal arched thin shell structure.


9、Sheet pile wall is a potential structure for water-intake project of offshore power station.


10、There is no hierarchy of types.


11、Based on Baosteel new No.

4 blast furnace lining structure, a three-dimensional temperature field mathematical model is established.


12、Shorter chain starch is favorable to form A-type crystallite; while longer chains starch is favorable to form B-type crystallite.


13、The structure of the laminated damping steel sheet is symmetric restraint.


14、Extended column capital wave-shaped reticulated vault structure is a new structure form which epitomizes structural behavior, architectural shape and decorative performance.


15、Tank body adopts waist drum shape, olive shape or column shape.


3 is the structural design, introduce the bridge type scheme and the supper and sub-structures.




1 Cluster model of amylopectin structure.


18、In The Pilgrim's Progress, Bunyan also adopts this kind of typical U-Shaped pattern.

这些名称很相似,是因为 CDI 模型层次结构是在 Eclipse 调试模型层次结构之后构造的。

19、If these names look familiar, it's because the CDI model hierarchy is structured after the Eclipse debug model hierarchy.


20、Dendritic structure which has diverse architectural modeling with well seismic performance is a new structure of the space structure.

21、The decomposed snowflake structure visualizes the hierarchical structure of dimensions very well.分解的雪花型结构很好地展示了维度的层次结构。

22、Organization of a DoDAF-compliant model符合 DoDAF 模型的组织结构

23、Languages exhibit typologic variation in resultative construction formation.结果结构呈现出跨语言的类型学差异。

24、Study on XML data model of structured and half-structured and Web data shows that this model is fit for transition of heterogeneous data.研究了结构化、半结构化以及网页数据的XML 数据模型,该模型适合异构数据之间转换。

25、The special structure of a new three-phase pipe-type tap changer is introduced. The weaknesses in the structure of drum-type tap changer are given.介绍了新型三相管型开关的特殊结构,指出了鼓型开关结构中的不足之处。

英文句子26:,26、As one of the by-products of ICM, prototype effects enable us to explore the differentiation between the prototype and the non-prototype of the English passive construction.作为这个组织结构的副产品,原型效应给我们对英语被动结构中的原型和非原型的区分提供了依据,从而实现对不同被动结构的语义探讨。

27、Pre-stressed steel structure a new kind of structure in which combined pre-stress with steel structure, can take full advantage of the elastic strength of steel.预应力钢结构是一种将预应力与钢结构相结合的新型结构,在结构中引入预应力以充分利用钢材弹性范围内强度。

28、The seasonal ecotypes were not quite in conformity with the subtypes of genetic structure.早、中、晚各季节类型与遗传结构的分型结果符合度较低。

29、Which showed the fassility of using low order frequency and certain mode of vibration or their deriv…说明了用低阶振型和经优选后的振型向量结合的方法进行组合结构、框架结构损伤诊断的可行性。

30、A new type of retractable structures, radially retractable plate structures (RRPS), was introduced.介绍了一种新型开合结构-径向可开启板式结构。

31、Light wood truss is a common structural member in light wood frame constructions, whose bearing capacity has a close relation with the safety performance of the whole structure.轻型木桁架是轻型木结构中用得很多的结构件,其承载能力关系着整个结构的安全性能。

32、Fourthly, agricultural economic structure has developed from a single grain crop diversification to the overall restructuring of agro-sylvo-pastoral-fish.四是农业经济结构从单一的粮棉油种植业结构向农林牧渔多样化综合结构转型;

33、Diaphragm, economic, robust, compact metering pump.隔膜式、济型结构紧凑的计量泵。

34、The weight of buildings is lightened, and the span of structures is increased, and the durability of structures is improved by using RPC instead of conventional concrete.用RPC代替传统的混凝土进行结构设计,可以使结构轻型化、提高结构跨度,同时大大改善结构的耐久性。

35、GFRP is a new type structure material.GFRP是一种新型的结构材料。

36、The results show that both cis- and trans- form of NMF can form a linear hydrogen bond with water.计算结果表明,NMF的顺式和反式构型都可以与水分子形成线型的氢键结构。

37、By modal participation factor, the influence of higher modes is quantified.通过结构振型参与系数量化了各个结构的高阶振型的影响。

