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关于”努力变优秀“的英语句子46个,句子主体:strive to become excellent。以下是关于努力变优秀的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:strive to become excellent


1、It is perhaps easier to be a good craftsman with wood and nails than a good craftsman with words, but all of us can increase our skill and sensitivity with a little effort and patience.


2、It's our goal to build an enterprise with first-class products, first-class management team, first-class management means.


3、In this way we all become better and we all push design further.


4、The Carthaginians and Numidians had shown themselves to be good warriors as well.


5、In the joint efforts of the villagers, Song Xiaofeng became the director of the village and to return to the ranks of outstanding Ivory mountain village village;


6、Ironically, good players tend to underrate their skill.


7、Excellent communication skills with proficiency in oral and written English and Chianese.


8、You can only become a top student with additional work.


9、As soon as I knew he liked me, I would have relaxed and dropped the manipulative plotting and devoted myself to being the best girlfriend ever.


10、At first, it was hard to believe. I considered myself to be quite excellent.


11、A girl athlete named Tobi worked very hard and became the best sportswoman in her team.


12、He is strong, athletic and a good finisher.


13、On the other hand, our advantages can be enhanced and our shortcoming remedied by our efforts.


14、The worst part is that well-meaning, hard-working, brilliant people see a significant number of their projects fail.

15、try my hard to be more execellent. 强调尽自己最大的努力变得更优秀。

PHP 的一个优秀特性是可变变量。

16、One nice feature of PHP is variable variables.


17、Must have excellent command of English both spoken and written.


18、Good programmers strive for code clarity in addition to code performance.


19、Looking to the future, we are going to provide our clients with more stylish and competitive stationery products.


20、Good communication capacity with excellent team-work spirit;

21、As an excellent subsidiary, SMK Electronics(Shenzhen) Co. , Ltd. will further enhance its management and technical innovative ability, and work more assiduously to create a more brilliant tomorrow!作为其中的优秀子公司,和林电子将进一步提高管理水平和技术创新能力,为创造更加辉煌的明天而努力奋斗!

22、There eis a saying called slow need to start early, meaning that: learning is not very good people, than the earlier efforts of others, it will be able to catch up with the good than their own people.有一句俗语叫笨鸟先飞,意思是说:学习不很优秀的人,要比别人提早努力,这样就能够赶上比自己优秀的人了。 。

23、So as for me, I always work hard in this area, and I was excellent at this subject. And I think this is my advantage.所以我是认认真真努力学好这门课,这门课的成绩也就特别优秀。

24、But he still has excellent judgement in solving criminal cases.但他对断案仍有优秀的判断力。

25、At present, the principal reasons that China's elite athletes of race-walking are the weak specific technology and insufficient capability in the latter race-course acceleration.与世界优秀的竞走运动员相比,中国优秀竞走运动员在专项技术、专项速度能力、后程加速能力、专项力量能力等方面存在着较为明显的差距。

英文句子26:,26、My Life Story described her hard struggle to become an outstanding writer and educationist across the world.我的生活故事,描述她努力成为一名优秀的作家和教育家,在世界上。

27、It gives you great confidence to go out there and try and be as good as them.这让我出门时有更大的信心,以努力成为像他们一样优秀的球员。

28、It is possible, in general, to write good, professional-quality code which passes lint, and the effort to do so usually turns up significant errors.通常情况下,您能够编写忽略 lint 的优秀的专业质量代码,但努力这样做的结果通常会发生重大错误。

29、Outstanding ability that can be secondary qualifications.能力优秀者学历条件可适当放宽。

30、It usually takes me about 通常我要做大概3-4次这样的最后一关最后一口气的努力,通过这些真正地让这个作品达到优秀。

3 or

4 times of doing this last pass-last gasp effort to really put the piece over the top.

31、Return home of gold of one's own parents, xia Yimei still hopeful effort, do not abandon doing outstanding editorial ideal, blend in this civilian family stage by stage.回到亲生父母金家,夏以沫依然乐观努力,不放弃做优秀编辑的理想,并逐步融入这个平民家庭。

32、It is our great honor to receive the award, which shows that our efforts in pursuing excellent corporate governance are widely recognized.我们董事会获颁此奖感到非常荣幸, 显示了我们追求优秀公司治理规范的不懈努力已被外界广泛认同。

33、Best Costume - For using outstanding creative imagination in costuming.最佳服装 -使用想象力,优秀的创意服装。

34、As long as you are excellent and hard-working, you will have the chance to obtain them.那么只要你够优秀、够努力,哪怕一点点进步都会有机会获得呦!

