
作者:用户投稿 阅读:372 点赞:0





1、By default, all of the users have the same passwords as their user names.


2、Use always customized users with very limited privileges.


3、There is a fantastic amount of useful material, not to mention interesting and useful blogs and chatrooms.


4、No drug is without risk and all medicines have side effects, some of which can be fatal.

几乎所有 PHP 应用程序都具有大量实用方法。

5、Just about every PHP application has a number of utility methods.


6、Among Chinese contemporary brand names, 74% use existing words, 75.


7、Knavery may serve a turn, but honesty never fails.


8、New Wizard in the "Application" and "CLX application, " What's the difference?


9、Some correlatives must be used together while others can be used independently.


10、Youde Youcai company reuse, Youde not only the company culture, a German firm Youcai do not have to.


11、It must work better for Chinese than it does for foreigners.


12、For those who've ponied up for the Premier Edition of Google Apps, a new API will let you call up data pertaining to all the user profiles in your company Apps suite.


13、All use cases should be named.


14、Some may or may not be useful, but you just don't know.


15、Notice that some use absolute paths, while some use relative paths.


16、Do you have a spare dictionary I could borrow?


17、Some leverage the end stations, some use intervening or special switches or routers, others do some combination.


18、Sure, all those things help, but the customer experience has to be comprehensive.


19、What is the use of being angry with him since he is so insensible?


20、This measure is suited to some localities, but not to others.

21、If you delete this Certificate you will not be able to read anyE-mail that has been encrypted with it.只有您拥有您的专用密钥。没有这个专用密码,您就无法阅读使用那个“证书”发送的任何邮件。

22、Well, uselessness can be turned into usefulness.可以化无用为有用。

23、What worked for them might work for you.对他们有用,对你也会有用。

24、In use v. s. of…use.在使用中;有…用。

25、Web spiders and scrapers are useful applications, and, therefore, you can find a variety of different types in use for both good and evil.Web spider 和 scraper 是非常有用的应用程序,因此可以找到它们的很多种应用,其中有好有坏。

英文句子26:,26、In an ordinary wooden architecture, lumber is effectively differentiated according to functions in various localities precisely because it is so versatile.正因为木材有很多用途,在普通的木建筑中,能有效地利用它,使它在不同地方有不同的用途。

27、The term "state-owned land use rights" as mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes state-owned construction land use right and state-owned agricultural land use right;前款规定的国有土地使用权,包括国有建设用地使用权和国有农用地使用权;

28、You need no special cleansing liquid cleaning. However, during the day, night or repair class better.么,也没有用专门用卸妆液净净。没有中,黑日用,清晨借是用建副苦的比较好。

29、We haven't used the state monad, but there are lots of other useful monads.我们没有使用过state monad,但是用过许多其他很有用的monads。

30、This approach is especially useful for interactive applications with GUIs.对于具有 GUI 的交互式应用程序,此方法非常有用。

31、I have many useless objects 我有很多没用处的物品

2.I have some useless objects

3.Most objects are useless




32、It also had an effect of anti-inflammation when applying it topically.结论 玉台净洗液体外具有抑菌作用,局部应用具有抗炎作用。

33、This utility can only be used by user Informix or users with DBA privilege.只有用户 Informix 或具有 DBA 权限的用户可以使用此实用程序。

34、Intron gives impact on evolution both positively and negatively.它对进化的收敛既有积极作用,也有消极作用。

35、There are communication and scholarly uses.这里既有交流为目的的用户,也有为学术为目的的用户。

36、Is there a better data structure to use to index this data in Redis?有没有更好的数据结构使用指数数据,使用?

37、Apple has a Web page devoted to how the iPhone 苹果有一个网页用于展示 iPhone 对聋人及有听力障碍的人来说有多好用,不过没有提到 FaceTime 应用程序。

4 is accessible to deaf and hard of hearing people, but the FaceTime application is absent.

