教育英语单词怎么写 英语

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教育用英语写是"education",其次还可以说成" bring up",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到76个与教育相关的释义和例句。


1. education


示例:政府提供免费教育。 The state provides free education.


2. bring up

教育翻译为 bring up 。

示例:他们正在削减教育经费。 They're cutting funds for education.


3. education -

教育翻译为 education - 。

示例:教育是民主社会的基础。 Education is the basis of a democratic society.


4. 109 He criticized the teaching method which "explanation"was regarded as only or best teaching met

教育翻译为 109 He criticized the teaching method which "explanation"was regarded as only or best teaching met。

示例:The integrated course is colligated in teaching content, teaching method and teaching measure. 综合型艺术课程在教学内容、学方法和教学手段上都进行了综合。



1. educational technique(教育技术,教育手段;教育方法)


2. educate(教育


3. education(教育

4. educatings(教育)

5. the education(教育)

英语短语&俚语, special education education for those with special learning needs special needs education Education( 特殊教育 )

Ministry of Education the Ministry of Education Department for Education MOE ( 教育部 )

well-rounded education quality-oriented education well-rounded education education for all-around d( 素质教育 )

pedagogy ( 教育学 社科 )

distance education distance learning remote education Long-Distance Education ( 远程教育 )

vocational education the system of “Five Guarantees” professional education TAFE ( 职业教育 社科 )

equal access to education equal access to education fair access to education education equity educa( 教育公平 )

pre-school education preschool education Preschool Early Childhood Education ( 学前教育 )

liberal arts education Liberal Education liberal arts Artes Liberales ( 博雅教育 )


1. The Educational category groups the educational and pedagogic characteristics of the learning object.

译文:教育(Educational)范畴包括学习对象的教育性和教育学特征。 。

2. Pedagogical approach guides the direction of educational activities and helps educators to achieve educational destinations.


3. Qilu Deng as an education novel, demonstrates the education folklore, reflects education problems.

译文:《歧路灯》作为教育小说,展现教育民俗事象,反映教育问题。 。

4. So education returning to existential ontology represents as returning to its undistorted intendment.


5. You're always correcting him.


6. A Bief Discussion on Network Education


7. it's very specialized. They're not generalists.


8. So education returning to existential ontology represents as returning to its undistorted intendment.

译文:回归生存本体的教育因而表现为回归教育的本真意蕴的教育。 。

9. The Educational category groups the educational and pedagogic characteristics of the learning object.


10. So you're in the teaching profession.

译文:- 你从事教育?。

11. nurture him a little bit today.


12. Education: how do we improve education?

译文:教育:我们如何让教育变得更好? 。

13. Later - interrogation, education.

译文:之后 审讯 教育。

14. From pleasurable education, eudemonism education, enjoyable education to play-education, the way to play of education leads straightly to the perfect education.

译文:从愉快教育、幸福教育、享受教育到游戏教育,教育的游戏之路一直通向美好的教育。 。

15. - Defecation-- Edification.

译文:不对 教育 23333。


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