35、【try my hard to be more execellent,意思是努力让自己变更优秀 【try to be perfect,意思是尽力地做到完美 楼主选择一个吧

36、"In order to do that I must work hard because there are some very good attackers here like Adriano, Julio Cruz and Alvaro Recoba, " he concluded.要站稳主力位置,我必须努力训练,因为我们有很多有优秀的前锋,比如说阿德里亚诺、里卡多.克鲁兹和阿尔瓦罗.雷科巴。

37、With the unremitting effort , we will bred out more and more excellent lion - head mastiffs, and carry forward the special brave and loyal virtue of Tibetan mastiff.相信在我们的不懈努力下会培养出更多更优秀的狮头藏獒,将藏獒特有的忠勇品德发扬光大。

38、If you want to excel as a fashion designer, working towards that goal should generally win over other other distractions.假如你想成为一个优秀的时尚设计师,那么朝着目标努力就应该胜过其他一切杂务。

39、She is named as Outstanding Tutorship Teacher and Outstanding Impresario .多次获得优秀辅导教师和优秀指挥奖。

40、I am working hard and I am an excellent student.我一直都很努力学习,我是一名优秀生。

41、English reading and writing capability is required and speaking is preferred.较强的英语阅读和写作能力,口语优秀者优先。

42、Second good piece of style here is choice of variable names.第二个编程优秀风格就是,变量名称的选择。

43、what you thought before you got here.变得比来这里之前的你更优秀。

44、We continuously strive to be the best by fostering a quality culture based upon teamwork, responsibility, accountability, communication and integrity.我们不断通过团队合作、责任分工、 互相信赖、沟通和诚实经营来营造优秀的企业文化, 努力成为最优秀的企 业。

45、The weather changes; the characteristics of good businesses don't.天气在变,优秀企业的特征不变。

46、She has become an excellent student.她已变为优秀学生。

47、She was entitled “The Backbone Teacher” and “Outstanding Class Teacher”.市级优秀教师、骨干教师和优秀班主任。

48、All the employees of Jiuxing take factory as home and take clients as god. They try their best to produce every screw and contend to be excellent qualified Jiuxing people.九星全体员工以厂为家,以客户为上帝,努力做好每一个螺钉,争做一个合格优秀的九星人。

49、Success is fresh every employee's pride, so let us work hard, do a good employee for us, and to create greater efficiency, make contribution for the society's struggle!清新成功是每一名员工的骄傲和自豪,所以让我们努力工作,争做一名优秀员工,为我们清新创造更大的效益,为社会做出最大贡献而努力奋斗!

50、In Recognition of Our Quality Services: This was to recognise the group of outstanding colleagues working dedicatedly for the Department.优质服务的认同: 表扬一群为部门努力耕耘、工作表现优秀的同事。

经典英文句子51:努力变优秀,51、The studious girl struggled to be the best in the class.那个勤奋好学的女孩努力成为班里最优秀的学生。

52、He has the technical level, the mental approach, the personality and is very keen to work hard.他有着良好的技术,稳健的心理素质,优秀的品格,同时具备积极的热情去努力工作。

53、Education is about education, period, and excellence is about excellence.教育就是教育,课时,而优秀就是优秀。

54、The best students pay attention in class.最优秀的学生上课时注意力都很集中。

55、Sometimes our priorities change and we no longer want to work on those goals anymore.有时候我们的优先权会改变,我们不再想在这些目标上努力。

56、Or more accurately many years of hard work and innovation by a lot of great folks.或者更准确地说,是许多优秀人才的多年努力和创新的历程。

57、One need not look far to see examples of good persuasive design; they get talked about because they’re exciting.人们不需要费很大力气就能找到劝导式设计的优秀例子;它们如此优秀以至于经常被人议论。

58、Cheng-Ming Machinery Co. , Ltd has always been committed to supporting clients and assisting their companies to become more excellent enterprises.铖铭机械一直致力于支持广大客户,并为协助他们成为更优秀的企业而努力。

59、Those students who studied hard have shown their work with great results.付出努力的同学们都考出了优秀的成绩。

60、She was entitled " The Backbone Teacher " and " Outstanding Class Teacher ".市级优秀教师、骨干教师和优秀班主任。

61、For now, he is outwardly driven by winning and motivated by perceived slights against him that give him an edge. They prompt him to push and play harder than most exceptional athletes.现在,他不仅被胜利所鼓舞,而且外界的轻视也给了他很大的动力,这些使得他要比最优秀的球员还要努力。

62、The Group paid great attention to the image construction of "Three Excellencies " (excellent environment, excellent service and excellent employees").集团注力于优良环境、优质服务、优秀员工的“三优”形象建设。

63、SCUT provides us with the excellent educational resource and extensive room for growth, however, turning the possibility into reality finally depends on ourselves.华工—楷博班为我们提供了著名学府的优秀教育资源和国际名校的广阔发展空间,但是,把机会变成现实还需要适当的方法和不懈的努力。

64、We studied reasonably hard, and had the privilege of working with many talented professors, some of whom are here today.我们学习相当努力,并有幸与许多优秀教授一起工作,他们中的一些人今天也在这里。

65、With good co-ordination, planning ability, strong writing foundation;具有优秀的统筹、策划能力,文字功底强;

66、A person only good enough, his art to excellent, so don't expect you to have a little music talent can be musician, you also learn to study hard to improve ourselves.一个人只有足够优秀,他的艺术才能优秀,所以不要期望你只有一点音乐天赋就可以成为音乐家,你还学要努力学习来提高自己。


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