38、Components with redundant functionalities, especially with undesired functionalities, can not be used by users.如果构件含有冗余的行为,特别是有用户不想要的功能,则用户无法使用。

39、Almost all utilities are best conceived of as filters, although a few very useful utilities don't fit this model.几乎所有实用程序都最适合想像为过滤器,尽管有一些非常有用的实用程序不符合这个模型。

40、Information, information, it is information everywhere, some are useful, discover it is useful very hard occasionally, some is common information only, no-good .信息,信息,到处是信息,有些有用,有时候很难发现它有用,有的只是普通的信息,毫无用处。

41、use of DLLs without .NET source code没有用.NET代码,用的是DLL。

42、Some want to be criticized, some want to take its useful to those who use.有的要加以批判,有的要取其有用者为我所用。

43、Many people don’t have a computer they can spare, but if you do (or can borrow from someone who does), be sure to use it.很多人都没有备用电脑,但是如果你有(或者享有备用电脑的人借),一定要用。

44、All channels with Custom isolation use a private ETW session.所有具有自订隔离的通道都会使用私用 ETW 工作阶段。

45、Some are using micro-organisms. Still others have a hybrid approach, part biotechnological and part traditional chemistry.有的使用酶,有的使用微生物,还有的采用混合方法,部分是生物科技、部分是传统化学。

46、Large sums of money were invested in commodities that were not used, sometimes because the public saw no need for them or questioned their safety.有大量资金投在用品方面,而又未加使用。 有时这是因为公众认为没有必要使用,或者对这些用品的安全性存有质疑。

47、Miraculous Book of Ten Prescriptions has the following administration features: the methodical administration order;前言: 《十药神书》用药有以下特色:用药次第有章有法;

48、Sometimes its very useful to have a utility that can be customized (programmed) to work with your particular environment.有时,有一个可以定制(编程)以使用特定环境的实用工具是非常有用的。

49、Tears unavailing, no merit had I;流泪有何用,功行有何效?

50、No, never. (or Not yet.(不能用not ever) ---没有,从来没有。

经典英文句子51:有用,51、With toilet water, very useful.用花露水,很有用的。

52、All usage agreements shall be cancelled if the Volunteer Centre is deemed to have been misused or if the facility is needed for emergency or designated uses.倘有滥用情况,有紧急徵用或有中心特订的用途,所有已发的批准书将会自动取消。

53、That means more cards and extended credit lines to current users and their demographic and psychographic cohorts.这对信用卡的拥有者和使用者来说意味着拥有更多的信用卡和更高的信用额度。

54、The diagenesis mainly comprise compaction cementation and dissolution.成岩作用有压实作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用。

55、Knavery may serve a turn, But honesty never fails.欺诈或许暂时有用, 诚实却永远有用。

56、Is SDL functioning?SDL有作用吗?

57、Employing the concept :reuse of Youde talented , virtuous and non –training use only , not firm talent without virtue is a talent.用人理念: 有德有才重用、有德无才培养使用、有才无德坚决不用,是人才有舞台。

58、Should a service with a range of users enable all users to access all data?具有一系列用户的服务是否允许其所有用户访问所有数据?

59、Oh, no. I use username.没有, 我有用户名。

60、Better be born lucky than wise.运气比才智更有用;生不逢时,再有才气也没用。

61、Be of use, but don't be used.做有用的,但别做用旧了的。

62、That had an interesting and extremely useful side effect.那有一个有趣和非常有用的负作用。

63、the exclusive or nonexclusive nature of the right to exploit the workcovered by the license;许可使用的权利是专有使用权或者非专有使用权;

64、This offer is valid for you to effectively re-side within a week.此报盘有用期以你方一周内复到有用。

65、Do you ever use your real name?没有,我有用户名。

66、User-mode Linux is sometimes useful for similar tasks, but it takes a slightly different approach.用户模型 Linux 是针对类似任务的有用东西,但是它采用的方式略有不同。

67、Select All users and All logged in users.选择 所有用户 和 所有登录用户。

68、Making effective use of time: do not spend all your time translating.充分有效利用时间:不要把所有时间用在翻译上。

69、It works with herring, but will it work with ferrous metals?它对鲱鱼有用,可是对铁金属也有用吗?

70、Subscribers to digital cable television programs were 45.03 million.有线电视用户16342万户,有线数字电视用户4503万户。

71、Proprietary software is restricted by EULAs, not just by copyright, and the users don't have the source code.专有软件的使用是由使用者授权合约(EULA)限定的,而不只有版权限定,而且使用者没有源代码。

72、Recommended for all users, including all the features of Platinum Edition.推荐所有用户使用,包括白金版所有功能。

73、A sheep is a useful animal, whose wool has many uses.羊是一种有用的动物,它的毛有许多用途。

74、DMAE has other useful benefits too.DMAE还有其他的有用功效。

75、What's the use?这有甚莫用?。



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