关于”常用“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Commonly used。以下是关于常用的xx年级英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Commonly used
2. Common options for hdparm
2. hdparm 的常用选项
2、To complete a task, an application often must take the user through a progressive series of screens.
3、Why Sight Words are essential?
4、Evergreens:Twigs or branches of evergreen plants used as decoration.
大部分的学生常常去补习班, , 而且他们必须非常用功读书。
5、Most students often go to cram schools, and they have to study very hard.
6、How often do you use foul languages?
通常,使用 NFA 是为了获得高可用性。
7、Typically, the NFA is used for high availability.
8、Twigs or branches of evergreen plants used as decoration.
当创建 RCP 应用程序时,随着对复用性的关注您应该常常创建若干插件。
9、When creating RCP applications, you should usually create several plug-ins with reusability in mind.
根据它的作用,inetd 常常被称为 “超级服务员”。
10、Given its role, inetd is often referred to as a "super server."
11、It is a common colloquialism.
12、This cashless insurance scheme is a big help.
13、Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients.
此 API 还具备针对很多常用语言(包括我最常使用的 PHP)的客户库。
14、The API already has client libraries for many common programming languages...including the one I use most often, PHP.
当考虑压缩文档时,通常首先考虑常用的压缩算法,如:Lempel-Ziv 和 Huffman,以及在它们上面实现变化的一些常用实用程序。
15、When you think about compressing documents, you normally think first of general compression algorithms like Lempel-Ziv and Huffman, and of the common utilities that implement variations on them.
16、One often-cited example is user authentication - taking a username and password combo and authenticating it against some back-end store.
17、Now consider the fact users typically use common words, names, dates, and so on in their passwords.
18、RenRen's users are active.
“尽早并且经常”使用 WTE。
19、Use WTE "early and often."
银质古钱通常不作流通用途, 大多只作倍葬或首饰之用, 非常罕见。
20、Silver Cash usually not for circulation but for burial or ornament purposes and are very rare.
21、To put new wine in old bottles often does harm to literary creation.用旧瓶装进新酒,常常有害于文学创作。
22、Stored procedures are often used to consolidate and centralize logic that was originally implemented in applications.存储过程常常用来整合和集中那些原来在应用程序中实现的逻辑。
23、A new medication, with perspiration as a side effect, is the culprit.有出汗副作用的新药常常是盗汗的魁首。
24、An oar often acts as rudder.桨常可起舵的作用。
25、Coagulation is often invoked to explain these variations.经常用凝聚作用来解释这种变化。
英文句子26:,26、It does this by using the very archiver you use.它通过使用非常归档您使用此。
27、No,I don't. I usually use a typewriter.不,我不总用。我经常用打字机。
28、A copier that has been used a lot often has some dark smudges.复印机经常使用常会出现黑色的脏污。
29、A food fish(Merlangus merlangus) of European Atlantic waters, related to the cod.鱼条的原材料通常使用鳕鱼,非常健康。
30、It is also often used in needlepoint .它也常用于绒绣。
31、Use legs and have legs. 经常用腿,健步如飞。
32、So this is really useful.因此它是非常有用的。
33、Payments were demanded in specie.通常要求用硬币支付。
34、She often sings to the piano.她常用钢琴伴唱。
35、Basic Radial Clearance Section applies to all operating conditions, the conventional temperature and commonly used fit;基本径向游隙组适用于一般的运转条件、常规温度及常用的过盈配合;
36、Use your mouse as you would normally, though remember that you don't need to double-click to open apps.你可以如往常一样,正常使用鼠标,但记住无需双击打开应用。
37、Psychotic, on the other hand, is a word often best avoided, because people often aren’t sure what it means.另一方面,精神病是一个常常被避免使用的词,因为人们常常不明切其所指。
38、Non-toxicity, highly suitable recommended for drinking water tanks.涂膜无毒,非常适用于饮用水舱;
39、If the refresh rate is too low, the screen will flicker very clear, which usually annoys and fatigues the user.如果刷新率太低,屏幕则会出现非常明显的闪烁,这通常会妨碍用户正常使用并使其感到疲劳。
40、Hexadecimal constants are commonly used as masks or specific bit values.进制的常量通常都用作掩码或特殊位的值。
41、Those are traditional characters.这是以前常用的繁体字。
42、However they are the wildest predator you can ever met.但是他们是野外的食用动物,你会常常遇到。
43、It lends itself well to wide-ac-range applications.它非常适用于宽交流范围的应用。
44、In that campaign, the tanks were often used in support role, shooting in the infantry as mobile artillery.在那次战役中,坦克常常用来起支援作用,象机动炮那样掩护步兵。
45、The metallic sodium use is widespread, the commercial value is big.金属钠用途非常广泛,工业价值非常大。
46、And using common sense is beyond them?他们就不能够用用常理思考吗?
