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关于”问句的基本句型“的英语句子38个,句子主体:Basic sentence patterns of questions。以下是关于问句的基本句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Basic sentence patterns of questions


1、Did you believe him when he said he had given up smoking? A leopard cannot change its spots.


2、I have attended a lecture by Mrs. Jiang, she would add "Is that clear" after each sentence.


3、The script includes commented drop statements, which users can uncomment to drop the procedure.


4、All right, the question is, as I started to say, is, "What are the right primitives?"


5、Well, you know that old bromide “If you have to ask you can’t afford it?”


6、In other words, he actually meant to suggest is that entire novel are fictional product.


7、Who, by the way, is on the African Union delegation that will advise the Irish on “stakeholder ownership and grassroots participation and thorough consultation”?


8、By the way, don’t look for the technocrats to solve their electricity problems anytime soon.


9、ACT: No that was a question! Have the ramp people cleared you into the gate?


10、My pen-pal and I have corresponded for years but I've never actually met him.


11、In other words, accessibility is an untapped market opportunity with potentially high rewards. 1


12、At first he thought this woman was me, so he asked if I was alright.


13、She was essentially feminine in other words a parasite and a chalice.


14、It is the question of really who governs or maybe put another way ? who should govern who ought to govern.


15、After exchanging the usual pleasantries, he asked me an odd question: “Is this like your conference party outfit?”


16、Specific for acne-prone skin and rough pores. Origin: Egypt.

原正本文件被DHL快递遗失了,我们会重新寄一份新的给你,请以新的为准。 请问这句英文怎么翻译?

17、The original copy has got lost by DHL. We will send a new one to you again and please take it as the right one.

一句话: 尽管西安新厂被放行,但比亚迪需要在基本面上下更多苦功夫才能回归高增长轨道。

18、Bottom line : Despite a positive step in its stalled Shaanxi mega-plant, BYD needs to focus on basics to restart its growth trajectory.


19、The three basic problems of two-dimensional (2-D) hidden Markov models (HMMs) are studied, including probability evaluation, optimal states and parameter estimation.


20、The first thing I wrote on my script [for Training Day] was 'the wages of sin is death.'

21、Significant correlation is found in the abilities of understanding rhetorical question and of using rhetorical question.学生对反问句的理解能力和运用能力存在显著相关。

22、I don't care what the difference is" is the meaning of the rhetorical question.我不管区别在哪“,是这个修辞的问句的意思。

23、"Because I detest ghost stories, " said Prince Ippolit in a tone which showed that he uttered the words before he was aware of their meaning.“问题就在于,我 很 讨厌鬼魂的故事”伊波利特公爵用这种语调说,从中可以明显 地看出,他先说这句话,然后才明了这句话有什么涵义。

24、Don't underestimate how bolding certain words or sentences can make an otherwise benign statement one with emphasis.不要低估加粗的词句会怎样强调了本来平和的表述。

25、The true solution to this problem is to improve the access plan for problematic SQL statements by adding the correct indexes.这个问题的正确解决方案是通过添加正确的索引改进有问题的 SQL 语句的存取方案。

英文句子26:,26、You'll know what you lack after learning. You'll know what you are confused with after teaching. …“学然后知不足,教然后知困”这句英译本中的翻译?

27、A clinician must balance these provider-centered goals with patient-centered goals.该段主题句的大意是:在与患者交谈之前,明确问诊的目的十分重要。

28、The basic problem is twofold.最基本的问题是双重的。

29、With this chance, Daiyu had something to ask Baoyu : "Let me ask you one question, and see how you answer."黛玉乘此机会,说道:“我便问你一句话,你如何回答?”

30、The entertainment now is to see what people will do just to be on TV. People still win money , but the real prize is to be in front of an audience of millions.该句说“人们现在仍然在赢钱,但是真正的奖项放在了数百万观众的面前”,因此判断问题句的说法不正确。

31、To make this happen, we will use with-syntax which is essentially a "let" statement for macros.为此,我们将使用 with-syntax,这本质上是用于宏的 “let” 语句。

32、Cummings said this was the second time he had been laid up, and we have never sent to inquire.卡明斯说这是他第二次病倒了,可是我们连问也没问一句。

33、The sentence to be translated that contains variables also needs to be stored separately in localization packs and combined together when accessed from the localization pack manager.对于要翻译的包含变量的句子,同样要在本地化包中进行分别存储,并在从本地化包管理器访问时,将它们组合在一起。

34、That way, data access functions will not use database-dependent query statements, but call some other functions that will do the queries themselves.这样,数据访问功能将不能使用数据库相关的查询语句,但调用一些其他功能也将这样做查询本身。

35、In other words, transmission is possible, we just don't think it happens very often.换句话说,(疯牛病的)传播是有可能的,只是我们没有经常虑及这个问题。

36、Early next morning, the car see also MM, even casually asked the sentence: checked yet?第二天一大早,车也见的MM,甚至随便问了一句:检查还没有呢?

