关于”坏习惯“的英语句子50个,句子主体:bad habits。以下是关于坏习惯的托福英语句子。
英文句子模板1:bad habits
1、A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept. 坏习惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。
我 有 个 坏 习惯, 爱 咬 手指甲。
2、I have a bad habit, I love biting my nails.
3、· a bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.坏习惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。
4、Bad Habit #1: Using Dirty Brushes
5、Do away with the bad habits that might damage your health.
6、I have to bear with his bad habit.
7、That spoiled brat is used to having his own way.
8、I can help you(to) get rid of this bad habit. 我可以帮你改掉这个坏习惯。
9、This brief article will let you know why you have bad habits as well as how you can break those bad habits.
10、We strongly advise you to rid yourself of the bad habit of smoking.
11、It may cure him of his bad habit.
12、If only wrong habits could be broken as easily as hearts!
13、A bad habit in a child should be nipped in the bud.
14、It is a bad habit. Write in English.
15、No punctuality is a bad habit. We should get rid of it.
16、One of the best ways to correct such inadequacies is to conscientiously pick up good habits that counteract them.
17、My bad habits must be destroyed and new furrows prepared for good seed.
18、The reason we perform bad habits is because of the short-term pleasure they provide.We must STOP and consciously realize that good habits provide even better long-term pleasures.
19、He slipped into bad habits.
20、He has reformed his bad habits.
21、A bad custom is like a good cake, better broke than kept.坏习惯象鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。
22、Stress can reactivate the bad-habit circuitry.—压力会重新启动坏习惯的循环。
23、A bad custom is like a good cake , better broken like kept.坏习惯就像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。
24、Still worse is what it does to your hand and wrist.更糟糕的是,这坏习惯伤害你的手和手腕关节。
25、Destroy your bad habits.改掉你的坏习惯。
英文句子26:,26、In short procrastination is a habit if you will, a very bad habit, that consists in putting off something for the next day.简言之,拖拉就是一种习惯,一种坏习惯,把事情推托到以后干是它的主要特征。
27、The boy drifted into a bad habit.这男孩逐渐染上了一个坏习惯。
28、My bad habits were books and clothing.我的坏习惯就是爱买书和衣服。
29、Today I want to briefly discuss why we have these bad habits and how we can break these bad habits starting today.今天,我想简要地讨论一下为什么我们有这些坏习惯,以及重要的是如何从今天起打破这些坏习惯。
30、· A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.坏习惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。
31、They tried to teach the naughty child how to change their habits.他们试图教那个调皮的孩子改变坏习惯。
32、But what about kicking bad habits?但是关于戒掉坏习惯?
33、Nail-biting is one of her bad habits.咬指甲是她的一个坏习惯。
34、In his childhood,he lapsed into some bad habits.在童年时,他不慎养成了一些坏习惯。
35、A bad custom is like a good cake, better broden than kept.坏习惯象饼子,碎了比保存起来好。
36、Stop those bad habits.戒掉那些坏习惯。
37、Try to forget the bad things about C-based languages.试着忘记基于 C 的语言的坏习惯。
38、That's not an excuse to give up.这种说法不应成为不戒掉坏习惯的借口。
39、Oli is a nice guy, without bad habits at all.奥里弗这个人不错,没有一点坏习惯。
40、Bad Habit #2: Not Removing Makeup Before Going to Bed坏习惯
41、To hide such a bad habit from one's family is pathetic.试图向家人隐瞒这种坏习惯,真没出息。
42、在童年时,他不慎养成了一些坏习惯。In his childhood,he lapsed into some bad habits.
43、I have some habbits, some are good, but some are bad.我有一些习惯,有些是好的,但有些是坏的。
44、Ray has a nasty habit of raiding the icebox late at night.雷有半夜里在冰箱里翻找吃的的坏习惯。
45、It is imperative that Franck do away with his bad habit.弗兰克改掉他的坏习惯是绝对必要的。
46、Spero has grown out of her bad habit.斯拜罗已经戒掉了坏习惯…
47、QUIT THE BAD HABITS: No more excuses if you have a bad habit like smoking or drinking.远离坏习惯 :如果你有像吸烟喝酒的坏习惯,那就没有任何借口了。
48、Ithas a severe haounce to put off things until the last minute.把事情拖到最后一刻才做是个坏习惯。
49、There are some bad habits which every human being is indulging in, but these habits should never be out of limits.每一个人都会有一些改不掉的坏习惯,但是不要让这些坏习惯超过我们能够容忍的限度。
50、The boy's father coaxed him out of the bad habit.孩子的父亲说服他那个坏习惯。
经典英文句子51:坏习惯,51、Resolving to stop the distracting behavior. without first finding out what's motivating it is dooming yourself to failure, she says.她还说:如果没有找到形成坏习惯的真正原因,只是一味想要改掉坏习惯,那我们注定失败。
52、If only bad habits could be broken as easily as hearts!但愿坏习惯象心一样易碎。
53、Bad habits should be got rid of.坏习惯应该被革除。
54、Those are your bad habits.那些就是你的坏习惯。
55、And cut out the rituals linked to your bad habits.切断可能与坏习惯“勾搭”的日常行为。
56、E.g. He forsook his bad habits with the help of his friend.在朋友的帮助下,他改掉了坏习惯.
57、对于小孩来说坏习惯一旦形成就很难改掉 For children, it is difficult to get rid of bad habit
58、It's to describe a person who can't change a bad habit.意思就是形容一个人改不了坏习惯。
59、You must thoroughly change your bad habits.要澈底改掉你的坏习惯。
60、You must forsake your bad habits.你必须革除你的坏习惯。
61、B:No.But it's a bad habit to delay doing things.不急,但是拖延是上坏习惯.
62、Yes,you must stop your bad eating habits.是的,你必须停止你的坏饮食习惯。
63、I've never smoked – it's filthy habit.我从未抽过烟---抽烟是个坏习惯。
64、The Big Seven worst habits of communication are bad enough when they happen occasionally.这七大最坏的沟通习惯只要偶尔发生都会坏透了。
65、A bad custom is like a good cake, broken than kept up.坏习惯像饼子,碎了比保存起来好。
66、Bad habits are the worst time-wasters in piano practice.坏习惯是钢琴练习中最浪费时间的。
67、Her bad behavior blunted his interest to her.她的坏习惯减弱的他对她的兴趣。
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