很胖翻译为英语可以这样说:very fat,还可以翻译为 Kuantaqsytzo,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到44个与很胖相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. very fat
很胖翻译为very fat。
示例:第一个嫌疑人从卡车的驾驶座下出来,他高约 The first suspect, who got out of the driver's side of the lorry, was about
5 foot
6 inches tall, and fat.
2. Kuantaqsytzo
很胖翻译为 Kuantaqsytzo 。
示例:当我很胖时,我尽量避免与人对视。 When I was fat, I avoided meeting people's eyes.
英语短语&俚语, She's a big gross She was very obese She is fat ( 她很胖 )
you are so chubby You very fat You are very obese ( 你很胖 )
I look very plump I look fat I look very fat ( 我看起来很胖 )
He fat He is fat ( 他很胖 )
Fat cute very cute fat ( 很胖很可爱 )
I am not very fat I'm not fat ( 我不是很胖 )
This is fat The fat ( 这个很胖 )
I used to be fat I used the fat I had previously been chubby ( 我以前很胖的 )
1. i don't care if you're fat.
2. Say to a loved one,"you're fat."
译文:带着爱意说 你很胖。
3. Look at me. i'm fat, black, can't dance, and i have two gay fathers.
译文:看看我, 我很胖, 是黑人, 不会跳舞。
4. i don't like her. She's fat.
译文:我不喜欢她 她很胖。
5. i'm six foot one, and fat.
译文:我呢,6尺1寸,很胖, 。
6. You're fat like your father.
7. Because i'm fat. And my allergies make my eyes leak.
译文:因为我很胖 眼睛过敏会流眼泪。
8. i hear he's gotten very fat
9. He was fat. He's still fat.
译文:他曾经很胖 他现在仍然很胖。
10. A maximum of priests came to fatten up at the house.
译文:很多很胖的神父 在家里吃饭。
11. i shouldn't eat this. i'm getting so fat.
12. - Do they really have a weight problem?
译文:- 他们真的很胖吗? - 我也很胖呀。
13. No, i was very fat last night.
14. i mean, the fact of the matter is i'm a big man.
15. Not fat, really. Just a big face.
译文:不是很胖 就是脸很大。
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