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一片面包翻译为英语的写法为: A piece of toast,还网络中常译为"a piece of bread",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到18个与一片面包相关的释义和例句。


1. A piece of toast

一片面包翻译为 A piece of toast 。

示例:玛丽娜只吃了一片面包。 Marina ate only one slice of bread.


2. a piece of bread

一片面包翻译为a piece of bread。

示例:一片面包都没有了。 There's no bread left.


3. a slice of bread

一片面包翻译为 a slice of bread 。

示例:他叉起一个鸡蛋放到一片面包上并将其折成了一个三明治。 He forked an egg onto a piece of bread and folded it into a sandwich.


4. a slice of bread

一片面包翻译为a slice of bread。

示例:A slice of bread between some meat. 就是肉里面夹了几块面包的那种



1. in a blaze(一片火光)

2. pieces of land(一片土地)

3. rhodolarynx(一片霞)

4. in ruins(成为一片废墟)

5. dropping down( 摔出一片)

英语短语&俚语, a thick slice of bread ( 厚厚的一片面包 )

And a crust of bread ( 和一片硬面包 )

spread a slice of bread with butter ( 在一片面包上涂黄油 )

a piece of toast a slice of toast ( 一片烤面包 )

A thin bread a thin slice of bread ( 一片薄面包 )

a thick slice of bread ( 一厚片面包 )

A loaf of sliced bread ( 一条切片面包 )


1. No, we start with a loaf of bread and we cut it into smaller pieces called slices, so each slice of bread is a partitioned unit.

译文:不是这样的 我们是把一条面包切成更小的面包 并叫它“一片”面包 所以每一片面包就是一个分割单位 其他分割单位的例子包括: 。

2. A piece from here and a piece from there.

译文:一片从这里 一片从那里。

3. One more! Just one! Please!

译文:一片 只要一片 求你了!。

4. His first completed work--a slice of bread, a slice of bread on top of that, and a slice of turkey on top of both--fails miserably.


5. Who lives in a household where that crust -- that slice at the first and last end of each loaf -- who lives in a household where it does get eaten?

译文:谁会把那些面包皮—— 就是那第一片和最后一片面包片—— 哪些家庭会把这些吃掉? 。

6. Rig the barricade! Chop-chop. Hubba-hubba.


7. But if you give him a crust of bread, he will tell you his name is Andriy.

译文:但如果你给他一片面包皮 他就会告诉你他的名字是安德烈。

8. You can buy yourself a piece of zwieback.

译文:您就可以给自己买一片烤干面包片。 。

9. - The leader is on his knees.


10. A loyalty nurtures the human , a compassion helps the human , a sincerity is people , a piece offers the country loyally .


11. The guy spends the night here, and all he does is slip you a wafer?


12. i was wondering if i might make Master Sebastian a piece of toast.

译文:我想问一下您我能给 塞巴斯蒂安小主人一片面包吃吗。

13. Morning comes. The stepmother wakes up the children. She gives them both a piece of bread, and tells them to put on their clothes.


14. A salad and a piece of bread would godown well.


15. Left two large brown and a sliced white.

译文:留下了两个大黑面包 一片白面包。



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