47、Customer: I usually apply gel.客人:我经常用啫喱的。
48、Tessitura signifies the general compass of a particular part, which may be high, low or normal for a voice.可用音域是指某一部分的常用音域,可以是高,低或正常。
49、He had read extensively; he was able to use his own language correctly and often elegantly .他博览群书,能正确地使用他的语言,而且常常用得很高雅。
50、"People often follow a different way of thinking than the one dictated by classical logic," says Aerts.“人类常常用不同的方法来思考,不只使用经典逻辑来进行决定。” Aerts说。
经典英文句子51:常用,51、We are often exposed in the sun and rain with sweat all over.我们常常在阳光和雨水接触,用汗水全。
52、The camera is very user-friendly.这照相机非常好用。
53、While this is very useful for product recommendations and esoteric searches, it’s not good for day-to-day use.这虽然是一个非常有用的产品推荐,但是并不适于日常使用。
54、Users of Schematron (see Resources) often find it useful to be able to customize messages that are reported when rules are violated ( Listing Schematron 用户(参见 参考资料)常常发现,对违背规则后报告的消息进行定制的能力非常有用( 清单
55、They also come canned, usually in adobo sauce.也用于制作罐头,通常用于制作adobo酱。
56、Osier is used to make baskets.柳条常用来编筐。
57、This registry can be used to store frequently used images.该注册项可用于存储常用图像。
58、订餐常用语I would like a table for two this evening
59、I often use herbal remedies.我常使用草药疗法。
60、This will do me very well.这对我非常适用。
61、Dongdong very good and can be used to solve ordinary differential equations.非常好的东东,可以用来求解常微分方程。
62、This exception is used as a standard application-level exception to report a failure to create an EJB object.该异常作为一个标准应用级异常使用,来报告创建EJB对象失败。
63、The carbapenems are normally kept for emergencies and used when bacteria is found to be resistant to more commonly prescribed antibiotics.碳青霉烯类通常在紧急情况时才使用,用于细菌对常用的抗生素产生耐药性之后。
64、The combination of acupoints in common use.头针的常用配穴。
65、This can be very useful for debugging applications that use localStorage.这对于调试使用 localStorage 的应用程序非常有用。
66、They often reuse old window and door frames, timber, roof sheets, sometimes bricks.他们常常重新使用旧窗户和门框、木材和房顶,有时候还回收使用砖。
67、Batch and Utilities: Batch and utility programs typically deal with large amounts of data, often processing the data in a sequential manner.批处理和实用程序: 批处理和实用程序通常处理大量的数据,并且常常以一种连续的方式处理数据。
68、He was drenched, hung-over and exhausted and very…very angry at Sedrick for using his guitar.看到塞利克用着他那吉他,他已变得非常、非常、非常地生气!
69、Another common use of tail is to follow a file using the -f option, usually with a line count of tail 的另一个常见用法就是使用 -f 选项跟踪(follow)文件,通常使用一个行计数
70、As there is no standard for tagging articles, for example, users often use very 'agency-centric' terms to tag their posts, or use the wrong tags altogether.而且标记文章并没有标准,比如说,使用者们常常用非常“以机构为中心”的格式来标记他们的文章,或者全部用错标记。
71、It is often mix mixed with clean cream of chargetartar, a fine poter powder commonly used in cooking.它经常用于和鞑靼奶油的混合,一种经常用于烹饪的粉末。
72、Uniquely for normal hair.适合正常发质电发使用。
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