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关于”含短语“的英语句子51个,句子主体:with phrase。以下是关于含短语的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:with phrase

后来这个短语被网络行家采纳,用于形容公共场所大型的编排舞蹈和歌曲,通常是通过数字通讯工具组织的。 近年来,这个词语具有了额外的阴郁含义。

1、It was later adopted by Web-savvy folks to describe large choreographed dances and songs in public places, usually organized through digital messaging tools.


2、A preliminary version containing more than 28, 000 commonly used words and phrases will be unveiled by the end of this year, while a more comprehensive version will be available by 2015.


3、UEA says these extracts "have been completely taken out of context".


4、From intended sense to sense substantiation, existing words are re-constructed into neologisms with new senses by contextual reasoning and reorganization.


5、Ideally, each phrase you're trying to optimize your page for should make up 1-7% of the text on the page, which should contain 250-700 words.


6、B take a look at …


7、A phrase search is semi-exact, and it excludes documents that contain only inflected versions of the term.


8、contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including any or all of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc.

注意由于附著词将词汇分割成各个片断,所以基本形式的短语搜索会返回包含 “girl"s” 的文档。

9、Note that because the clitic splits the term into fragments, the document containing "girl"s" is returned with a phrase search on the base form.


10、A noun phrase can consist of more than one key nouns and modifiers, which makes the structural relationship variable and indefinite, and so it can easily cause ambiguity.


11、The Lanham Act of 1946 states registered trademarks must not contain word or phrases in general use, such as automobile or suntan lotion.

在西班牙语中,有个同样意思的短语,“Dar un toque”, 或英语中的“To give a touch.”

12、In Spanish, the phrase for this is “Dar un toque, ” or, “To give a touch.”


13、Taxol content in needle and swig of Taxus yunnanensis was the highest within fou…


14、The reasoning test involvesmathmeticsmathematics and language and includes writing an essay.


15、Structural semantics deals with implicational lexical relations.


16、The style below contains phrases appropriate for most write-ups.

同意 Kulak 所传递的信息——短语软件工程并没有被很好的理解,并且具有否定性的含意。

17、The student agreed with the Kulak's implied message -- the term software engineering is not well understood and has a negative connotation.


18、contains an additional name component, such as a nickname, epithet, or alias, or any other descriptive phrase used within a personal name.

19、胚胎发育 短语 multiple fetation 翻译 ; 多胎妊娠英语 fetation interception 中止妊娠 Recurrent ectopic fetation 再发异位妊娠


20、In the instructions, teachers should first teach conventional indirect speech acts and implicatures, and then teach non-conventional speech acts and implicatures.

21、C. make an attempt to do sth.为固定短语,意为“尝试做某事”。

22、The level of familiarity with the song lyrics and whether the texts contained formulaic phrases was found to be even more important.对歌词的熟悉度以及文字是否包含公式化短语更重要。

23、Receipt of sweet SMS, I remember that smile, and then delete.收到蜜语蜜语的短信,记得微笑,然后删除。

24、A search for color returns documents with color and colour, both for keyword search and phrase search.搜索 color 会返回包含 color 和 colour 的文档,这适用于关键字和短语搜索。

25、The Theory of Conversational Implicature explains the pragmatic and hidden meaning of utterance according to a certain context.会话含义是指在特定的语境下所要表达的含蓄内容或言外之意,也就是话语的语用意义。

英文句子26:,26、Conversational implicature refers to meaning of language use and connotation of the language.会话含义是指语用含义或话语的言下之意,弦外之音。

27、contains a connecting phrase or link used within a name but not regarded as part of it, such as "van der" or "of".包含在姓名中使用但不作为姓名一部分的连接性短语或者连接词,如“van der”或者“of”。

28、Try to read a short English passage every day to build up your language sense.每天读一段英语短文来培养语感。

29、Former researches focused on the approaches of identifying the boundaries of the phrase while lacked an in-depth study of MNP itself.以往的研究着力于短语边界的发现,而对于最长名词短语本身缺乏深入的探讨。

30、The original SMS in Creole (or French) is displayed in the header.没有翻译的克里奥尔语(或者法语)的短信在上方显示。

31、The class are busying writing English passages.班上同学在忙于写英语短文。

32、So from Indo-European to Latin the meaning was “to send” but while in Latin a meaning of “food” evolved that was carried into languages including French and Italian.从印欧语到拉丁语的含义都是“送出去”,不过,在拉丁语中food(食物)的含义发生演变,随后被传入包括法语和意大利语在内的语言中。

33、Many languages have subsumed the patterns into the language itself.很多语言已经将模式包含在语言本身里。

34、Provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases.在行与行间为词或短语作出解释。

35、Meta-pragmatic awareness has a close relationship with pragmatic vagueness, that is, the intensity and weakness of meta-pragmatic awareness form a direct ratio with the height of pragmatic vagueness.元语用意识和含糊语用的关系十分密切,元语用意识的强弱与含糊语用的高低成正比。

36、Thus if the slop is 0, and the phrase is "hey you" then the phrase must be found in the position defined in the query.因此如果 slop 的值为 0,短语为 "hey you",那么必须按照查询中定义的位置寻找这个短语。