37、The multiresolution numerical modeling method oriented to the digital geometry is developed, that can be used to solve the problem.本文建立的面向数字几何模型的多分辨率数值算法模型为解决该问题提供了必要的基础。

38、Furthermore, it is pointed out that the immediate allocation of turn-taking and the temporary topic control result in the latency of questions as a powerful means in casual conversation.本论文进一步指出日常会话中的问句控制了即刻的话轮和临时的话题,从而潜在地实施着权势。

39、All right, the question is, as I started to say, is, "What are the right primitives?"好了,就像我刚开始说的,问题在于,“什么才是正确的基本类型呢?

40、Interpretation questions: the reader has to interpret, not simply comprehend, the information in the text. e.g. 'The author mentions Hannah's heart condition in the first line of the story. Why?阐释类问题:读者必须阐释文本信息,而非仅仅是理解,如“作者在故事的第一句就提到了汉娜的心脏问题,为什么?”

41、I like her the last series of questions in the book: why will become more and more blundering?我喜欢她书里最后的一连串问句:为什么会变得越来越浮躁?

42、"Please don't ask me to-night, " Jennie had said, which put an end to the sharpest form of his queries.“请你今天晚上不要问我吧,”珍妮说了这一句,才止住了他那些令人难堪的问题。

43、China is still some way off the cirrhosis death rates seen in Britain or Japan.这句话是说中国肝硬化发病率比英国和日本的低吧?

44、When you pick up your medicine from the pharmacy, ask: Is this the medicine that my doctor prescribed?主药房谢药的时候,问一句:这非尔的医生启具的药物吗?

45、When I ask my friend if she likes my new dress, I was fishing for a compliment。我问她是否喜欢我的新衣服时,其实是想让她夸我几句。

46、The last time he taught it, the final time he taught it, he never got beyond the first sentence, ? "I went down to the Piraeus." What does it mean?但上次上课时,也是他最后一次讲这门课时,他根本没离开过第一句,“我南降皮里亚斯“,这句意思为何?

47、With a pretest-test-posttest design, it investigates the impact of recast and clarification request, noticing, and modified output on EFL question development.基于这一假设,采用实验前测-实验-实验后测的研究方法,探究上述三个因素对英语问句习得发展的影响。

48、Put into the tank lt. 25 of NaClO with lt. 25 of treated water.请问这句话确切意思是什么,25升水里含有次氯酸钠吗?

49、So you can ask if there is something else that is occupying their mind by using an "Is there" question.所以你可以用“Is there”问句来问问他们是否有别的什么事让他们心神不宁。

50、Captian Butler asks for me when he comes back, I'm asleep.现在,奶妈,你一定要帮我传句话。 如果巴特勒上尉回来问到我,就说我睡了。

经典英文句子51:问句的基本句型,51、In other words, when you understand Tao, you immediately solve the problem on birth and death.换句话说,了解道的同时,对死生等问题也就迎刃而解了。

52、How long does it take you to assemble the machine?这句英语咋说:请问你们组装这台机器需要多长时间?

53、In other words, Turner's awe when looking at human achievements and when looking at history itself.换句话说,人类取得的成果和历史本身让透纳为之敬畏。

54、The fundamental problem with the proprietary software model is not one of evil ownership or grasping vendors.专有软件模型的基本问题不在于万恶的所有权或者贪婪的系统商。

55、Incidentally has anyone told him that Japan actually does pay a substantial amount of "sympathy money" or might Trump shout "You're fired! "顺便说一句,就没人告诉他日本确实付出了大量的“慰问金”么,否则川普可能会吼“你被解雇了!”

