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除法用英语翻译为"division -",还网络中常译为" [数] Division",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到95个与除法相关的译文和例句。


1. division -

除法翻译为 division - 。

示例:其中大多数可能都是不言自明的,比如加法、减法、乘法和除法。 Most of these are probably self-explanatory, like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


2. [数] Division

除法翻译为 [数] Division 。

示例:我女儿xx岁时,我就教她怎样做除法。 I taught my daughter how to do division at the age of six.


3. DIV

除法翻译为 DIV 。

示例:她叫我到黑板上做一道长除法题。 She called me to the blackboard to do a long division problem.


4. Modulo

除法翻译为 Modulo 。

示例:it's addition modulo 这是一位加和的二进制数,就像计算机奇偶校验中的一位加和编码一样。

2, just like in the parity bit check on your computer.



1. exact division(正合除法,精确除法; 整除)

2. divide overflow(除法溢出)

3. dividing circuit(除法电路)

4. eradicant eating(铲除法)

5. hardware division(硬件除法)

英语短语&俚语, Euclidean algorithm ( 辗转相除法 )

trying division method trial divisor ( 试除法 数 )

exclusionary rule Exclusionary Rule of evidence ( 证据排除法则 )

hearsay testimonium de auditu ( 传闻证据排除法则 )

divider switching-charge DIV ( 除法器 计 )

Exclusion method of exclusion elimination process ( 排除法 )

Division Division Operation t ( 除法运算 )

long division method ( 长除法 )

The Meaning of Division ( 除法的意义 )


1. The fourth you can figure out using the process of elimination.

译文:第四条通道可以通过排除法来确定。 。

2. Let me explain our reasoning. We eliminated some choices.

译文:我解释一下 我们采取的是排除法。

3. Forget about apples... just remember to inverse and multiply.

译文:分数的乘法是直接乘 除法的时候要把除数倒过来就对啦。

4. According to Gause's principle of competitive exclusion, species with identical niches cannot coexist.


5. The pupil could add and subtract but hadn't learned to pide.

译文:这名小学生能做加法和减法,但还没学会做除法。 。

6. A test apparatus, based on the principle of liquid liquid displacement porometry was established for determining pore size distribution of inorganic membranes.

译文:利用液体排除法实验测定了多孔陶瓷膜的孔径分布。 。

7. Even now, dividing fractions is difficult.

译文:现在我回想起来还是觉得分数的除法 真的是好难哦。

8. What i didn't say was, "Divide isn't working yet."

译文:但我没有说的是:“除法暂时还不好用。” 。

9. Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination.

译文:用排除法找出你对哪种食物过敏。 。

10. Then we eliminate possibilities. That one's under construction.

译文:那我们就用排除法 那栋正在施工。

11. Professional paranormal investigations and eliminations.


12. - How much of it will be long division?

译文:- 长除法占多少比例啊? - 这孩子!。

13. Quiet, or i will clear the courtroom.


14. i'd love for her to show me how to take down a building.


15. The complications were mainly appeared in those managed by the surgery of lensectomy.

译文:但切除法手术并发症相对较多。 。


标签: 单词

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