38、The design of organization of R&D activities of transnational corporations usually employs the horizontal or vertical structure.跨国公司R&D活动的组织化设计采用垂直型结构和水平型结构。

39、The twist and coupled modes of the asymmetry twin-tower connected structures were more complicated than the symmetry ones.非对称双塔连体结构比对称双塔连体结构的扭转振型和耦合振型要多,振型也更为复杂;

40、The magnetic macromolecule materials can be classified into complex and structure type.磁性高分子分为复合型和结构型。

41、The beam-column connections have important effect on the popular of the new type structure.作为一种应用前景广阔的新型结构形式,其梁柱连接直接影响这种新型结构的进一步推广。

42、A recent space structure arch structure which is light weight itself, quickly construction and possibly dismantled is introduced.介绍了一种新型空间钢结构——弓式支架结构,该结构具有自重轻、施工快、可拆卸等特点。

43、Cata condensed, peri condensed and biphenyl type aromatic unit structures coexist in resins subfractions and pentane asphaltenes, while the proportion of biphenyl type structure is relatively small.在芳香结构中存在着渺位缩合、迫位缩合以及联苯型结构, 其中联苯型结构较少;

44、Bow-style pre-stressed beam is a new type of pre-stressed steel structure.弓式张弦粱结构是一种新型的预应力钢结构体系。

45、The large pavilions are double layered dome structures.大型竹亭是双层穹顶结构。

46、And I'll just write the result for u configurational.我只写出构型u的结果。

47、CWR track is a new technique that serves as a sign of track modernization.无缝线路是一种新型的轨道结构,是轨道结构现代化的标志。

48、The structural modes of molecules and crystals were constructed using 3D-MAX programm. The structures can be lively exhibited.介绍了采用3D MAX三维动画构造典型分子、晶体的结构模型, 并且通过动画演示,生动、形象、直观地表达其结构的方法。

49、Manufacture and install large-scale steelwork;制造、安装大型建筑钢结构;

50、The structural and property characteristics of DLC films and the related structural models are introduced.阐述了DLC 膜的结构和性能特征及相关的结构模型。

经典英文句子51:句型结构,51、The effect of large-scale vehicle flexible fluid-filled structure and contained fluid is a typical problem about fluid-structure interaction.车载柔性储液结构与结构内液体的作用为典型的流体-结构耦合问题。

52、Latticed mega-steel columns and trusses composed the latticed mega-frame structure to effectively resist lateral forces.同时,格构式巨型柱与桁架构成了格构式巨型钢框架结构,形成了有效的抗侧力体系。

53、Being a new type of suspen-dome structure, double ellipse suspen-dome integrates the advantages of both single layer reticulated shell structure and cable-dome structure.双椭形弦支穹顶是弦支穹顶结构的一种新型结构形式,它综合了单层网壳结构和索穹顶结构的优点。

54、Fully differential structure is used to reduce the common mode noise. The ADC consists of nine 全电路结构是采用九级流水线型结构,每级

1.5bit stages, time-interleaved, dual-pipeline and digital correction.


55、Introduce briefly the new engineering plastics syndiotactic polystyrene, including its structure, property, processing and application, etc.简要介绍新型工程塑料间同立构结晶型聚苯乙烯的结构、性能、加工及其应用。

56、The anatomy of the two morphs was the same.结果表明两种表型的花柱解剖结构相同。

57、Tensegrity structure is a new type of structure consisting of a continuous set of cables and a discrete set of struts.张拉整体结构是一种由连续拉索和断续压杆构成的新型结构。

58、The closed cooling structure is connected to the air inlet and outlet of the casing and has matched final cooling structure.封闭型冷却结构为与回转电机机壳结构出、进气口相接的并匹配有最终冷却结构的冷却结构。

59、As a new type of marine floating structures, the design concept of the grid structure is applied to the design of VLFS (Very Large Floating Structures).作为一种新型的海洋浮式结构,将网架结构的设计理念应用于超大型海洋浮式结构物VLFS的设计。

60、There is a big error for calculating the damping ratio of frame structure directly with the shear frame structure model.用纯剪切型结构直接计算框架结构的振型阻尼比存在较大误差。


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