37、You would wrong him and wrong yourself by equivocation of any kind.你应该用含糊的语言来含糊他和你自己。

38、不时地记下一些短语 take down some phrases now and then

39、C take turns doing sth.是固定短语,意为“轮流做某事”。

40、He opened the book and found a phrase.他翻开书找了一条短语。

41、Short Introduction of Shih Hsin University Language Center, including the basic rule of Englsih-listening classroom, and an introduction of English Corner.世新大学语言中心开学简介短片,内容包含英听教室使用规则,以及世新大学英语沉浸园的介绍。

42、In high water-content producing well, application effect of ultra-short wave watercutmeter is much better than that of capacitance watercutmeter.在高含水生产井中,超短波含水率仪的测井效果明显好于电容法含水率仪。

43、Short-term English Training: Pre-College English training and ESL program.短期的英语培训:大学预科及英语ESL的培训。

44、Mini-fictions are often characterized by their short length. The characters' language involved in mini-fictions, is usually very brief, whereas rich in conversational implicatures.微型小说篇幅短小的特点决定其人物语言在简练中蕴涵着丰富的潜台词和会话含意。

45、Semantic faulty wording or formulation includes discollocation, duplicated semantics, semantic ambiguity, semantic indistinct, and semantic contradictory.第二章语义平面的语病分为搭配不当、语义重复、语义歧义、语义含混、语义矛盾等。

46、The search is applied as a phrase search, so documents that contain an inflection of the search term are not returned.这样的搜索会作为一个短语搜索,所以包含搜索词汇变形的文档不会返回。

47、A query consists of one or more words, numbers, or phrases that you hope you will find in the search results listings.查询包含一个或多个你希望在搜索结果列表中找到的词、数字或短语。

48、In this case, we introduced a deliberate error by including Underline error..在这个例子中,我们特意包含了 加下划线的短语,从而引入了一个错误。

49、Emoji & texting: Is human language extinct?绘文字与短信:人类语言要消亡了吗?

50、A superset of business attributes, including descriptions of their meaning (semantics), standardized formatting (syntax), and universal constraints.业务属性的超集,包含对这些属性含义(语义)、标准化格式(语法)和普遍制约的描述。

经典英文句子51:含短语,51、He opend the book and found a phrase.他翻开书找到一条短语.

52、Multilingual files that contain pairs of terms or short expressions (source and target) which you have added. Each pair is associated by additional information that is freely configurable.含有您已添加术语或短语对(原文和译文)的多语文件。每对都由可自由配置的附加信息关联。

53、I begin to enjoy listening to horrible stories recently.(不加定冠词) collect stamps (动宾短语)

54、Some phrases, such as “play hardball” are more common in the derived or idiomatic sense.有些短语更多是用于其引申或习语含义,例如“play hardball”("打硬球",比喻采取强硬态度)。

55、When Mr. Blankenhorn surveyed fathers about the meaning of the term "good family man, " many responded that it was a phrase they only heard at funerals.当接受调查的布兰肯霍恩先生的父亲有关用语的含义: “良好的家庭男子” ,许多回应时表示,这是一个短语,他们只听到在丧礼。

56、[短语] go up in smoke informal be destroyed by fire 〈非正式〉 被焚毁。

57、This phrautomotive service engineers has different meanings in different contexts.这个短语在不同高低文里有不同的含义。

58、About the scope of concurrent phrase, the academic circles always has the dispute.关于兼语短语的范围,学术界一直存有争议。

59、Each Chinese phrase should have 每条中文短语包含1到3种英文解释,之间用分号予以相隔。

1 to

3 English explanation, and semicolons were used to separate the explanation.

60、Not only the fur coat is soft, but it is also warm.其它的短语可以用:

61、Phrases like "a number" or "the number" tell us our expression has an unknown quantity, called a variable.像“一个数”或“这个数”之类的短语,告诉我们表达式中含有一个未知量,称之为变量。

62、to win the first place on the sports meeting last year(这是短语,因为你没有提供主语!

63、How many Germanic words does the English language contain?英语包含多少个德语词汇?

64、Beelzebub language can contain the vocabulary.魔王语言可含人的词汇。

65、English songs, for the most part, include a lot of colloquialisms, slang and generally useful phrases that aren't necessarily going to show up in your average textbook.大部分英文歌都包含许多你的教科书上不会出现的俗语、俚语和有用的短语。

66、The description fields of businessEntity, as shown in Figure businessEntity 的 description 字段(如图

1, contain one or more short business descriptions, each of which may have multilingual data.

1 所示)包含一段或多段简短的企业描述,每段描述都可能有多语言数据。

67、Table 表

1.1 Terms of elements and their content limits (Cheng Kejie, 1986)

1.1 元素含量的术语及其含量界限(程介克,1986)

68、The New Economy's two meanings might explain why Sheidlower and Lowe haven't yet glommed onto the phrase.“新经济”的双重含义可能是为什么谢多尔多和罗维还没有收录这个短语的原因。


标签: 短语

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