56、I am being truthful in introducing some basic views concerning China's domestic and foreign policies. Every sentence of mine is truthful because only truthfulness can move people.我是诚恳地谈中国对内对外政策的一些基本观点,所讲的每一句话都是真诚的,只有真诚的话才能打动人。

57、They begin, in other words, with the object in question and then draw conclusions from it.换句话说,他们从有问题的物体入手,然后从它得出结论。

58、'It's hard to imagine that a peaceful ending of the debt-ceiling problem will put a period on the weakening dollar trend, ' said Barclays Capital chief Japan currency strategist Masafumi Yamamoto.巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)首席日本外汇策略师Masafumi Yamamoto说,很难想像债务上限问题和平收场会给美元不断走软的趋势划上句号。

59、In other words, if the default permissions are not changed, all link-local and site-local applications have access to Peer-To-Peer collaboration services, but global applications have no access.换句话说,如果未更改默认权限,则所有链接本地和站点本地的应用程序都有权访问对等协作服务,但全局应用程序则没有访问权限。

60、In other words, one user group can run more than one test script.换句话说,一个用户组能够运行不止一个的测试脚本。

61、There is no doubt that among Chomsky's syntax theories, Principles and Parameters Theory has been the most mature formal linguistics theory which has the largest explanatory power.在乔姆斯基的句法理论中,管辖与约束理论的原则与参数系统可以说是迄今为止解释力最强,最成熟的形式句法理论,其重要性不言而喻。

62、Or you could use the "who" question to find out who somebody's favorite actor or actress is.又或者你可以用“who”问句来了解其他人最欣赏的男女演员是谁。

63、It has become one of the questions we pay most attention to when judging applications.这句话最终也成为我们判断应用时最关心的问题。

64、The "problem" begins here in 2Timothy 问题开始于提后

4:2 with "preach the word".


65、Do you need some drinks? Would you like something to drink? What kinds ofd.要不要点饮料? 要什么饮料? (点套餐时他会问这一句)

66、The constable says:"Particularly mother-in-law, I also want to ask you a words."巡官说道:“尤婆婆,我也有句话要问你。

67、Let me play devil's advocate here for a minute and ask, why do women need to go to B-school?首先我想问句不该问的话:为什么女性要去读商学院?

68、It is necessary and possible to classify the function of yes-no questions into subtypes.是非问句有必要也有可能作下位层次的功能分类。

69、After some talk I know that these students all major in Finace or Economics or Bussiness, and some of them are seniors while most are sophomores.小谈几句我便知道了,这些学生基本上都是财税、经济、贸易专业,多数是xx年级学生,也有一些大四的。

70、As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and this is just where the trouble begins.就像有句话说的,一幅画胜过千言万语,而这正是问题的起源。

71、Dickie left the shop without a word and returned carrying a large cloth bag.迪基一句话没说就离开了商店,随后拿着一个大布袋回来了。

72、The script includes commented drop statements that users can uncomment to drop the table.该脚本包括已注释掉的撤销语句,用户可以取消对表的撤销。

73、We all have a pure, intrinsic nature that is unpolluted. It is also called innocent, intrinsic nature.要知道我们人人有清净的本性,就是都没有受过污染,也有句话说是:「天真本性」。

74、Automatically tagging relative in the complete sentences is the basal researchful problem, It is the base of tagging level, machine translation.复句关系词的自动标注是自然语言理解领域的基础性研究课题,是层次关系标注和机器翻译等问题的研究基础。

75、Before marriage, liang sicheng Lin huiyin asked: "have a word, I only ask this time, later dont ask, why me?"婚前,梁思成问林徽因:“有一句话,我只问这一次,以后都不会再问,为什么是我?”

英文句子模板76:Basic sentence patterns of questions,76、These three popular misquotes are meant to be jokes, and yet they tell us a lot about human nature.这三句普遍的悖论本只是让人一笑而过的,但是却透露了很多人的本性。

77、The golfer buys it at once. "Just one question," he says to the salesman.高尔夫球手当即买下这个球,随口问了一句:“你从哪搞到它的?”

78、In Part Three, the author aims to discuss the musical characteristics from such perspectives as melody, musical form and scale.第三部分,笔者主要从基本曲调、句式曲式结构及调式音阶特色这几点出发分析了河阳山歌的音乐形式特征。

79、"Did the Niang get sick?"Becomes useful to finally seek a vacant in time, the asking of care is “娘病了么?”赵成材终于找个空档,关切的问了一句。


80、Shakespeare say:To be or not to be That is a question.我抄过这句话,我觉得是说 生存或者毁灭,这是个问题。



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